Ok Guys n Dolls,i been trying to come up with a cool name for the truck,it's gonna have a voodoo theme to it like striping and so on as well as a mojo hanging from the dash for luck,a few shrunken heads and Betty page collaged roof interior.I have got a guy working on some cartoon zombie chickens for the doors rather than road runner or somit like that.I was thinking maybe calling it voodoo chicken but has anyone any sugestions.i do feel hotrods should be named a bit like ships really and that a hotrod without a name isntall it should be so come on you lot name away...............Marq p.s anyone wanna colour it in for me in a matt maroon to see what it will look like
VooDoo is NOT superstition any more than any other religion. In fact, it is a mixture of Catholicism and West African religions and requires the follower to first be a practicing Catholic to devotedly participate in it. Yes, I took a college class that covered it. Make jokes about it in the wrong circles or parts of the World and you may find out about it's "Juju"..
All religion is superstition,as we don't know what is out there.......anyway i don't want to get into a huge debate over a bit of fun so on with the games,p.s can someone colour shop my truck on my other thread for me in a nice maroon please as i would like to know what it will look like when its done..........Marq
Something Spanish like El Jefe or La Tortuga I named this truck El Diablo Verde, but I haven't built it yet... Joe
[ QUOTE ] All religion is superstition,as we don't know what is out there... ...Marq [/ QUOTE ] I agree, but... We do know there are people dangerously devoted to their particular brand of "superstition" so think twice about taking your truck to Haiti or some parts of Louisiana. If not out of respect, out of prudence. Ace, shut your pie hole. You obviously don't know anything about it.
Thanks for the suggestion,CLIFF/Dr.J..... I have one for YOU: Obtain a stepladder,a good long book (maybe The Stand,or the 1967 Houston Phone book),a flashlight, and CLIMB UP MY ASS..... You must REALLY miss your stool over at CHEERS, annoying the HELL out of every passer-by with your VAST HoneyBucket of KNOWLEDGE and OPINIONS..... Now get back to your room at the OLD ASSHOLE'S Home,before Nurse Ratchet sees that it's time for your enema... Like I need a lecture on Voodoo from some old white guy from Long Beach.....
A buddy had an old truck we used to call the 'Chicken Getter"... The trucks long gone now, but i still think the names kinda cool.