I have only just found this thread and it has taken me three days to get through it (with work and life, etc). Andy, your A tudor looks brilliant - stance and chop look great. I'm sorry I can't stomach the baby blue though - it's probably kinda trad for a 50's show car and I'm sure many love it but..................... to me, it just screams 90's pastel. Don't be insulted though - it's your car and you can have it any way you like and my opinion shouldn't impact you, just saying. Anyway, thanks for sharing and congrats to you and titus and everyone involved in the build. Cheers.
Although I have owned two model A cars without fenders this one has me and probably alot more FTF guys thinking about their next car with the wheel tins. Great job and vision.
hey Bull the tudor cane out wicked cool and just perfect you and Jeff did a perfect build. Now the question is can you cook a good bowl of chile
Thanks for all the kind words. So far most people really dig the baby blue -- especially when they see it in person. And for me, it screams 50's little pages and has sentimental ties as it reminds of riding around with my grandpa in his baby blue 64 Ford pickup when I was little. And John . . . you missed some KILLER chili this weekend at the Bull Bash my friend!
Bull, I've sent you posts before, I just love your car!!! I've read the whole thread what a great story. Congrats on the nomination and Rod & Kulture Mag. so COOL. Why not get it all ? H.A.M.B. Calendar You get my vote Bruce
Finally got my copy of the magazine . . . actually about 10 copies, but who's counting? Such a trip seeing it in print!
Now someone must want one of the Allison designed t-shirt I had made. You know you want one of the handful I have left! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=744209
Well, the flatty gave up the ghost on Sunday. It really didn't owe me anything as I got it for free (along with a pile of other parts we used in the build) years ago. All we did was clean it up, paint it, bolt on the Edmunds goodies and run it. Well she has the rod knock from hell now 2000 miles later. Time for a bit more built motor! A bit more compression, better rods, Merc crank, and hopefully something that sounds like one of these . . . I'm thinking an Isky 400 Jr cam ought to be just right . . . <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eqU-_MmyHfM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/c4xGlwwT7z4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Still a trip seeing the magazine on the newsstands . . . and yes, I flip the stack of magazines over to the back cover when I find it . . .
The November issue of the MSRA Linechaser came the other day. I guess we'll see how a traditional hot rod fares against the others in the vote for Minnesota Street Rod Association's Street Rod of the Year election. Either way, I'm honored just to have been nominated! I'll have to try to wait patiently until the annual banquet at the end of January to find out the results.
Ive seen alot of period built hot rods, I've even owned a few. And Im going to go as far to say...that car is absolutely one of the top 10 finest hot rods built in the last 50 years, and should be known for the best looking Model A sedan hot rod ever built (In my opinion) it's perfect visually in every way.
The tudor is a finalist in Shelbys Hot Rod roundup +++ Shelby's Hot Rod Roundup HAMB 2012 Final Four...Vote now!! +++ http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=761880&highlight=titus .
Thanks Tim! Not sure I have a chance against some of the other cars nominated, but such a cool thing to just be considered. Especially with a traditional hot rod!
I agree, it is a popularity contest but also a huge honor. The stuff you get from MSRA is cool as hell. You did a good job on the car congratulations and good luck.
This thing is bas ass! I just bought a 30 tudor body, I hope mine turns out half as nice as this! Congratulations! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!