After 11 yrs. of gathering parts I finally built a new engine for my Stude. 464 cu. in. Buick. Missed the meltdown due to our house selling right when I needed to be getting ready. Finally installed it and went to the OT GS Nationals this last week in Bowling Green. Had two days of hell just getting it to run. Finally, Friday afternoon I made a clean pass and was rewarded with my first 10 second time slip. 10.88/125. There's a whole lot left on the table as my 60' times were in the 1.70's due to converter issues. I know this big block Buick is not "traditional" but hey, they quit making them in 76' and it ain't no ls. I try to keep the car looking like it ran in 65 '.
You know, you should have just got you one of those Chevvie Crate Motors..... Just kidding. Nice work. -Abone.
Someday we might hope to see that one in a match race with Squirrel's Chevy II. 10.88 and still needing to be dialed in means that Buick is putting out some serious power.
With that HP/TRQ- the rest is weight, and chassis tuning...... Or maybe the driver...Lower ET's await you.......
Gonna be interesting with the altered wheelbase, caltracs and 9" slicks. Already knocked off almost a second on et and picked up 13 mph. Best with the old 430 was 11.72/112.