Finished welded brake assembly, painted and assembled today, happy with result, works as it should, whole assembly including steering coloum mount now super strong. A few pics, Glen
Started making a seat recently, used a old bus seat found on market place, I ended up remaking most of the frame and used one piece of foam from the original seat. I purchased new memory foam and plan to cover with a Mexican blanket at this stage. I plan to make all interior panels in steel with beads, dimpled holes, solid rivets etc, all painted black so I feel the Mexican blanket may suit the theme of the build. A few pics, Glen
My seat is coming along nicely, added sliders today, I am waiting for my Mexican blanket to arrive before I can finish ( I have purchased a distressed look blanket - it is so cool, just wait and see ). I also received a present from Santa recently, a pair of CNC ported AFR race heads, this car is gunna be a beast, a few pics, Glen
I mounted door trims onto doors today using nutserts / rivet nuts. Overall I'm pleased with how they turned out, I am a novice with all this metal fabrication stuff, but enjoying every second of the time spent in the shed. The trims will suit the overall build theme with there imperfections. Still yet to sand and paint, a few pics. Glen
Today I fabbed up the rear bars for my roll cage, next step is to mount seat belt brackets to cage. I have a plan on how to mount seat belts and will tackle this next week. I was going to make a full cage for this car but will just leave it as a 4 point for now as there is not much room for the front bars to mount without running into issues with leg room / throttle pedal location. A few pics, Glen
Roll cage finished with seat belt mounts etc. also trimmed seat in my new stressed Mexican blanket, I think the seat looks so cool and with go with the theme of the car. Glen
I have been busy lately but still making small steps, Recently took car for first engineering inspection with good results. Engineer stated all work on car so far is ok and we have formulated a build plan going forward. I purchased some headlight buckets from a swap meet ( 37 dodge I was told ) and I purchased some solid aluminum to fab some bezels and used some Ebay Honda motorbike headlights for the lights as they were the size I needed. I am happy so far with the results, unsure weather to paint bezels or polish, leaning towards paint. A few pics. Glen
if you paint them nobody will notice and appreciate the work that you put into them. If you polish them, they will grab people’s eye and they will look twice. Either way will look great ! Amazing work on everything on this car.
Thanks Clem, I still have some work to go on these lights, I plan to machine some more of the inside diameter and round the front of the trim as I feel its to bulky from front on. I also need to open up underneath to have a way of mounting trim to bucket. I am leaning towards paint as the car will have a distressed look to it, I am even thinking of leaving the buckets the way they are so a polished trim would look out of place. I'm happy for people not to notice every detail as the one's who do notice are the one's who will appreciate it anyway. Glen