Hi, I've surfed your site for a long time and got alot of good advice. I own a 69 Camaro, a 60 Comet. a 32 Ford coupe and currently am working on a 55 Chevy. I've done most of the work myself but still have alot to learn. I'm on my way out to shovel snow. We got 10 inches today. Its kind of early even for up here. Thanks, we'll talk later.
Welcome from Neenah. Good to see more WI folks on here, we are few and far between. Nice collection you have going there. Want another 60 comet? I have a 2dr 60 sedan I am trying to sell. $300 or interested trades.
Hey;I'm new,in Wis.too-Sick of the snow already.Has anyone ever tried building a home-made tube front axle??