Skip, is this the contact cement you used (in a pinch) from the hardware store?
Hey Fred.. sorry didn't realize you had posted this. Yes, that works okay, but is a bit slow drying. I prefer this one: Dries in a reasonable amount of time, is tough as nails and has a good shelf life... Be sure to have good ventilation and no open flame when using!!!
Yea, you're a little late, but I realize you are busy. I ended up using 3M Super 77. It worked very well.... once I followed the directions. I also referenced this thread for the side panels in my T Bucket. They came out great. Thanks!
I was thinking a out this thread the other day...wondering how I was going to find it for reference. Karma is a wonderful thing when it works. Now that I've posted to it, I'll be able to find it next time.
You probably won't have an issue due toe way your panels are attached but I have found that the spray can adhesives don't hold well when exposed to high heat situations.
Here’s a few good ones.
Shawn, great tech, but could you edit your posts and enlarge the pics? Real easy, just choose full image, then save changes! Also, here is a pick of your old 5W.....Ron sold it to the new owner.
Thanks for the tip Aboner... the pix are fixed. Great to see the old coupe again!!!! I often wonder where it ended up! I dig the "new" look! Incidentally, that's the car the tech was created on... Also, for someone up top... here is a headliner how to I did:
Yes glad this tech is back up too find . I have been thinking about various ideas for the interior on my 27 T Tudor.