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Customs Need help designing hood hinge

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Buzzman72, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. Buzzman72
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
    Posts: 52


    I have a '52 International pickup. I've decided I want a reverse-opening hood, so that the hood when open is approximately 90 degrees to its closed position and is just forward of the grille. My rough measurements show me I have 10" between the front of the radiator and support to the most forward part of the grille I need to clear. I want to use a pivot point just in front of the radiator. The radiator and support are right at 4", so if I plan on a 4" hood-to-hinge mounting surface on the hinge, I need to figure a 6" center from the pivot point.

    The plan is to weld a rod that passes through the pivot points so that one hinge won't move further than the other and twist the hood. THAT part I've got down. But I'm having a total brain fart on how to make the hinge to clear that 10" past the pivot point, plus an inch or two for clearance. I'm thinking that I need to start with the curved design like a trunk hinge uses, but beyond that I'm wasting a lot of paper and ink trying to figure this out.

    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  2. Buzzman72
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
    Posts: 52


    I intend to use the original side handles on the hood with a custom linkage to a pair of bear jaw latches and strikers for latching the hood. I think I'm going to make some J- or L-shaped safety bars to limit hood movement rearward in case of a collision [had an '88 Hyundai that had them...please don't judge me, I was broke and needed a cheap ride].

    If I make the vertical leg of the hinge from the pivot point 4" [to clear the radiator] plus 2" [for the center of the mounting point], can I do a curve as needed to cover the 10" plus safety distance past the grille, on the leg of the hinge between the hood mount and the vertical from the pivot? I'm trying to picture this, but it's just not coming to me.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  3. BJR
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
    Posts: 10,462


    I believe mid 80's Buick's had a front hinged hood. It had some sort of mechanism that let it slide forward, then open from the rear. You may want to look at one of those to rob the stuff from, or get ideas on how to do it.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  4. 29moonshine
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
    Posts: 1,352


    ^^^^^x2 i have used them before
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  5. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
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    from Nicasio Ca

    Search the tilt front end threads, there are some nifty hinge ideas there.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  6. 37 caddy
    Joined: Mar 4, 2010
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    37 caddy
    from PEI Canada

    I would go to a pick your part yard and look for a car that has one from new,some bmws had them too,a lot of them pop up when they are released and slide ahead with springs before they can be tilted,if it was me i would use as many factory designed parts as i could find,preferably from all the same car.Good Luck harvey
    chryslerfan55 and Hnstray like this.
  7. Here's a hood and hinge illustration from an 87 Electra/Lesabre. I seem to recall that when unlatched the front of the hood raised a bit and then the whole thing shifted a little forward. Then the hood could be opened fully from the rear. Might work good to gain some clearance at the front edge of the hood.

  8. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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    Not much room for the hinge eh? If you want to use a simple hinge like you have in mind, it would want to go right behind the grill, probably just at the top of the grill bars. The pivot needs to go in front of the very front of the hood, to get it to lift up as it moves forward. Since the front of the hood is about as far forward as you will be able to put the hinge, you'll find that the front lower point of the hood will move forward as the back of the hood starts to raise.

    The compound hinge, which lets the hood lift up at the front before it starts moving forward, is probably what you'd need.

    Have you looked at the kits that are available for the mid 50s Ford pickups, for ideas? But they have a different hood design...
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  9. To say the least you have some work in front of you. I've done several forward opening Hoods as well as complete Tilt front ends. My first run was back in the 60's some where. I was driving one of my May 57 Fords and was inspired. Above is some info that may help ya out. I'm currently building my last F-100 and the Hood opens forward. I'm going to say this again so you know also. I don't think like Normal people and I have not yet bought a Kit for anything I liked. I think I was born with the first stated issue and the second was brought on from the first issue.
    So that said and looking at the photos Squirrel posted I'd go a different way. Being Kool and different isn't easy. Before you unleash on me how Knutz I am just think about what I mention. The Hood in the air is like a Sail so keeping it solid is a must. All these arms mentioned are levers and will bend or cause miss alignment if not made well. For me I would Not push the Hood forward and up to get it open. I would hinge it right where it is so it just pivots. In the Trucks current condition that can't be done. The Grill is in the way right? So make the Grill move. As a complete unit I would pivot it at the bottom and make it drop forward at the top to create the space for the Hood to tilt into that space. Keeps everything tidy and tight unlike anything done before. Ya ya ya, I can hear ya but then I did warn ya. Also Gas Rams are way Kool if you understand how to make them work for you. Not only can they hold things up they can hold things down, or closed in some cases.
    Food for thought fellas, just food for thought. I'll go back under my Rock now.
    The Wizzard
    Hnstray likes this.
  10. pitman
    Joined: May 14, 2006
    Posts: 5,148


    I'd recommend study of the four link forward tipping systems. I recall the fwd bar is shorter, still does flip the nose ahead by 2X it's length. Anything you come up with, make a cardboard or foam core model of one side. (cross braces or sideload hinge-strength flange details come later) And test out w/a centerline c'board hood profile. (Agree w/much of Mr Piston, above BTW) & may not even need the rear pair of lift bars.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
  11. redo32
    Joined: Jul 16, 2008
    Posts: 2,221


    There were some kits for F100 that slid forward before pivoting.
  12. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    Whatever route you take it would be wise to not copy the Buick version unless you plan on "overbuilding" it.
    Don't recall the model but I (attempted) to do this on my 66 Suburban, looked at some and they just did not seem beefy enough.
    Actually found some off of a Saab, not any getter, scrapped the whole plan.
    Those (aftermarket) forward sliding F100 versions look like they may work for you, I've seen quite a few of them over the years.
  13. I've seen those. I especially like the ten cent prop rod they use to hold the Hood in the Open position.
    The Wizzard
  14. rjones35
    Joined: May 12, 2008
    Posts: 865


  15. I've seen that "Kit" a few times. It uses the stock hood latch to hold the hood closed while that handy dandy wire rail system positions the hood on the rear end. To me that looks like a big headache coming in the future.
    The Wizzard
  16. redo32
    Joined: Jul 16, 2008
    Posts: 2,221


    Hit google image search for f 100 hood hinge. Lots of custom setups.
  17. Big wedge hood right???
    Itty bitty skinny at the front

    You need to come up and forward to clear & be far enough back that it's wide enough to hold the hood. Sort like this
    pitman, Pist-n-Broke and squirrel like this.
  18. I like the way that flat black truck was photo shopped to look Chopped.

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