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O/T Add me to the list of unemployed.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Fat ASS Whitewalls, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. -Brent-
    Joined: Nov 20, 2006
    Posts: 7,656


    Thanks, man.

    I just love the HAMB and all the personalities that are here. I'm no angel, I'd like to keep the people whom are here, HERE!

    I've gotten a few requests so far and I've responded to them all. Seriously, your first impression is the resume and cover letter that HR sees. Don't let some less-talented person with more tricks up their sleeve (resume-wise) beat you out for the job.
  2. Grumpy
    Joined: Jan 28, 2003
    Posts: 2,570

    from NE Ohio

    I've been off 10 months today...

    They want you to apply to 2 places a week...haha. The only thing we hear nightly on the news is another place closing or laying off.

    I dislike the word unemployed. I like to refer to myself as "semi-retired".

    Except I'm only 39:(

  3. Rooster
    Joined: Jan 14, 2002
    Posts: 355


    I'm workin a week on and off it seems. Then sometimes two on two off. It's tough to keep the schedule normal but I'm thankful as hell to work for Ford and have the benefits my forebearers fought for. Even tho the current contract has us making less than the transplants by next year I'm happy to be workin some of the time. Wouldn't take much more to erase 10yrs seniority from the rolls at this point tho. I hear from friends every week about more local businesses laying off or falling.

    FWW The Automakers asked for LOANS---not a bailout.
    and every one of us drove it to this point thru our ChinaMart mentalities...when will we learn that you get what you pay for/ reap what you sow?

    Many have written about a taxpayer bailout, here's my idea. It's incomplete, but a start...

    Instead of a further federal bailout of the banking industry ie. mortgage holder's at over current housing values, give it to them thru the taxpayer's via the IRS. Make an allottment of say $50K per family home. ONE home per family, and under a certain income. If you already owe less than that(lucky you), owner is entitled to 20% cash value of the difference in $50K and that used to pay off the mortgage. When the taxpayer files their return, they include their mortgage info and the IRS deposits the entire return to their mortg. holder who then refunds the difference. This payment will be accepted as your ONLY mortg. payment for 12months. Non home owner's recieve a flatrate stimulous of a couple thou. as a "12 month deadline gift card" to be used for federally guaranteed home purchase. This works three ways, it stabilizes the currently used home's value, drives the housing market back thru the "gift card" program and also creates economic stimulus for those who've already bought into the system by not making payments for a year and or recieving cash.

    This plan would cost ALOTTTT. But haven't our representatives already given so much as to accept we must have higher taxes now? Why continue to give money to corporate entities with no guarantee of return? Stabilize our homes and our families long enough to implement tax incentives and trade that favor a return to America standing for Strength thru our ability to make necessary products for our own survival!
  4. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Yeah but its not my computer, it is however my internet connection and it hasnt been paid since October.
  5. I will say it again.......are you a VICTIM or are you a MAN?!?!?!

    My grandad sold blemished produce door to door in the depression. He bought the "bad" stuff and still found a market. The car they travelled to Oregon from the midwest in was LONGER than theMOBILE HOME they lived in!

    Once again, are you a VICTIM or a MAN? MEN will go outside the cave and kill anything they can to keep the family alive. Victims vote for the handout...awe hell I will not say it ...........but the song does say that "welfare mothers make better lovers"
  6. And for all of you that need direction.......want to learn how to live without debt? This is how our country became strong!
  7. JeffB2
    Joined: Dec 18, 2006
    Posts: 9,618

    from Phoenix,AZ

    In the news yesterday:Laura Bush orders new dishes for the White House,cost? $475,000.00 It never ends does it?:mad:
  8. JeffB2
    Joined: Dec 18, 2006
    Posts: 9,618

    from Phoenix,AZ

    I remember a few years back a talk radio host declared that" this Christmas I am going to buy American" a few days later he reported it was almost impossible, so he bought everyone wine from California.:rolleyes:
  9. Goozgaz
    Joined: Jan 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,555


    I skipped all the political talk on this thread... becuase I am newly unemployed and I have better things to do.
  10. -Brent-
    Joined: Nov 20, 2006
    Posts: 7,656


    TMAN! I'm picking up everything you're putting down! Dave Ramsey doesn't say things we haven't heard before but he gets people to "get it." Since I've been reading/listening to him I've really turned things around. It's not easy starting but "if you want to live like nobody else, you've got to live like nobody else."
  11. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Tman, we are all victims of our country's policy's. I know for sure that our current government were voted in on completely different issues than they have actually tackled.
    I spent today, well 5 hours in an office talking with a representative of Veterans Affairs and one from Social Security. Nothing has resulted from it, Im in the same place as before. They spent much of the time on the phone trying to find out answers to my questions, answers I still don't have.
    Its funny but my file was lost 4 years ago at VA, I have been in contact with them as have a lawyer at least twice a week in the last 2 years and still there is no file!
    Still no work......
    So, do I buy blemished produce? Well, no. You need permits to not only buy salable amounts but to also sell it, the bulk seller has to notify the Tax office of the amount the sale is and to whom. I also need an ABN (Australian Business Number), I need to go through my taxation department for a business account. Things are not as easy as they were many moons ago, over regulation has seen to that.
    Hell, if I could use the knowledge and experience I have I could be teaching Advanced Life Support, Pre Hospital Care and Early Management of Severe Trauma. Why? Because thats part of the job I used to do.
    Now I cant even work as a basic paramedic (Level 1) because one department wont recognise a level of education.
    Hell, I had a Masters Degree in Paramedical Science, not anymore though as part of the training done by the Armed Forces is not recognised out side of the Military. I wonder why it was ok, while still serving to work with that qualification in the civil sector but not now that I am out of the Military?
    All I can do is work as the lowest nurse there is, an Enrolled Nurse. Although there is little work around as everyone wants higher levels of qualifications, hence 4 days of work in 2 months. My agency has my name down at 47 different hospitals and nursing homes as being available.
    I am more than willing to do the courses to increase my employability but I first need to earn enough to support myself and then to pay for the courses.
    Ever heard of a catch 22?

  12. WOW, I didn't think this would be this bad. I loaded up my toolbox tonight and brought it home. They laid off 16 from maintenance\tool & die. These two departments have never been touched before. 90 more are to go from the production floor next week. I cashed in my IRA today, the tax hit isn't going to be as much as it's lost in the last year. I wish I would have done it a year ago. I feel if I leave it alone, I will lose all of it. I think I'll be alright for now. The only bill I will have is my house payment, and utility's, which isn't that bad. I should be able to pull in some side jobs. This town is full of production factory's, and they are all going through tough times. My wife is a nervous wreck, she worries about everything ten times worse than she should, so this really has her worried. I'm the only source of income, we moved to Missouri to be here for our Granddaughter, and take care of her. She's looked for work in the past, with very little luck. Good luck to all, Dean
  13. johnboy13
    Joined: May 1, 2007
    Posts: 1,070


    Techniaclly, something only needs to be ASSEMBLED 49% or more in the states to be considered "Made in the USA"

    I also saw a new one the other day, "Made in the USA, with global components"
  14. I'm reading some earlier posts here, these times are worst I've seen ever. I'm lucky that my job hasn't been affected. But wife's has been, she's been on layoff since before Christmas, was supposed to go back on 5 Jan but was called at told no. Then yesterday she got another call to report back on 12th January. Good news for us and maybe an indication things are starting to pick up. She works at a major auto supplier - they make antilock brake parts for most of the Big 3 & some imports too. They told her they received bigger orders than expected and called 115 people back instead of only 20 they had planned to recall. I know it's a small step but at least it's going in the right direction.
    Another good indicator from my workplace, I was informed we'd be getting 2 more "new hires" on my team this month and are expecting several hundred more within a few months. Good economic news in general, and GREAT news for SE michigan. I'm hoping the best for all of you who are affected by this terrible economic situation, hoping 2009 is better.
  15. BinderRod
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,737


    Until you get rid od needless goverment spending this problem is not going to go away. They just keep printing more money that makes our money just about worthless. I also believe that to put the brakes on more goverment handouts to people that don't want to work or that have never worked because they think it is a way of life need to have a wake up call. I also believe a way to cure this is to require you to bring your W-2 to show that you are working or have been working. You work , you vote!
    Throwing money at people that have never worked makes no sense to me.
    The 26 or 29 billion that the new President and the party is spending should be given to the working people that have fallen on bad times. The goverment needs to wake up and get a grasp on what is going on around then instead of giving there selves a raise. I'm sorry for the sour post but this is what I truely believe. Keith
  16. Times are hard all over, boys. I've been designing prototype machinery and automation for 44 years now, the last 7 on my own without a major corporation behind me as a security blanket. About 3 months ago everything stopped with a thud!! I've picked up a few small contracts doing machine animations for websites, but no real work. The whole automotive thing has gone tits up, which means all the tier 1 and 2 suppliers are all standing idle, so nothing new being developed for their production machinery. The automotive sector only accounts for about 20% of my work, but everybody else is so scared with this economy melt down that they have put all expansion and new machine development on hold. I'm okay---my house is paid for, and my kids are all out on there own, and my wife DOES work for the federal government. The thing that gripes my ass is that I'm healthy, I'm capable, and I have a fairly large investment in computer hardware and engineering software, and here I am setting around playing with my dick, waiting for the damn phone to ring.
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
  18. Kerry67
    Joined: Apr 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,606


    Like I said earlier, I myself don't see how it can turn around. I just don't see the jobs coming back or new business' starting up. But, something has to be done. I think we are turning into the country we never thought we would be that is for sure. I wonder what it is going to be like in 2 years. I predict a full blown depression unfortunately. This is one time when I hope I am dead wrong....
  19. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    You didn't ask to be disabled, I didn't either. There's no Man or Victim to it. They kind of frown on you cave manning the neighbors pets where I live. I can't even see to shoot, I have to kill at close quarters. :eek:

    There are circumstances that require help from outside, and no matter what you do sometimes the bear eats you. I wan't llok down my nose at anyone who was permanantly hurt in the service of their country or society at large. And society throws warriors and well tempered managers away like used tissue. If you don't fit the buzzword philosophy of the day good luck with a career, oh and don't make waves whatever you do. Part of why I can't work anymore (besides being blind) is my mental illness, I am too "individualisically aggressive" (no shit, part of my diagnosis along with PTSD, explosive anger disorder, chronic major depression with psychosis) and am disciplined to the point that I expect the same from others. Like its an illness or something. It doesn't seem to play well these days. It used to be a valued asset, not anymore. I worked for over 30 years as a half blind headcase. Its like a "hero syndrome" thing. I have a head injury to prove it from some chickenshit hoodlums that have to attack in packs (that I was trying to teach discipline as a calling to help our youth find a better way, how naive). I saved a kids life though, he was the one getting the beating and I took it for him protected him with my own body. I am proud of that, but I almost didn't live to tell and I gave up the larger part of the rest of my sight. I see shadows now and have siezures, last straw i guess. Its OK, I carry a razor now and I still won't hesitate to carve my name on anyone who touches me or anyone who can't fight for themselves. Doc don't let anyone give you that shit. You are a man who didn't ask for his circumstances.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  20. bustedlifter
    Joined: Jun 26, 2005
    Posts: 756


    Tuesday the new Senate and House members were sworn in,it's like a bank opening it's doors to thieves and saying "have at it".
  21. Deuce Roadster
    Joined: Sep 8, 2002
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    Deuce Roadster
    Member Emeritus

    No Politics from me ... I am unemployed ... by choice :D

    I retired from the work force July the 1st, 2005 @ the age of 57.
    The economy has slowed a little here in my area of the Southeast but nowhere near what I see in other parts of our country ( Michigan and Ohio ). Unemployment in the county I live in is less than 5 per cent. Real estate and the automobile new car sales seem to be the most affected. Smart folks here are being conservative with their money and purchases. South Carolina is not a highly industrialized state and is fairly diverse so it has survived better than the northern states ... for once. We have a good many folks who have retired here from other places ... and are " comfortable " money wise ... but with 401's, stock portfolios and other investments on the downside swing ... some folks are righfully scared.

    I do hope all you unemployed find employment ... SOON :)
  22. Bill.S
    Joined: May 5, 2004
    Posts: 449

    from NW OH

    S.C is catching up to MI and OH ,its bad all over and I don't think we will see any big improvement until 2010.
  23. racerodcustom
    Joined: Jul 15, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    I feel for all of you. I was out of work for a year after katrina hit and it sucked to say the least. In hindsight it may have been a sort of blessing in disguise. The construction industry is still booming. I'm a lead machinist at a tool mfg company (one of the few that produces everything in house, made in the good ol' U.S. Of A.) And we're busier than ever. Seems we're in an economic "bubble". But we are also the murder capital of the nation. Good with the bad I guess.To those Vets out there- Welcome home. My dad is one of you and fights vigilantly for Veterans' rights and I hear all too often about the shaft our government is putting to you. Its down right disgusting how bad ya'll are treated.If anyone is in the NOLA area, feel free to contact me and I'll do anything in my power to help.Stay strong, stay proud. Hopefully there's light at the end of the tunnel. Hope its not a train!-Mike
  24. Artwelder
    Joined: Jan 6, 2009
    Posts: 54

    from OH

    That is a very generous offer. I might just take you up on that.
  25. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    I dont want you to mis-understand me 29 not saying that i want a gov. bail just saying that they are giving it to the wrong sector...without controls or guidelines to its if they were willing to throw good money after bad...why not just give it to the people..thats all i was saying..Ive never taken anything i didnt work for in all of my life, and im not going to start now.

    really it was just an idea..and kinda tongue in cheek anyhow
  26. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    I think that is fairly balanced really. I would much rather be working than talking into this machine. I don't go outside much anymore because it just pisses me off. I am physically and mentally ill, I finally had to accept that. I wish I could help it because I sure miss suiting up everyday. I still try to help people where I can, nothing will take that spirit away except my last breath. We live within our means, but another 20 years of full earning would have been nice. I fought as long and hard as I could, had three careers dissappear since 1994, none of my own making, and you can do no less and still have pride. But there are people who don't have alot of options, and I agree that they need consideration. But I really would much rather be working than where I am now. I don't think the government is the answer, its the problem. They enable people who don't need help and really don't care toexploit the system to live a lifestyle that supports a self-propogating political agenda, and they make it really hard for people who really need help to get it. If you are a straight up and honest person these agencies will chew you up and spit you out. Lie like a dog and have 15 kids by different fathers and they roll on the ground for you. I resent that. That kind of govenment doesn't represent me, but they finally are helping at least keeping me alive. So I count my blessings everyday.
  27. Having just read the last 8 pages, my heart goes out to you all. Reading your personal stories is a much more reliable barometer than anything the media cares to dish up.
    A couple of things.....Are people angry about the billions that George W has spent(not even counting the human cost) to go to, and to stay in, Iraq? Just my 10c but I have long felt that the money thrown into that black hole could have gone a long way towards increasing the living standards in the USA, and that was long before your, and consequently our, economies flatlined.
    Please don't take this as a personal insult from someone who lives halfway 'round the world, Lord knows once you vote 'em in they 'Have a mandate from the people', We suffer the same fools here too.

    Second thing is...

    How many of you have had to do the piss test?
    These days you have to pass one to work in many places and once you're working there are the random ones, just to keep you on your toes.
    Why oh why don't the people who collect welfare have to pass the same test, to qualify for a piece of your hard earned taxes!

    That's a motza saved right there!

    Keep your heads high and never say die.

    In case you hadn't guessed NZ is riddled with 3rd generation welfare bludgers who would not pass the test too.
  28. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    How would you go with these tests with prescription medications? If they read positive for a narcotic agent this would include most prescription pain medication? Is that taken into account or is it looked at as someone with just another way to take drugs?
  29. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    At the rate things are going..the welfare recipients may be the next unemployed..and i bet there is a huge number of them that dont diserve it in the first place..wouldnt that be something ,when they stop getting paid..thats when you know the shit has hit the fan.

    riot ? you betcha..and i bet the gov. dont even want to think about it.
    (understand I am not talking about those who Honestly deserve all know who im talking about)
  30. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    from what i understand..(could be wrong here) that if you can show and maybe a Dr. letter, they will take that into account...but if they pop you for Weed or Coke, or other illegal type drugs..its a failed test
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