just when you thought the world was going all to hell and couldn't possibly get worse Schumacher racing has shut down do to the virus. Schumacher is a huge supplier of nitro. I went there to get a drum Tuesday. they wouldn't let anyone in the building that wasn't a employee. the drum was set on the dock outside when I showed up. I called for another drum today and got a answering machine. nitro sales are suspended until further notice. wtf! if anything lets burn more nitro that should kill the virus so we all can get back to racing.
someone needs to start brewing nitro ! I hate to be chicken little here but the sky is falling. Even if it’s all bullshit and a complete made up fantasy the sky is still falling. It’s an event that changes everything, a determination event attached to our timeline. kinda like pre war and post war.
It snowed here Saturday and now today(Thursday) we got rain and then quarter sized hail. Now the wind is blowing pretty good.
You can thank Timothy McVeigh for the control of nitro. May be part of the reason you could not get 2 barrels of it so close together.
Burts real Indian & the real shelves from his shop now graciously displayed in Hays Hardware store Invercargill NZ
Shoot that bike is his Vellocete here is the Indian. I pushed started them both 44 years ago. They are way prettier now than 44 years ago. There was no paint & held together with fencing wire & black electrical tape. He heat treated his frames by throwing them in farmers brush piles they were burning.
Brian is CVI certified (by the Department of Homeland Security) so he can have as much as he wants. Without that certification you are limited to 40 gallons. Not really that hard to do and very necessary if you are a serious fuel racer. Even I have a CVI number. Roo
If your not using nitro for your personal use I would seriously not get involved with selling nitro. If it should some how get into the wrong hands it's not going to work out well for you. All it takes is a bad guy to know you have it or sold it to someone else and it gets stolen. That could end nitro racing for good. The guys that do possess it are cleared by homeland security. They inspect all aspects of our security that's in place. They go up your ass with a magnifying glass. They have come out publicly and stated one more incident with nitro and it's all over. The small drums are no longer available so you have to have a cvi number. You can't get around it anymore. No one wants to be the guy known for being the reason there is no longer fuel racing. This is a very serious subject. I can't stress it enough.
And a drum of nitro bought at the track in dallas. Nitro was also used in the trade center bombing before 911.
I'd have to figure that Racer X and every other serious nitro racer has per his per run records/notes pretty serious documentation on where every gallon went too. The few fuel racers I have known were adamant about documentation on the mix on every run long before McVeigh. It doesn't have a thing to do with Homeland security it has everything to do with " last time we were at this track we ran a mix of ____ %& ____ % I hate to harp but you guys in the midwest and east are clueless to the scope and effect of this virus and the need to keep your asses away from large groups of people. There are no events of any kind going on out here in this state and all funerals have been banned until it is over along with no sports, shows or races and we still have idiots getting out in crowds.
Part of the security plan with homeland security that you sign relates to inventory. You have to always know how much you have to determine if any was stolen. To prevent theft by the crew or anyone else having access to the chemical of interest background checks are done on everyone including family members. These records are reviewed on a regular basis.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yea - racer-x - confirming that. My buddy has a Nitro fuel altered. To get it - he had a pre-visit from Homeland Security with full inspection / handling / all names and back ground checks of who has access ( crew) etc. Very thorough personal history review / location/ intended use etc. Plus if you are traveling cross country track to track - you better have your ducks lined up with transport documents / Hazmat / SDS etc. or you are screwed. Very serious stuff.
Nitro madness magazine in the last year or so had a great in depth article on obtaining a cvi license. It also contained all the hoops that need to be jumped through. I think it might be able to be viewed on their web site under past issues. I will look to see if I still have the issue.