nice... Now I can't log in... type in my name and get an error message and gives me a change nickname box. It won't take anything.
what if I call ya names here? You willys driver you. Me too now I'm hauling out the big guns. You really fast willys driver you
go for it johnny... im gettin mental hemroids from thinkin about how to make these things work for everyone... including myself
My pal in Michigan has a sprint car site : It has a neat chatroom that rarely gets used anymore. You scroll down and on the left column there's a link to the chatroom. You must register a handle and password (only takes a minute) but you'll never see any spam or advertising as a result.
i sorta thought it would be soon enough... NO ONE could get on period. i tried with 5 different clients (programs) on 3 seperate connections (DSL, cellular and dialup) looked to me like it was the server daemon and not us or our actions
I can never get in. Says something about not having java something...I don't drink coffee Maybe I'm black listed
rock... seems like 90% or more of the people who have tried this one say they have no or little problems getting in. this looks like it should be the last move for some time. good, fast loading interface and IRC compatability
OK... kinda a lil meltdown... my ISP flaked out and erased all the chat files... no matter, its now up on the Vagabonds site.
Just to help out the chat can also be done through Chatzilla in Firefox. If you're using Firefox as a browser you can add Chatzilla. Merely click the link and then the install button. It'll install it into Firefox for you. It'll restart Firefox as well. When it's back up got to the "tools" menu and choose Chatzilla. It'll open the Chatzilla window. Type "/attach" into the Chatzilla window. That'll get you on the correct server. Type "/join #Rods_&_Customs" and that will get you into the chat room. Then click on the IRC menu for Chatzilla and select "Open This Channel at Startup" That'll get you logged into the chat room every time you open Chatzilla. Pretty easy really.....