I have some headlight lenses that I could use some help identifying. Some are marked but I want to make sure what they are. See the photos below: As you can see the above lens is marked Ford. I am thinking Model T maybe. The diameter of it is 8 1/2 inches. This one has no automobile name on it but does have the brand Riteway on it. The diameter is 8 inches. This one's marked 32-34 ford and has a diameter of 7 7/8 inches. This ones marked 36-36 Chevy and says Tiltray Guide on it. The diameter is 8 inches. This ones marked 37-39 Ford. This ones marked 29-30 Chevy and has a diameter of 9 3/4 inches. And this ones marked 36 Ford and has a 1/8 diameter. I want to make sure that they are correctly identified before I do something with them. Thanks!
The two I can be certain about are the '36 Ford car lens and the one marked '37-'39 Ford. The latter one, as indicated by the 81A marking at the bottom, is correct for all '38 and Standard model '39 Ford cars. It will fit '37 but not correct, correct '37 lens is marked 78 at the bottom instead of 81A. The '39 Deluxe lens has 91A at the bottom and only fits '39 Deluxe and '39 Merc. The '36 car lens will also fit '35 car and '35-'39 truck if you use the '36 car lens retainer ring. I have '36 bug eyes on my '38 Ford pickup, like the looks of them better than the flatter '35 car and '35-'39 truck lens.