Hello All, I just happened onto this site while searching the web for ideas for a new project. I have been interested in COE's and would like to build one. I like the idea of having something a little different. There is nothing worse than going to a car show and seeing 6 of the identical car lined up in a row. I am really impressed by iwanaflattie's desert express 51 ford coe build. That truck is great! I'm going to attempt a similar project. I really like the still in working clothes look. Thanks to all on this site, i have got so many great idea's after hours of reading. Now the search is on for a 1948 - 1952 Ford or Mercury COE in decent shape! DRC
Welcome from the west coast of Florida. Try and not mention the word RAT ROD on this site because many of the guy's don't like them. Just call it something else and I think you might get your questions answered much faster. Hope that advice helps. Jimbo