I had a 32 Ford RPU that was run in the mid 60's with a injected SBC that was called Mr. Big Stuff and painted lime green. I always wanted to find some vintage pictures of it but never could find any.
"The Moonlighter", Gene Cromer's 41 Willys A/G car from the 60's has recently been resurrected. It was named by his wife because he worked on the car at night after closing his speed shop. [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
Some neat car names from the 70's, around St Louis; Big Iron, Aggravation, Commotion, Tequlia Sunrise, Black Satin, Lickity Split, High Plains Drifter
My Dad always talked about a car called "Penetration". Always stuck with me and never seen the car. Love that name.
My brother had a 64 Fairlane done up T-Bolt style. He copied the Thunderbolt script on the rear quarters but had it lettered "Nut and Bolt".
Bttt, lots of good names on here. Still need to name mine. Thinking Tin Tomahawk or Chief Tomahawk, something Indian related that's not already taken.
"That has one of only 2 made "Craig Breedlove" front clips. and the car is one of the 52 Hurst prepped "SS AMX's" it later went on to be the Sheriff of Nottingham its currently being restored " http://www.superstockamx.com/page38.php
A friend of mine who is a Cancer survivor, uses the name "Borrowed Time". That is how he now lives his life.
This is our Opel GT. The Elephant was Opels mascot, but I made him more muscular and a little different than the original version.
There's a sled pull truck in the Midwest named "Off Constantly". They don't like when they beat him. Sent via Illinois Bell Telephone Company's Car Radiotelephone
I love this thread. Drag racing was so much better when cars had names other than Miller Lite etc. Not vintage but totally inspired by them. Here is mine:
How about Shirly Sheehan, the "Drogon Lady". Or Richins and Pierman's "Quarter Horse AA/FD", the Freight Train AA/Gas Digger. "Spaghetti Bender AA/GD, Rance Mc Danials "Valley Fever AA/FD", and last from my fading memory, "Willei and the Poor Boys Funny Car" . Damn those were good days when Nitro was $3.85 a gallon.
Thinking of building a goggomobil into a altered drag car for the hamb drags and calling it the nitrous circus because it already looks like a clown car Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
My 61 Falcon Gasser in progress: "High Dosage" I've got a 1960's Swedish cast aluminum whipped cream flask (the kind that takes the nitrous oxide cartridges). Strapped it to the big bottle feeding Nitrous to the mill. My dentist gave me the pink rubber nose mask for his laughing gas to connect it to the whippit bottle with some surgical tubing. I took it to the Greaserama in KC and had it lettered. Now the little nitrous bottle says "...and one for the doctor" Cant find the damn pic of the bottle after Turkey finished it up- all the artists at Greaserama referred me to Turkey as she's got a natural gift for striping/lettering.
I have a 32 3w called Instant Henry. Built in Portland, OR in late 50's-60's. E/MP in the pic I have of it at McMinnville.