well idk where to start... i'm live in south central kansas. im almost 23. my name is joe. i have a 1953 oldsmobile super 88. all original. but needs work. its been sittin for many years. 8 before i got it that i know of, then its been sittin another 8 or so years since ive had it. but i sold my 1987 5.0 mustang project to start on my olds! i got it runnin and driving. just needed a tune up! when i run into issues or need some info, i cant wait for the help! so far ive learned alot just searching on this site! i'm on here quite a bit now. anyways i better get to researching more!
Welcome to the H.A.M.B...........from Arkansas City, KS. firstnomad www.angelfire.com/jazz/flatlandstudio
Welcome from Wisconsin, My first real (cool car ) is a 1940 Olds, Its a work in progress , Blitz Black, Every thing shaved off. lowered, and I drive the crap out of it, I took it to a big car show and they placed me with the high $$$ street rods, they were pissed off, when every body walked past their fancy shiny cars and stopped to talk to me. what a feeling.