PLEASE HELP ME ASAP!!! I don't know what year these brakes are from but I need help identifying both front and rear brakes. I don't see and adjustor on them so if you know how to rebuild them or what years and make them came from I would greatly appreciate it. They are mounted on what I believe are 1930 Ford spindles. Feel free to text me if you have any ideas Joe 956-742-5760
A little fine tuning. They are actually 1946-48 Ford brakes. The 1939-42 brakes had an adjustment at the bottom. If you remove your brake shoes you will find there is a slot and the shoes move up and down in the slot to center themselves. Be sure to order parts for 1946-48 brakes as many of the 1939-42 parts will not work. My psychic is on vacation so without a picture I am unable to help you with the rear brakes. You might find these suppliers useful for the hard to find parts: or Dennis Cling at, (480) 777-1202. You might find this site interesting for information: You might find this post interesting: Charlie Stephens
I would like to point out that these instructions are for the 1939-42 brakes. The 1946-48 brakes he has are slightly different. This may be what he has on the rear but that is still an open question. I am sure someone will post the adjustment instructions before he gets to that point. I can't put my finger on the instructions right now. If he is in a hurry this would be a good question for Charlie Stephens
Charlie is right, 46-48.........distinguishable because of only two adjustments instead of 4 like the earlier ones. Napa has parts, I just bought some for the 46-48 brakes on the front of my RPU project. Look on the outside (side nearest to the frame) and you will see two large (3/4 inch) hex heads opposite each other. Those have cams that move the shoes outboard to adjust the brakes. Very easy on the 46-48 because of only having those two spots to turn. Don
Try this for adjusting: Technical/BrakeAdjustment.jpg.html After you adjust them I think I would press on the pedal a couple of times to be sure they are centered and check the adjustment again. Charlie Stephens
Thank guys for all your help I really appreciate it and I will be tearing into those brakes today and I will let you know how it goes.
It's hard to tell in that picture but it looks like you might be right about the spindles being earlier ones. I see what looks like a couple of extra drilled holes and some space around where the spindle comes through the center hole. Speedway sells a kit to properly locate an early spindle on the brakes you have, it consists of a couple of round spacers per side. If you use those spindles I would suggest you pick up a set, they are very cheap and do a good job. Don