a buddy of mine forwarded this picture to me. Looks like a 57 with a 55 front? Anyone know about it? Was it a Starbird car? I think I have seen it somewhere before
I'd say you are correct on the 57 quarters, and the front fenders look like 55 minus the eyebrow. It has the makings of something you would own. You might lose a bedroom though.
Could be a 55 with 57 tail fins. Some how that brings memories of a custom Chevy with a grill that shape that had a grill made of polished copper that closely followed that grill outline with mesh behind it.
And again I did not really ask for opinions about the car ... simply asking if anyone knows about it. I really don't care if a bunch of street rodders hate it so please keep the negative comments to yourselves, thank you
Don't kill the thread!!! This happens EVER time with a Kustom thread, just delete the BS opinions. I love the history and would really like to know more about this one!!!
This one has some neat features.. For some reason, I've always been partial to customs with the nose in front of the wheels rolled under for quads (which also gives this custom the somewhat familiar look of a car we should recognize). Good luck with the search! Dave
@Sancho good catch, you can just barely see it if you want it to be there lol It would point towards the 55 with 57 or fabricated fins/quarters idea to me. When I looked at 55/6/7 it does seem 55 and 6 have much subtler dip than the 7
I was told that the pictures were taken at the A bros shop in Detroit, but I am pretty sure that is not an A bros car
I may be wrong, but I just don't think it's a Starbird car. I agree with @Atomic Kustom, maybe Bailon.... perhaps Hines?
Does have that East coast look maybe Detroit... Agree not the A Bros. Plate looks to be from back east, can't make it out either. Let's keep diggin'
@Moriarity please select "full image" when posting pics, thanks Haha just kidding - seriously I hope some more pics surface. Gotta say that kind of looks like Kansas in the background. Keep the customs coming!
Looks like a 57 hood on the front edge. Wish we could see the top of the cowl. 57 was a little lower.
I am here for this stuff, boss. I need it. Please keep the pictures of customs coming. Know that there is at least one here that gives you maximum support.