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New from the "Soo"

Discussion in 'New to the H.A.M.B.? Introduce yourself here!' started by Denns1989, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Greetings, I will try to keep my introduction short - Since I was 9 years old I have drooled over old hot rods & customs - All though I like pretty well anything with an engine, like many have been pulled towards the Model A 5 Window, for the past 30 years I have dreamed of one day owning an authentic Model A Hot Rod, even though I never had a chance to even sit in a Model A all these years I just believed it was the car for me... now for my story -

    When I was 17 working after school at a local body shop one day we got to talking about what our "dream cars" would be, when I mentioned "5 window ford coupe hot rod", the one older body man looked at one of the others in the lunch room & said "we should tell him about that old 50's / 60's built hot rod that widow has here in town, she refuses to sell it, been sitting in a garage untouched for years, think it's a Model A, one guy thinks it's a 32 but pretty sure it's a Model A, story isn't clear why her late husband parked the car, but many have tried to buy it from the widow & she won't sell" Of course the story sounded good I wondered if the story was B.S. until a couple years later I heard some older guys at a local car show talking about the same coupe & how one of their buddy's had recently failed at an attempt to buy it, then a couple years later my buddy's dad verified the story of the coupe as well, but it still remained a bit of an urban legend as people who knew about the car's location were obviously not willing to share much info.

    Fast forward to 4 years ago, going on a double date with my then girlfriend (now wife) & her best friend & her boyfriend, as we are driving to dinner my wife's friend says " I hear you like cars & like working on them ", I replied "sure do, I have 2 MG Midget's on the road & more projects waiting", she replies "my mom still has my dad's old car in her garage, it's an old Ford", I didn't think much & asked if it was a Thunderbird or Mustang, she replied "No, I can't remember what it's called, the back end is original but the front end isn't" As I repeated her answer in my head over & over a light bulb went off & I asked her if the motor was out in the open or was it covered up, she replied "no you can see the engine, that's why the front end isn't original" - I was then very interested & asked if anyone had ever called it a "hot rod" she replied "ya that's it, some of the guy's who have tried to buy it from my mom have said that word before" I asked if could see the car & she said that she would talk to her mom & was sure she would let me see it, during dinner that evening I was thinking to myself "I wonder if this is the same car I heard about years ago, this isn't that big of a city..."

    A few days later she called & said her mom agreed to let me see it but she wanted to tidy up the car & garage before I could see it so I would have to wait... a couple months later while attending an engagement party at the widow's home I was shown a picture of the "old car" from 1970 when it was used in the widow's wedding pictures - I only seen the one picture, it was a front/right side shot, from that I could debunk that it was a 30/31 Model A 5 Window, unchopped, channel'd, bobbed rear fenders, cycle fenders up front, Flathead Engine, 32 grill shell & baby moon caps... I asked if the car still looked like it did in the picture and was told that it was the same but not as shiny & clean because it had been parked in a garage since they got married ! Parked since 1970, the husband passed away in 1983 and it remained in his parents garage until about 1987 when it was moved to the widow's garage when the parents house was sold...since first asking to see it 4 years ago and asking every couple months since then I kept being reassured that I could see it but the widow was embarrassed about how squirrel's would make a mess in the garage & she was always keeping the car tidy as it was very special to her, I explained many times that I would do anything to just to see the car, but whenever we would stop by for a visit, this is all I would get to see...


    This intro post is already long enough, so I will pick up with the story tomorrow...
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    WC145, dana barlow and calonego like this.
  2. Mel Foye
    Joined: Sep 7, 2014
    Posts: 3

    Mel Foye

  3. OK, You can stop teasin' us now.....:D
    Denns1989 likes this.
  4. Okay :) I was waiting for a stop teasing comment...

    Here we go, a few weeks ago I said to my wife, "I'm going to stop at her house every day on my way home from work & ask to see the car - (keep in mind I had no idea on the condition, alot can happen after 44 years of storage, heck I wasn't sure if it was totally wasted away or not)... after my 3rd day of stopping, her car was in the drive but no answer at the door... I go home & 5 minutes later the widow's daughter calls me & said " did you just stop at my mom's ?" I replied yes & was hoping to see the car, seeing the last 4 years of asking nicely every couple months wasn't working, I thought I would change my game plan, the daughter replied "my mom didn't recognize your car & thought it was a stranger, living alone she was nervous to answer the door, when she decribed the car I told her that is Jeremy's car mom ! - he wants to see the old car, you have 2 hours to clean up & I'm sending him over !!", she agreed with her daughter, so my wife, baby daughter & I ran some errands & 2 hours later, pulled up in the driveway to see this view from the open garage door...
    I know it's not a "manly" thing to admit, but at that moment I got really quiet & think I might have even teared up a little... a moment / feeling I will never forget - more pics / story to follow
    WC145, dana barlow, calonego and 3 others like this.
  5. Thanks. Can't wait to hear (and see) more.
  6. mrquickwhip
    Joined: Oct 15, 2009
    Posts: 600


    Now let me get this straight....just because you were teased for four're gonna tease us?.....I like your style
    dana barlow and Denns1989 like this.
  7. jocktherock
    Joined: Mar 16, 2013
    Posts: 168

    from Sweden

    Come on now................... Tell & show us!

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  8. ha ha - a bit of suspense is fun isn't it ?

    So I walk around the car, don't see any rot, aside from the totally rotted exhaust system, the dirt & grime (all 44 years worth) stone chips & scratches galore, thankfully her brother in law had put it on blocks years ago once he got tired of airing up the tires every few months..

    Still had plates from 1970 on it & a wrench laying in the trunk, presumably from when the battery had been removed...


    Interior intact (some panel warping & glue had let go on some panels but all there...)


    The drain petcock was out of the block, laying on the intake, motor was full of oil, only part missing was the master cylinder (might explain why it was originally parked...)

    I just kept shaking my head, I know by todays standards it's a crude build, but for me to see something like this it's like a block of gold, after checking things out for a 1/2 hour or so, I step out of the garage & say to the widow " I cannot express how sincere I am... I would like the opportunity to make you a serious offer, if your are ready to consider selling", she nods her head & says, I think I have an ownership, give me a week or so & we can discuss further then... I reply confirming that I can contact her in 1 week exactly...
    WC145 likes this.
  9. jocktherock
    Joined: Mar 16, 2013
    Posts: 168

    from Sweden

    I say WOW... Those finds are worth more than the glitz it will cost you! Make it safe & enjoy it. Thx for sharing

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  10. Man that thing is the tits. You gotta get it and bring it back to life. Gauges look like '50-'51 Ford to me (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong). He may have gotten the 8-BA and other parts from a '50-'51 as well. Good luck.
    Denns1989 likes this.
  11. Ya the gauges have perplexed me since seeing them, the ford & chevy gauges from the late 40's/early 50's have a similar look, after much searching I think they are from a 53 Buick Special, but as you say someone is more than welcome to correct me as well !

    So a week after seeing the car for the first time, I drop by to discuss if she is willing to hear my "offer", she agrees to have a listen, I begin by showing her a Deuce 5 Window matchbox car I have had since I was little & talk about how I want to preserve rather than restore the car, she is happy to hear that as many others that had made offers in the past started talking about all the things they would change if they bought it, as she said "it's a nice car the way it is & I don't understand why someone would want to change everything" & she then talked about how some guy's made her offers within a couple weeks of her husband passing away (over 30 years ago) - this really soured her as her priority was her 2 young children, also she had a sentimental attachment as she loved her late husband dearly & they used this car on their wedding day... I then I showed her some prices from internet ad's & forums to show what a rusty body shell is worth right up to a catalog built coupe... finding a direct comparable was difficult, I wasn't looking to get a deal, just wanted to be sure I was offering a true fair price, minus my emotional value, which is priceless - I made my offer, she nodded her head & said she would need some time to "digest" - once again I asked if I could contact her again in a weeks time, she agreed & I was on my way to wait another week...

    A week later to the day I contact her again & we sit down, she said that almost everyone who had tried to buy the car in the past would ask her what she wanted for the car, she always took this as them trying to take advantage of her because she wasn't a car person, I was the only person in over 30 years that actually showed her what the car "could" / "might" be worth, then she told me that she had called her son & daughter to ask if they would approve of me purchasing their late father's car, they both agreed - She nodded her head and said that I made an offer that felt "right" to her & she was comfortable with that, however she wouldn't sell me the car until she could vacuum it out because she was dissapointed with how dirty it was !

    I almost fell off the chair, here after 4 years of waiting to see the car, it was almost mine but she wanted to vacuum it first !! I then explained that I really wanted it "dirt & all" as that was part of it's story & my story to clean it up again, I then said "you only have to lift your finger one more thing" & with that she smiled, cut me off to say "to sign the ownership?" I nodded my head & with that I was headed home to make arrangements to pick it up 2 days later !

    I guess I will head over to open a new "project" topic in the hotrod forum ( I will post a link here soon) & as I sign off for my "introduction" I will leave with one more picture of the widow, myself & "Snoopy" (a nickname given to the car many, many years ago) as it emerged from it's long slumber.

  12. What a great story. I love it and look forward to your link on the regular discussion forum going forward. From the picture it looks like you've gained a car and a friend. That is extra special. Hopefully when you get it running again you will take her for a sentimental ride in the car.
    WC145 and Denns1989 like this.
  13. Absolutely a sentimental ride is planned for sure ! Here is my general discussion thread :
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  14. dang....nice did her right and she knew good hands now....wonder if she would be up for a ride in it ?
    Denns1989 likes this.
  15. Jersey Joe 67
    Joined: Jun 12, 2008
    Posts: 427

    Jersey Joe 67
    from J Town

    I'm balling over here man, that's a beautiful story!
    WC145 and Denns1989 like this.
  16. seatex
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,670


    "Yes Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus!" absolutelyfreakinfantastic! Congrats, and welcome to the forum. did I mention I hate you?:rolleyes:
    Denns1989 likes this.
  17. Best into on here to date
  18. congrats , the car is awesome and what a great story, way to hang in there and get it......
    Denns1989 likes this.
  19. I'm glad someone is going to put that car back on the road. I looked at it, and took pictures of it, about 10 years ago.
    I heard about it from a Finnish friend of mine, related to the widow through his wife. I was more curious than anything. And yes, there was always someone looking to scoop it up, and so she always seemed distant to inquiries.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    Denns1989 likes this.
  20. NAP1947
    Joined: Apr 1, 2014
    Posts: 13


    Really hard to say from the angle of the picture but those instruments look very similar to Volvo P1800 from the 60s.
  21. tikiwagon13
    Joined: Feb 23, 2011
    Posts: 373


    Great story!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  22. lowtruck
    Joined: Aug 26, 2009
    Posts: 259

    from Omaha

    Awesome. I'm not ashamed to admit this one made me a little weepy too.
    Denns1989 likes this.
  23. Great story !
    And best intro ever
    lothiandon1940 and Denns1989 like this.
  24. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,536


    Very cool!!!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  25. Fopelaez
    Joined: Sep 24, 2010
    Posts: 275


    Super cool story!!! That will make your car priceless!!!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  26. bigorangetruck
    Joined: Oct 23, 2012
    Posts: 55

    from TX

    YES YES YES a Thousand Times YES!!!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  27. Cool hell of an intro.!
    Denns1989 likes this.
  28. Great intro........thanks for the story. Will await "the rest of the story".
    Denns1989 likes this.
  29. Cusco
    Joined: Nov 10, 2010
    Posts: 63

    from Europe

    Lucky you!

    Great story.
    Denns1989 likes this.
  30. Boy the screen in front of me became a little blurry for awhile. What a great story and congratulations on being the right home for that cherished ride.
    Denns1989 likes this.

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