Just found this page in an ancient Moon Automobile Accessories catalogue. I had not previously heard of the Norden carburetor; and Google also has not heard of a Norden carb. Anyone here that has used them, known anyone that used them, or have more information than in the page posted below? I am always looking for carburetor information I do not have for my files. Thanks in advance. Jon
Id bet my social security check Bruce would have found info in his library. Just another cog out of the wheel. Never replaced.
Petejoe - you could be right. I have taken steps so that would not be the case for my files. Over the last 25 years or so, have been digitizing carburetor data. Forwarded 92 GB to the AACA library this spring. Would encourage others to consider doing this. Jon
From the same man who brought us the Norden Bomb-sight? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norden_bombsight
I have a pair of Norden cards somewhere in the garage. I think there is also some article with them written maybe by Car Craft or Hot Rod. I will see where I put everything and update in the next few days.
Well.......that wasn't as hard as I thought. I found them in an unmarked box ! I now remember that I got them back in about 1984 with some Chev II midget stuff. There are two carbs and they were mounted on two individual adapters made by Eggers and Vetting. Eggers and Vetting were Wisconsin guys who built lots of speed equipment for Chev II midget racers. The adapters and carbs are put together to be used as sidedrafts. The bowl on one carb reads: Hyper-Tension manufactured by Norden Machine Works, L.A. California. They appear to be built to run as downdrafts or sidedraft with the bowls rotating in relation to the barrel and throttle assembly. I will keep looking as I know I have an article about the carbs somewhere in my files. These carbs are cute as a bugs ear. I think they may also have been used on some motorcycle engines also. Have fun
From the Culver City, California Historical Society website at www.culvercityhistoricalsociety.org/the-historic-culver-city-racing-scene/