I think a '56 Cadillac coupe de Ville. A close second would be a 57 Chrysler 300 and followed up with a '56 Chrysler New Yorker 2dr. hardtop... A '56 Packard Patrician would be in the mix as well as a '56 Buick Roadmaster.
Another for '34 Ford- V8 deluxe roadster. The aussie 5 passenger 'club' type, thank you. They made 11 of 'em, or something stupid like that. Seen two- one in Restored Cars magazine (issue #13- the one I can't find!), and the other at a Bundaberg rod run- a beautiful red resto- rod. That's the 'american car' that sticks for me.
I agree. I've had my 65 for 10 years now. Its come a long way and almost finished. The front bumper is from Ryan's 65 Riv, a donar part from a guy named "Bubba" after the car was wrecked. Several times I have considered selling it or trading it, but I always fear I'll miss it too much. I have always thought it was the most beautiful designs GM ever came up with. Bill Mitchell was an American bad ass.
Checker, DeSoto, LaSalle, Willys/Jeep FC. Sorry, I can't pick just one. Problem is, the closest I can get is pictures and dreams right now. Oh, I almost forgot, '57-62 T-bird.
I get your love affair with the Rivey, to me the hide-away grill and factory profile are spot on cool. For me, straight from the show room floor it's a '60 Impala, the grill and lights stretched wicked far out are akin to a wide vista shot of Eastwood chawing a stogie right before a high noon gun fight. Always had that image in head when I looked one over. But in the hands of a rodder the Deuce will always be my eye candy. The lines, curves and stance in the hands of a traditional builder keep me spell bound. Need I say more!!!! East Coast Eye Candy! Courtesy of samsfordgarage.blogspot
Always amazes me how many people still havent figured out Ryan owns this place lol. As far as favorites, man I wish I could just pick one, I would be so much money ahead. I had a very nice 61 Lincoln convertible that I let go because the darn thing just had too many weird electrical and vacuum problems that were beyond my scope of figuring out. The 61 Lincolns will always be high on my list though. One of my customers father has a 65 Riviera he bought new. It just sits in his garage now. She told me it has a few little dents and dings but is other wise pretty nice. I asked her to have him put a price on the car, but he isn't in any rush to sell it. She said he does mention now and again that maybe he should let it go. Funny when you look at those 65 Rivs how cool they are even stock, timeless really. Amazing that they are nearly 50 years old.
Hands down favorites, any Caddy '54 thru '61. Same applies; slight adjustment to stance and the right wheels and tire combo= DONE!
I think the 66 Riviera is even prettier, it and its almost identical 67, they kinda went to hit in 68 though.
I had a 65 Riv when I was 18, one of the worst cars I ever owened. But, it is also one of the only cars I've owned I would have again. I think my favorite American car is a 57 Olds Super 88 or a 52 Cad Eldo Conv.
A guy at a big show yesterday here in SE WI had a mint black on black '65 Riviera. It was easily the coolest car there.
I know that it ain't all that exciting to many, but the good ol' '55 Chev done (or not done) just about any way, has had me since I was a kid. Where were you in '62?
I've recently had a change of heart of recent.....call it a virus, call it what you want but I recently been bitten by the older Italian set. A 1965 Ferrari 365P Berlinetta would do it quite nicley for me.... On a more American front (British-American as it were) a 64/65 GT40 with the Lemans paint scheme....thats a wet dream right there.....that said seeing as I am 6'4" I don't fit in the 40.5" tall vehicle therefore I would have to settle for a 2005 or 6 GT40 seeing as they are a few inches taller.... now dont go thinkin i'm throwing away my roots, I'm not, I'll always have hot rods in my blood, but man I gotta get one of them purpose built street legal road race cars...
i got a 1963 riv slightly modified photo in profile got a cutlas roof choped 29,000 miles won every show it was entered in last year was ISCA class champion in 2012 this car was built in 1963 and in Hot Rod some one can own a good show car for 25K would take good show car in trade
1970 El Camino SS396. That sumbitch accelerated and stopped the same whether it was all by itself or towing a racecar/sandrail/whatever. Miss that bitch!!
Well here is a 64 that my buddy Scott owns, he just had the roof painted a shade darker with tons of metalflake and crushed glass
Mine would be 1959 Cadillac Coupe deville , however close would be the 1964 Rivieras , next will have a 1965 front I hope , one day , here is the last I sold a few years back , miss it like crazy , they just drive so well ,
Don't know if its been posted, but there is one on Ebay that looks pretty good. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Buic...4?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item3f1a8a837e#v4-49
When did this shit happen? I always got my posts booted when I was working on a 65 nova (which now sits snugly in a museum)... Which I may say has the same body panels as a 64... SHANANIGANS!!!!!!
I've always loved Jimmy Vaughns Rivi. Thought the 2" chop was perfect. My dad hammered his too much, in '67. 65's are the neastest though! Here's his old 64
I see your 1965 Buick Riviera, and raise with a 1937 Cadillac V16...or two. Add some skirts, lower the rear, open pipes, 90mph...yes.
Jesus Ryan!! It's like you lit off a string of black cats in a catholic church!! Everybody is yelling!
I would give my left nut for a '65 Riviera and that is the one I go back to. About two years ago I started looking for one and had convinced my wife by showing her your article http://www.jalopyjournal.com/?p=11157. It was this line here that helped sell her on it... It was one of those cars that you could park next to a Ferrari and it would still look ready to pounce. It looked illegal. It looked pissed. It looked like it was ready to eat whatever was sitting in front of it. The car was a gangster of steel. We had some cash saved and was ready to pull the trigger, but then had to spend it on house renovations, that was that, missed out but will get there one day.
My grandparents first car together was '40 Ford Coupe. When I was a kid and my interest in model building was at its hight, my grandfather bought a model '40 and asked me to build it for him. He spec'ed out the colors and I had at it. He didn't put it with his other car stuff when he got it back. He kept it sitting on the radio next to his recliner until the day he died 15 years later (even after they moved). That was the model build I was most proud of (21 grandkids any my '40 sits on the radio next to his chair) and if I ever had the chance, that's my #1 real car of all time. I'd love to build/have the real thing. #2 would be the '69 GTO that my parents brought me home from the hospital in. That beautiful orange color, the screaming 400 with the six pack on it... mmmm yeah, I have a fetish for both.