Well, I got this 59 a few weeks ago from another HAMBer. We like it alot, and it may be a keeper So I stepped up and put some new radial www's and supremes on it. I'm pleased with the new look. It fits. Here's a before and after. The old ones were painted steeleis and portawalls. Waddya think?!
I know, I know. But I've wanted a 59-60 wagon for a long time. I'll hold onto this one awhile. BTW, I spent 5hrs. reading info on 59 Nomads. Everything that was supposed to be there, is there. They made less than 5000 in 59
How come the most ignorant are also the biggest asses? Chevy did call their top of the line 4 door wagons Nomads in '58-'60. So, pipe down child.
Didn't you learn anything in OLD SKOOL Yes in fact it is a Nomad Looks great with the Radirs Grumpy, maybe keep it for a season or two anyway.
Dang. The big guns got my back Thanks It's getting some fresh interior soon. I see some white T&R with green zodiac metalflake inserts.....
I learn the hard way. Thanks, I've never heard of a 4dr Nomad before and I have been a car enthusiast since waay before 59.
i don't know about that, but it is cool non the less.are you keeping the moon roof, or are you going to fill it? any shots of the engine? -jimmy-
Grumpy.....great looking wagon, everything about it. I really dig the 59's and the astros fit in super ! / primerkid
After 57, we just called em station wagons....even though they had the nomad badges. Just a personal observation from an old guy.
I really dig that wagon. I saw it last year at Hunnert. The moon roof really tripped me out, it is very well done. Anyone have any idea where "station wagon" came from? It's one of those things that make less sense the more you say it. I'm glad Grumpster doesn't keep his cars, maybe I'll be in a position to own it when he gets ready to purge.
Nice wheels...but you hanging on to this one - fat chance. Its fun watching you change cars like underwear! "Station Wagon" had to do with picking up the family and bags from the train station.
"The first station wagons were a product of the age of train travel. They were originally called 'depot hacks' because they worked around train depots as hacks (short for hackney carriage, an old name for taxis). They also came to be known as 'carryalls' and 'suburbans'. The name 'station wagon' is a derivative of 'depot hack'; it was a wagon that carried people and luggage from the train station to various local destinations." Brian
This place is a plethora of information. Learn something new everyday. Supremes and whites look great. Excellent choice on the up grade. Hope it rides better now. As far as a "keeper" is conserned. Well, lets just see how this one plays out. I think your definition and the rest of the worlds definition of a "keeper" is just slightly different.
Tim it really looks good with the supremes ....... maybe a keeper? I'll wait and for 6 months and see what you have then
it has, and the subject was closed with satisfaction. Yes...by the way...the wheels are an excellent touch.
You've already gotten enough pats on the back for the "so called" Nomad (chuckle) so I'm wondering if you have another picture of the '60 Olds behind it. PS - KILLER CAR.