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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Fat ASS Whitewalls, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774



    Yeah, I just went bankrupt. :(

    I had perfect credit until my wife left me and the kids for another dude. I was a stay-at-home-dad at the time and got tired of stealing stuff from the grocery store for us to eat (she still lived there and I couldn't get on assistance), and started burning up my credit cards by using them for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Destroyed my credit, but kept the house and us afloat until I found a job.

    I re-affirmed the house, and am keeping it, and have never missed a payment yet.

    But I totally suck, and you should never hire me because of my shitty credit. I'm just not a very responsible person... :(

    I have to agree with Paul that it's really shitty that due to everybody suing everybody all the time that credit reports are all they have to go on these days... and it's never sat too well that a guy's word doesn't mean much these days... HAMB guys excepted, of course!


  2. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    Ive been saying that sooner or later the govenment workers will feel this...
    well they are already talking about postal workers working 1 less day per week..

    soon there will not be enough of us bread makers to feed this huge govenment...than maybe they will listen...too bad it will be too F-ing late by than
  3. havi
    Joined: Dec 30, 2008
    Posts: 1,876


    And then there's the ex that uses your name for the (unpaid) apartment rental, medical bills, phone bills, etc... since she has your SSN, and you only find out when you are applying for a mortgage via credit check. Yea.

    Today another day of layoffs: Starbucks, Boeing, etc... hang in there everyone!
  4. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    I used to say that the best job was being a postal carrier with a walking beat in an impoverished neighborhood.

    1. They gave guys with walking beats shorter routes.

    2. None of those folks could afford any magazines - and because they were all piss poor, nobody ever targeted them for junk mail either. All you had to do was deliver ONE check a month!

    Now those people who used to get their one check per month are feeling the money dry up on 'em and there's less and less checks to deliver... and maybe the guy with the aforementioned job is looking to get on a different route, to avoid getting paid to sit on his ass, putting himself first in line to be laid off that one day per week!


  5. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    Credit reports can have innacuracies too. Be sure to order yours and correct any errors. Everytime your insurance company hits your credit you are entitled by law to recieve a free report fron Experion, Equifax and Trans-Union. Make sure the information is correct. The report is being used for alot of things they never were intended to be used for, like screening job applicants. They are very vague and poorly adminstered, it is your duty to be sure they are accurate.
  6. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    it should be their duty to be sure they are correct..or we should be able to sue the bastards for liable.
    not to mention the teeth you have to pull to get a correction done
  7. layin_frame_56
    Joined: Feb 11, 2007
    Posts: 312

    from Ohio

    Ya I am also laid off havent worked since 12 29 08 and they just decidied to tell me i was laid off just like a week ago. This fucking goverment needs to figure something out and soon. And for the auto industry they need to stop wasting money on stupid shit and do as they said they was going to do with there bail out money. Ok sorry I will stop blabin on now just my thoughts
  8. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    the auto co's didnt get any Bail out was a loan..big difference...your anger should be directed at the banks and credit companies..they are the ones who got "bail out money" and havent had to show shit for it. and they were the douchebags who helped get our asses in this bind, along with our brain dead Gov.
  9. Matter of fact, the Postal Carriers in those neighborHOODS were the ones running for their lives because when they carried those checks they were prime candidates to be ROBBED. Those guys should get combat pay because they do get KILLED doing their jobs. There are also a lot of Pit Bulls in those neighborHOODS too. Why do you think that the USPS and UPS don't accept CASH for COD deliveries anymore?

    And the USPS Letter Carriers all actually work five days per week with Sundays off and a rotating day off during the rest of the week. So without Saturday delivery they wiould get Saturday and Sunday off like most other people.

    And since they haven't hired anyone for the past six months or more the Letter Carriers are now carrying their own route and then going back out to carry the routes where someone who has retired or died. There's no sitting around for them. No thanks, not a job I'd want espcially in the winter!
  10. layin_frame_56
    Joined: Feb 11, 2007
    Posts: 312

    from Ohio

    O ok well i guess i was mislead on that then. So the banks are fucking us and the auto makers then? Either way until the auto industry comes back around I am jobless but o well i maybe able to get this pile of parts together by then.
  11. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    I couldn't agree more. We got ours awhile back and there was stuff on there that must have been mixed up with someone else. It was like, you said, pulling teeth to get it right. After we did, our insurance premium went down. You talk about arrogant people, they think they are untouchable and everyone's a deadbeat trying to get one over on them.

    Unbelievable. So if you wonder why the possible employer didn't call you back,you might want to give a look...
  12. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Whether you still owe it or not, ten year old debt can be taken off your credit reports if you want... I mean, if you still owe it you still pay on it, but you can have it taken off at your request, bad or not.


  13. snelson57
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 544


    If it wasn't for the brain dead government, the banks would be able to loan again.

    I am not an accountant or an expert on the topic, but this is what I have been able to gather on this subject.

    The government passed the mark to market accounting requirement as an overreaction to the Enron fiasco. The best description that I have heard of this is its like saying that your house is worth whatever you can get for it if you sell it in the next 10 minutes.

    With the bailout money, all the banks were able to do is get their balance sheets closer to even with the cash influx since they are forced to write down the value of their assets on a daily basis in a falling market.

    A reversal of this rule could open up lending overnight. Lending needed greatly by employers to meet payroll commitments, operating expenses, etc.

    Frivoulous government spending - most of which is scheduled to be spent 2010-2012 in this stimulus bill - will not stop the freefall that this economy is in. Less spending and ultimately less taxes for the average working family is the only economic stimulation that is responsible and sustainable.

    There are things that this government could do to solve this problem without spending our childrens taxes. Unfortunately, it appears that the party that has been elected to control the house, senate and the white house this term will not let this opportunity pass without spending on every pet project that they could never get approved in the past.
  14. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    Yeah, the last 8 years were just great....:rolleyes:
  15. snelson57
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 544


    Actually, the six years following 9/11 represented a staggering recovery of the economy. I am not giving credit to any political party, it just was.

    A change in party control can be a good thing and is often necessary, if for no other reason than to gain an bump in consumer confidence that is necessary.

    Having the senate, house and President in the same party, either party, is bad - IMHO.
  16. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    Yup, just like point exactly...
  17. Kev Nemo
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
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    Kev Nemo

    Laid off right before Thanksgiving. Decided to go back to school and finish my degree so at least I'm learning something on the dole.
  18. snelson57
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 544


    You've convinced me. I guess that I can give full credit to the party that was in control from 2001-2007. I was being too charitable.

    Apparently the decline started when the other party took control of congress. Thanks for the lesson.;)

    Partisanship aside, I want this administration to be successful for the good of this country. Can we agree on that?
  19. layin_frame_56
    Joined: Feb 11, 2007
    Posts: 312

    from Ohio

    I would agree with that I hope this administration does do us all good we all know the country could use it
  20. kozik
    Joined: Sep 14, 2008
    Posts: 68


  21. 49coupe
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
    Posts: 569


    "Frivoulous government spending - most of which is scheduled to be spent 2010-2012 in this stimulus bill - will not stop the freefall that this economy is in. Less spending and ultimately less taxes for the average working family is the only economic stimulation that is responsible and sustainable."

    Well said. Our Canadian Government just passed an $85B bill that hands out goodies to everyone so the spend thrift opposition doesn't bring down the minority government. (Since our economy is about 1/10 the size of the US, it's on about the same scale).

    Infrastructure spending is great for governments because they can dole it out to a few large companies who can then pump $$ back into their party coffers. Cross the board tax cuts take away that power, but are what's needed. It's not the '30s where you could take a bunch of guys off the street, give them a shovel and put them to work. Construction companies are unionized and require skilled labor. Permits and environmental assessments take time. How is this going to put the masses to work?

    The pet projects are already starting. My city raised my property taxes 9% this year and is really proud that they are spending $40M on a new skating rink and park in front of the city hall.:( Meanwhile the roads and bridges are crumbling and they're cutting hospital staff.
  22. Parts48
    Joined: Mar 28, 2008
    Posts: 1,588

    from Tucson, Az
    1. Hot Rod Veterans

    Yes the 6 year run up was incredible..

    By reducing regulation the economy seemed to expand..but it was built on "paper" profits. That is exactly what we are now paying for.
    The economic boom was a false inflation of home values..stock prices and corporate expansions. Prosperty built on lies and greed...and trust in the wealthy.
    Trusting the corporations and the super wealthy to self-regulate is absurd.
    We are now seeing the "real" value...the real effect of the rape of our economy by a relative few. How many Madoffs were there..or ARE there.

    The culture of greed is good..became an economy..Ponzi Scheme.

    We invested our 401s..we didn't direct it.
    We bought homes..we didn't inflate the value.
    We did the "smart thing" just as we were advised..
    We did not make the millions..
    We did not move offshore with our new found wealth..
    We did not steal jobs from our countrymen to keep the profit graph rising at the Ponzi values allowed without any meaningful regulation.

    Yet somehow WE aree are to blame..we bought to much on credit..we built our business on the presumption of sucess..just like those GUIDING this economy. We bought the farm..from WHOM ?

    We didn't know our place was just to provide the gris for the mill..

    Jobs were sent jobs are lost as the greed and mythical boom benefited a small few.
    Corporations like Haliburton left for Dubai..after huge profits..I wonder why ?
    Super wealthy corporations..or people..have no country. They move thier money and assests wherever the climate protends safety or profit.
    Swiss bank accounts..Carribean banks..anywhere but here..where they might actually have to reconcile thier greed.
    Every "smart" dictator..every thief..gets his money out before the fall..the rats diserted this ship.

    We are our country..we have been robbed...our counrty raped..
    Some may want to glorify the robbers..the corporations that benefited from all this. The politicans that work so closely with the corporations.

    Where YOU the cause..?
    Did you make huge profits on home loans..or benefit from the de-regulation and accounting changes that allowed banks to restate value as LOAN AMOUNT not equity...and drive thier stock values to record levels ?
    Now we are to blame..we are the culprits..we blame each other..?
    We just do our jobs..we live in the matrix designed by WHO ?

    It was a was a Ponzi Scam..we were robbed..

    It was a self-fulfilling prophecy.. Inflation of corporate value was concealed by the "low inflation" of items/value costs of reference to the expanding "myth" economy..
    We had the pacifier shoved right up there. Our home values..and 401Ks..we would be RICH..just like them..

    I hope we get this right..I hear many folks saying whats wrong with these proposals. I DO NOT here any alternate plans.

    I hope it works..if not we get another guy. Can't be worse than what we have been left with.

    Is it a coincidence..that this happened at the end of a term ?

    Perhaps we need to rethink some things.

    As long as we separate as Liberals vs Conservative..or right vs left..we are the cattle..they are the hunters..

    We stand either stand together..or surley we hang together..

    I'm mad as hell..and I want my country back.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2009
  23. RichG
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 3,919


    You know, you're right.

    It's time that we all stop being so special, so individual. Everyone has a group, a subtitle. "I need this, I need that". Enough already. We're supposed to be Americans. Not African-Americans, not Mexican-Americans, no special rights for this cause or that, all of us equal, all of us treated the same.

    Our children live in a society that says "you are special". YOU are most certainly not special. There are a million others just like YOU! Let's all stop worrying about what make us different and start working on what makes us the same. We are all going to drown in this economic disaster, whether we see ourselves as Liberals, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, or Whatever. Teach your kids that they are not special, they are not going to get what they want or think they deserve. They are going to get what they EARN!

    It's time for all of us to grow up and stop bitching about how we got here and start working on getting out of this mess.

  24. Amen!
  25. 283nova
    Joined: Jun 5, 2008
    Posts: 222

    from spokane,wa

    i was laid off the 14th
  26. davesville
    Joined: Dec 13, 2006
    Posts: 364


    docc i agree with most of what you said.the job iam counting on has been delayed due to the extreme weather we are having here .45 degrees celcious here today (not sure what that is in farenheight but its bloody hot mate).i never thought i would be so excited having 4 weeks work ahead of me its normally 12 months(self employed carpenter)but i am not giving up .i am now brewing my own beer and going. to butcher a sheep with a kiwi friend this weekend.this might sound like hillbilly talk but when things get tough i think of beer and meat.its times like these i wish i had my old 29 roadster to take for a long drive in the forest.i always felt better after that:D:D:D
  27. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    It might take some one with enough power and money to sue the companies or officials that run this credit number game, before they realize its a flawed system.
    and with the current state of the economy, soon no one is going to have an "acceptable" credit rating to get a job a loan or anything else for that matter if they keep playing it this way.
    i say fuckem all..hope they drown in their arrogance (sp)
    since when is it acceptable to fuck a man while he's down? un less your a govenment, court system or scam.
    now they use your credit score to see how bad they can screw you when it comes to your auto insurance premiums, whats that got to do with it?
  28. customcory
    Joined: Apr 25, 2007
    Posts: 1,831


    I'm telling you man, when everybody gave in to peeing in a cup, they took a little more from you like the credit rating, and on and on.. I don't see why they haven't got people that are overweight yet, they surely burden the insurance industry, and in turn make it hard for the employer to insure eveyone else cheaply. :rolleyes: The mountain is falling on everybody now. It use to be just us pot smoking hippies, and minorities, that weren't allowed to work, someday it might be YOU! I saw all this coming years ago.You have to give in though if you want money and like to eat. Its ashame you can't do anything about what's happening today, but if enough people get unemployed , you might get a march on Washington, like in the olden days! I'm not going to say anymore as I like to be on the HAMB.:D:D
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2009
  29. bustedlifter
    Joined: Jun 26, 2005
    Posts: 756


    A depression is when the government tries to fix a recession.
  30. 90volts
    Joined: Dec 27, 2008
    Posts: 16

    from suburbs

    well, i understand this may just be ranting but it was just so way off i could not keep quiet

    actually more like a 34 year runup. the housing problem started when government (carter) pressured banks to start lending to people who would not normally qualify for a home loan.

    the culture was embraced by a majority of the populous. anyone who had to have a house in a gated community or a new car every 3 or 4 years to keep up with the Joneses.

    401K? you should have been directing it, not just sitting by and feeding it blindly
    homes? we expected more and more for a home, asking more than it was worth.
    advisors? they're just doing a job like you and I. they don't have all the answers. from the beginning of time the number one rule is to look out for number one.

    we allowed ourselves to be robbed buy feeding into the investments,401ks,new houses and cars, spoiling the kids, etc

    the alternative has been brought up in part. tax cuts. give people back their damn money! but in addition government needs to stop spending! tighten the belt like the rest of us are! hell, here we are tightening till it hurts and what are they doing, with our money by the way? spending more than ever in the history of the country! did you not think that 150million for an inaugaration was a bit pricey in these times? the news tried castrating bush for spending 40 some million! how far could that money have gone in feeding the people and educating people in that town? and the funny thing is... the inaugaration did not even count! it was bungled and had to be dome again. so they did it for real in private with probably 30 people or so in the white house which i am guessing cost almost nothing! if there was REALLY going to be change, it would have been done that way to begin to show we don't need to spend all that money that is really needed elsewere.

    have you been to afghanistan? iraq? africa? eastern europe? oh, it sure as HELL can be worse. we've been too spoiled for too long and some just don't realize that.

    that i can totally agree with. Washington warned about this party system right from the start. it is not good for the country. but who in government puts the country first anyway?
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