Hello my name is Ben I live in Landrum s.c. I heard a lot of great things about this site so I joined and have been reading a lot of great builds and looking at the pics. I have a 55 dodge pickup and a 56 pickup. The 55 belonged to my dad. The 56 I bought it several years ago I drove it for a while and it got hit so I parked it and let it sit. I just lost interest in it. Last year my dad gave me his right after he found out he had cancer and said he wonted it to go to one of his sons that would fix it and take care of it so I started reading posts on here to see how they were being built on limited budgets and I have been really impressed and inspired by these builds. I will try to take pics and post them in the morning. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app