hey all... my name is steve from Detroit, MI first off i would like to say... i may only be 20... but i am a true street rodder at heart... so please donot judge me for what i drive... i take what i can get.. and i make it my own... so here we go i drive a 1994 S-10 SS, but it's not your "run of the mill" S-10... i made it "Street rod themed" with wide white wall tires, and 1941 ford wheels and hub caps, low cut bucket seats, some interior goodies to make it a lil more retro looking... it's not done yet but it's getting there... here are some pics that's about it... right now i am in the process of shaving it and giving it a new paint job... (same color of course) one day i'll have the 32 ford of my dreams but i'll make due with this for now... lemme know what you guys think...
Cool truck. My wife rolls a '99 2WD 2 door Blazer that's lowered and shave dof the ugly roof rack and other crap. Got a set of 17" creme painted smoothies w/bullet caps. Everything new is old again. Gonna be at Autorama? Stop in at the Nightmares display in the basement and say hi to averyone.
Are you sure you want to "go there"? Positive? You honestly want to know what I think? Minitrucks are fucking gay. Trucks are for hauling shit, not looking "cool". The only thing that could make that any cooler would be if it were a VW minitruck... THAT would fucking RULE! Like Pete said, stop by the Nightmares booth at Autorama; and I'll say "hi", and be nice, and all of that... AND, like you requested, I will NOT judge YOU by what you drive; but I hate your truck. Steve
I agree. He could be driving an Acura with a wing... I like this alternative. Hot Rod to Hell is so angry...
hey denise! what's up! yup... my dad is Davey G. yea i'll be at autorama for 4 days starting thurs. i'll see you guys there... i live for it! hey HRtH if you are at autorama... i would love to have a lil dialouge with you about why i do what i do... i carry on the legacy of what was started in the 50s! "how old r u?" because honestly... for that remark, you sound like a know-nothing bastard! you sound like 90% of all the "old people" out there... closed-mindedness! so i take it that a street rod truck is shitty because it's ment for hauling...? DER! let's see... the year is 1950 or 55 for that matter... a guy wanting to build a car and make it his own, what does he use?! well let's see... a 50s ford, or even 40s or 30s... cars of the era... hmmm... sounds like it's the same thing i'm doing... reason i don't have an old ford... is cause they are just WAY too expensive who wants to pay 45k for a nice old for when i can get just as much enjoyment out of a 94 S-10... i do the same shit with it that you do with your old car.... correct?!! i have just as much fun... alot of my friends have them... DER sounds like the same thing... jesus christ... i love street rods.... been around/working on them since i was like 7 or 8... yes... i donot have a street rod... yes i have a mini truck... but to hear you bad mouth it... just kinda makes me a lil pissed... and nothing pisses me off more than closed minded people to all that support me...: thank you... may the hot rodder spirit live on with me... and yea i'll be sure to stop in and say hey!
You did ask what do we think. DOn't take it so personally. Steve is a pretty mild-mannered guy but pretty opinionated. He likes what he likes and hates what he hates. He'll scare the crap outta ya when ya meet him! See ya this weekend. BTW....Steve will be right next to his '60's vintage '55 Chevy drag car-turned 'street car'.
ok... guess i did "jump the gun" a lil.... my bad... hehe i guess i'll retract 75% of my last statement he could've been a hella lot nicer about it tho like "eh... not my thing/style..." but "i hate it" or "it's gay" i dunno a lil harsh IMO i dunno i just get real defensive when it comes to the age old battle between old/new cars... i love old cars... they're my life... but i also give a shitton of props to the kids who are doing it... they're doing things that most old guys never even think about... and alot of them are doing it themselves... granted some kids are real a-holes... but others (like myself) have nothing but respect for the old time hot rodders, and street rodders... we just want to do our own thing... well there i go again on another rant.... hahahaha.... i'll stop... but i'm sure we'll have some words at autorama...lol... hopfully good words.... hahahahaha...
Steve, thought it was your truck. Listen, you and I will have alittle chat this weekend about what this message board is is about. It's not about S-10 mimi trucks with WWW, far from it. The HAMB is for sharing information about traditional hot rods and customs only. Just because YOU think you did your truck like they did back in the day does not make it so. One of the reasons I welcomed you was to easy the pain of the shitstorm I could see coming from posting the photos of your truck. That and the fact that I do like you and your Dad. With that being said you need to read the first post in this intro section from Ryan and follow closely his suggestions. The number one being read, read and read and post only when you have something related to traditional cars ask or offer. Don't even think that asking something about your S10 is going to fly. Perhaps once your established here, and the folks get to know you you can "safely" ask an "OT" question, and thats exactly what your mini truck is, off topic You asked for opinions and a well respected member gave you his. Deal with it. Tomorrow I will introduce you to Steve, AKA HRTH and you can offer an apology for jumping down his throat for answering what you ask. Trust me he was just stating what alot of other folks on here were thinking but for whatever reason chose not to say anything. Yes, this is the kinder, gentler HAMB. A couple of years ago you would have been flamed right off the board and probley never came back. The HAMB is the most AWESOME message board on the internet, bar none It's pure traditional hot rods and customs and that's the way we like it. Most of us would fight till the end to protect it's integrity. You think I'm kidding ask anyone in a HAMB/Jalopy Journal t-shirt. There will be a couple hundred HAMB folks in the lower level this weekend. I'll see you tomorrow and introduce you around to the "guys" if you'd like.
no i totally get where you are comming from... and for no reason would i EVER ask for advice on my S-10 on here.... (no need to) i was just showing that i too love the tradtional hot rods... and that since i don't have one... i took the next best thing.... so yea... i'm sorry if i don't meet ur standards.... lol... but i try...
Screw em, I like what you did. You have the right mind set. I would rather see young guys doing what your doing, its a step in the right direction, than building those ricer pos.
You have a very nice truck for what it is, an S-10. nice job on everything from interior to paint to whitewall rubber. Well done. However, yes, I agree that this is not the board to start talking about modern vehicles or posting pics of modern vehicles,....it would be like starting a thread on a Neo-Nazi board about the cool collection of dradles you have,...it has nothing to do with the board you are on, nothing to do with the topic,that's all, no big thing. Now as far as having to spend 45K on a rod?? You are kidding right? If you're serious, I think you've been around the WRONG people if THAT is the impression you have of being able to own a rod. That is the norn of "street rodder" mentality,..."I have to spend LOTS of money to have something nice!!!" NOT TRUE, unless you are lazy or stupid,....or lazy and stupid! If you are going for "bling-bling" than i think you are definitly on the wrong board also,..(that's just my two-cents, I could very well be wrong, but that is what I have garnished from being here.) However, if you are into that whole "street rodder, bling, bling I spent 45K and up on my ride" that's fine too, but I just don't think it will fy here. (again, I could be wrong??) But this is not the board for that. Again, as far as not having the cash to get yourself a "street rod" no you probably don't have the cash for yuor average "street rod" however, if you would like to own a "hot rod" or a "kustom",....dude, you need to scrounge, keep yer eyes wide open when you're driving in the hills, and go out and LOOK for something bcause it won't come knocking at your door, you have to find it, but if that kind of ride is what You'd want, then you can get something pretty cool for WAAAAAY under 45K!! So, yes, you CAN have a cool old rod and not go broke doing it either!! By the way it appears to me, by how nice the s-10 looks, that with the dough you threw to your s-10, you could have a decent ride for half that I'm sure! Jason
thanx jason... yup... you're right... i was just posting up a few pics... i don't really plan on taking it ANY futher... as for the 45k... well let's put it this way.. i'm quite particular about what i want, and i HAVE been looking... i want somthing between a 30 - 36 ford... those have got to be my favorite years... BUT... there's a problem with what i want to build... i really don't want a Traditional rod (A.K.A. I hate to say this... "Rat rod") i need somthing that i could drive to CA and be comfortable in... of course it would be VERY retro looking... but it would have paint, a good engine, and actually be a niice car... don't get me wrong, i love the old (for lack of a better word) "Rat" rods. but i can't see myself driving somthnig like that... just my thing... and where did i get 45k you ask?! well a friend and i are building a 1934 ford 60's style 3 window coupe... 383 6:71 blown 6 stromburg engine, he just got all the stuff for the car... it's not even near ready for paint, and about 3 weeks form turning the key to start it.... and he already has close to 50k in it!!!!!!!!!! now if i had a rod, i would want somthing like this, maybe not AS extreme, but somthing similar... and IMO i could not build it for a decent price...