I'm a younging who will be working this summer starting early June with GM and I'll be stationed in the Milford/Novi area. I am just looking for some shows or get to gathers around that area I can stop by even if I don't have an old rod (all I'll have is my 99 dakota). SO what is happening in MI this summer.
milford has one of the biggest get togethers I know of at a restaurant on the main road into town. I can't remember the name of the place I think it is bakers. it is every sunday was there last year but it rained and I didn't get to stay.
Here you go,... complements of the Michigan Hot Rod Association. http://www.mhraonline.org/2008coe.html And here is the link to MHRA's web page http://www.mhraonline.org/
there is a ton of stuff going on all over the state of michigan..very hard to get all of it in. alot of michigan HAMBers here. Denise..AKA Big Olds (on here) has a pretty good hold of what goes on and where.. also there is a thread on here that speaks of alot of the events.. search "michigan" or michian events or something like that Welcome to michigan BTW
Yes, Bakers on Milford Rd on Sunday evenings is a great cruz spot. They have a wonderful outdoor patio that overlooks the cars and a large resturant inside with great food. The owner use to be a pal (before he died) and he greeted and counted each car. The normal is a few hundred and when Car Craft was there they hit over 1000. The city made him change his cruz night from Tuesday to Sunday a few years ago because the traffic was so bad coming off the freeway 6 or so miles away (would be stopped on the freeway waiting to exit). Tuesday nights the main cruz spot is the VFW on the SE corner of Schoolcraft (I96) and Inkster. DJ and BBQing. (Redford) Wed nights on the NW corner of 5 Mile and Newburgh (Livonia) at New5 Auto Parts. Again BBQ and beverages (Free, just put something in the donation can) and yes even the beer is free and you are allowed to walk the parking lot with it as long as it has a coosy on it. Thursday night is Depot Town in Ypsi, they close the streets and have a DJ. Burgers at teh Sidetrack on the corner are the best and their sweet potatoe fries are yummy. The cruz nights here start June5th I think.
Billetproof on June 7th and don't forget the Woodward Cruise. It's hapening all week somewhere around August 11 through the 16th I think (correct me if I'm wrong). The week building up to it is better than the Saturday show itself. Oh yeah... All summer long you can cruise Woodward on Friday and Saturday afternoon/night. Welcome to Michigan
There's lots of great suggestions here which won't steer you wrong...definitely make it out to Billetproof in a couple of weeks; do not miss it. Here's a link below with a wide variety of Michigan events that you may also find useful...or not. All the best-W.S. http://www.carshownews.com/national/MI.htm
other then the ones already stated, thers the friday night cruise at Multi-lakes conservation club on newton road in walled lake. Boomers Roadhouse every tuseday off M59 by the airport. and one i think is rather good, but a bit out of your way, the A&W in flushing michigan, 3rd saturday Every month, lil over 200 cars and 1972 cut off.
Are you at the proving grounds? I'm a supplier and am up there often for testing. Drop me a PM and we'll have a, ah, business meeting for lunch! Bakers sounds good right about now. Or an Arnold Palmer at Lu and Ruby's.
By the way, I'm Buckeye Born as well. I just don't tell anybody. Some mistakes are better left unsaid!
There is also the August show at MIS speedway if you like trailer cars, usually around 1000 cars and I'd guess 200-300 come in on trailers. And the show at I DID IT, I think that ones in October or late September. Billet proof is a MUST see if your in the area!!