My name is Lee Nelson and I am from Lancaster, OH. I'm 61 years with great patina, and no leaks. Looking to move away a bit from the classic motorcycle restoration interest and get back into a hotrod project. (I like old Triumph motorcycles). Currently, recently picked up a 1950 8BA Flathead engine, and am in the process of rebuilding it. I've got a 32 X 50 shop area that I built about 5 years ago, nice steel building with 18" peak beam height and 14' eaves with a l2 x 12 overhead door. Also have a 30' trench drain in the floor with an EPA compliant oil/water separator in the side yard, so should be in good shape for a car project. Looking forward to reading on this site and learning from it. Hoping its also a good surce for parts, etc. and eventually I'll need a vehicle to put the flattie into. Anyway - nice to meet you all and looking forward to being a memeber here.
Welcome, Lee, from the Pacific Northwest! Nice intro..... Good to hear that you don't have any leaks, unlike our ole Triumphs. A wealth of info. to be found here, and almost as many opinions. When you start to get a sense of direction in terms of what type or model project you want to build, look through the sub-forums for more ideas. Now start fillin up that new shop with old junk! Robb
Welcome From Kentucky ! ! Lancaster is a great town. Need to swing through there soon and check on my friend Shawn Appleman.