good day all, i have been lurking around this place for about a year pouring over the tech tips and photos of the most creative and skillful folks i have ever seen in one place. I am 33, have a family and little funds to throw around on a car. I have rebuilt and messed around mostly with 4 and 6 bangers as they have been less expensive to run. My understanding of american cars is limited but growing. That being said i am trying to put togeather a '46 chevy pick up on the cheap. Cheap is the word here.. right now i have a 1/2 ton rear end out of a pick up. got an old pontiac 350 / t350 trans.. got that in an s-10 frame that i have a 4 link rear and stock front end in. I have really never had someone to learn from so most of my education has come from trial and error. I hope to learn some new skills and gain suggestions on a few problems i am running into as i am starting to put this all togeather.
Hi Leaky, welcome to the land of Hamb, it's a good place to spend hours feeding the habit! ENJOY................