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O/T Add me to the list of unemployed.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Fat ASS Whitewalls, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. fergenboysinc
    Joined: Nov 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,025


    Im just going to cut through the war Shit Storm(Good or Bad) and get back to the guys that have lost their jobs! Here you have a guy offering help!!!! Take a long look at yourself....You all know you can do "damn near anything" if you are hanging out here! Take him up on his offer. But Follow his rules and be Professional when you go looking for a job. Quit looking for excuses. You can do it if you try!!!!
  2. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    Damn I thought I was the only one that halfway believed that 2012 stuff!
    Good luck doc...and everyone else as I really believe we will all see things this year that none of us has ever had to live through before.
  3. I'll pile on and say i'm not saying anymore on this subject, except as of today, I have a job for someone, and a place to stay. Its no Hilton, but its much better than the street, or out in the bush.
  4. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    It would be nice to do a HAMB auction to get Doc a passport and get him into the US on a work Visa... or at least help him get some bills paid.


  5. I'm not posting on the previous subject, I'm posting on this one, so my declaration of not posting again does not apply here..:rolleyes:

    Last I heard its 1200-1800 US to go from here to there, but that might be both ways.
    Of course buying a oneway ticket is probably an alert to either side's immigration folks.
    I don't have a legitimate business at the moment to sponsor anyone, so he would have to arrive and melt into the woodwork. It cant be that hard, millions of our neighbors do it.
    I have some Aussie and Kiwi Friends over here that might be able to help.

    I can pledge $50 for the ride.
  6. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,545


    I'm in for $100
  7. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    I'll bet they could help a lot.

    If Doc has pretty much nothing but a chair and bedroll, what's left to hold him there? You down, mate?

    Of course, for the purposes of discussing such things in the public eye, this would be to get him here for a "visit", of course. None of us here would ever break the law. :)

    Something tells me that Doc could potentially make a fortune over here if someone kept him in T-5 transmissions. Folks are willing to pay a lot for custom ones with S-10 tailshafts... or to have an S-10 tailshaft put onto their transmission. He could also make a fortune rebuilding carbs with a vibratory polisher, an ultrasonic cleaner, and some Alodine... maybe a belt sander. :D


  8. Rooster
    Joined: Jan 14, 2002
    Posts: 355


    Gotta agree with DocWatson on the business of holding assets these days. I've gotten a whole mess of stuff thinking it'd be worth something someday if I needed money. But now that nobody has any, it aint worth Dick!
    Know nothing's that think we're getting somewhere by borrowing money to stay in a war while losing in trade deficit to the same loaning country should try using their credit cards to pay for everything while doing nothing and see how long it takes THEM to be destroyed!!! Welcome to the corporate sponsored global economy! It doesn't matter if the US fails, there'll be somewhere new to exploit for quick profit next week. Stupid is as stupid does...
    And the whole man or victim thing? PULLEEEASE! I'm man enough to demand MY share as percentile to what's being given to corporate entities as I stated in my previous post!
    PRAISE GOD if it's all over come 2012, no mo BS
  9. Grumpy
    Joined: Jan 28, 2003
    Posts: 2,570

    from NE Ohio

    I don't even know where to start...
    As I mentioned above, GE closed our plant 10 months ago. You know all those wonderful CFL(sqiqqly)bulbs they're pushing...Yeah, well that cost me my job, because every single one, no matter the brand, is made in China.
    We offered wage freezes, wage consessions, 2 tier, 3 tier, whatever it took, with a flatout No from GE.
    We were the 2nd best plant in the whole GE lighting division.
    No matter.

    As far as going right out and grabbing a job...hahahaha. I live in NE Ohio. There is nobody hiring near me.

    Why should I go to McPuke and work for 7 bucks an hr., when I make more sitting on unemployment???
    I think I deserve something for all the years I worked and got hammered on taxes!!
    Don't you??

    So if you think I'm lazy and I'm asking for hand-outs, I a point.

    I don't care what you think of me. I'm 39, I've paid into it since I was 15. I'll take their money til something opens up. I'm no way expecting to make anywhere near what I made as skilled trades at GE, but....McPuke can give that job to a highschool kid.

    My .02, like it or not.
  10. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 57,751


    Damn. This thread is a tough, but necessary read.

    I'm unemployed by choice, best described as a house-husband. My wife makes good money working for the Defense Department. I get to stay home and goof off.

    The youngest kids will be going to college this fall, which will cut our spending money quite a bit. My light bulb buying habits helped put Grumpy out of work. My wife just bought a new truck (built last June) at a hefty discount.

    It seems that those who have money, need to spend it, but wisely, so others can keep their jobs.
  11. Rooster
    Joined: Jan 14, 2002
    Posts: 355


    I really feel for ya Grumpy. How long has the CDC been pushing to reclaim Every single mercury containing item from households? And now we're being sold on these CFB's. Really, I've gotten several, and stocked up on REAL light bulbs too knowing they're not gonna be avail. long the way things are going, yet I haven't noticed a dime difference in my electric bill just the same! It's nonsense. I hear the dangers are pretty serious if one of the kids breaks one open too. Tho I've broken a thousand flourescent tubes myself. So I wonder...
  12. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Hey guys thanks for the help, I mean seriously, why does it take a whole other country to help me?
    I don't think I could leave the country, with VA insistence that I owe so much they wouldn't give me a visa. Trust me, I have tried, I have a lady friend in SF that has been trying to get my arse over there for a while.
    My issue is rent and bill but I cant take your money guys, you need it, hell just read the thread, look after no1 first.
    Thanks guys, I have some faith in the world again.
  13. dabirdguy
    Joined: Jun 23, 2005
    Posts: 2,404

    Member Emeritus

    I'm still at work. I've been laid off MANY times. A friend of mine used to guage the economy by asking me if I was working for someone else or "consulting".

    Some helpful hints:
    1. Send out 50 resumes a week minimum. Call 100 companies a week.
    2. Knock on 20 company doors a week... help wanted signs or no signs. That Gets out of the house for a while, if only to strech your legs.
    3. File immediately and TAKE THE UNEMPLOYMENT PROUDLY. You EARNED it.
    4. Tell your church, your friends, your relatives, your contacts, EVERYONE you know, everyone you meet, everyone you see... that you are out of work and LOOKING for a job. People will bend over backwards to help someone trying to help themselves.
    5. ALWAYS have a resume with you to hand out..even at the Grocery store.
    6. Use your local liberary. They have books full of local companies for you to send resumes to. Ask the librarians for help!
    7. Spend 8 hours a day WORKING for yourself doing JOB SEARCHING.
    8. Stay busy. It keeps your spirits up. This is NOT your fault.

    Every time you send a resume, make a call, walk into a company looking for work it WILL get easier to do.

    Remember that you are selling yourself. The more contacts that you make the sooner you will find that golden one. Strive to make 100 or more contacts a week. MAKE it happen. I know this Sounds like bullshit, but sales guys have made a living using this process forever!

    Good luck, guys.
  14. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Hey man, its work, pays the bills! Be happy!
  15. socalmerc
    Joined: Feb 24, 2008
    Posts: 475

    from socal

    well first off i'm personally sorry for you guys that got laid off or no longer have a job. i see me and my dad aren't the only ones who can see whats happening to this country. why is it we ditch diggers can, but the people who run it can't. we have a family roofing biz and we see so much money being given away everyday from our government, it makes you sick. we take care of apartments in orange county and all of them are being paid by the government. we have been taking care of them since the 70's and it went from kids who just moved out of there parents homes to young couples on a new start. to now 4 or 5 family's in one apartment either illegal or or people that come from other country's like the middle east or Vietnam on some government program. all they pay is $100 and the gov pays the other $1500 a month. you don't know how hard it is to be working and seeing these people walking around doing nothing other then waiting for the damn mail man to bring a check. i have a niebor who is dieing from lung disease but he gets up every morning at 4 to go to work at 6 to keep a roof over his head. but yet he has a worthless son living with him, who is in his early 30's and his sons fat ass wife who don't even get up they just sleep all day, with two kids or should i say two checks. the only time they get up is the day they think there check is gonna come in.
    the one thing that truly bothers me is the people who lost there 401k. especially the older ones who were so close and now there is nothing. i personally don't have one and i used to feel bad cause i never did but after seeing how they just played with other peoples 401's like it was nothing. i'm kinda glad i got my money hidden, i just wish it was in gold now. i also hate to say this but there are some people who were asking for it, buying homes they knew they could never afford just to keep refinancing to by all the toys they ever wanted. or even paying for a home that they could afford but to just go ahead and refinance it to keep up with the Jones. my dumb brother is one of them. he took all his equity out to buy damn toys and so his old lady could play big shot. now its all gone and a home that is no where near worth what they refinanced it at, she split on him and left him all the bills. he's broke his company that he works for is about to go belly up, but his daughter has a cell phone that flips open this way and that way and every damn feature you can think of with unlimited this and unlimited that. sorry for ranting but it's sad to read your guys stories and know that it isnt gonna get better for all of you over night.
  16. Doc Squat
    Joined: Apr 17, 2008
    Posts: 1,375

    Doc Squat
    from tulsa, ok

    I go back to my previous post. If you live near a major airport go to the TSA web site. It's www.tsa/join/careers or . TSA is always looking for screeners. If you can get hired you can retire from there. Decent pay, uniforms, matching savings plan and insurance. Just like any other job, there's as*holes and a*s kissers, but do your job and it's cool.
    Like I told the kid, "Your music's not too loud, it just sucks and so does OKC!"
  17. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    29nash, I don't relay know what you think you do, I have already served in Afghanistan alongside the US. Yes the number of troops there is less but the fighting is also much more intense, this is the Talibans back yard and they use the border with Pakistan to hide from us.
    The best thing we can do there is leave, everyone called Iraq the next Viet Nam as they didn't understand the nature of the conflict and the geography of the area. However Afghanistan is as winnable as Viet Nam was, the country and its surrounding borders dictate this. Pakistan is a borderline aggressor to the US an allies. With the capability to actually do major harm to us.
    This is not an answer to the issue at hand, a loss of able bodied men and women as well as the sizable loans the US has to take out will cripple the country. Try to remember that in WWII the US financed much of the British Commonwealths effort with war loans, lend lease to Russia etc, billions of dollars that had to be re payed to the US and WAS. Even Russia re-payed the US!
    Now it is the other way, billions of dollars going out of the US, yes the weapons and equipment are made in America to a large extent, but paid for by borrowed money that must eventually LEAVE the US.
    War was a boon for America once, I agree. Though circumstances have changed, no longer is the US the center of finance, in fact all roads lead OUT.
    This is simple fact.
    Or do we all just need to get a job? No shit, its that easy.
  18. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Hey, the Space Race gave us Tang, Teflon, and a bunch of other cool shit!

    Scratch-resistant Lenses, Freeze-Dried Food, Athletic Shoes, CAT & MRI Technologies, Cool Suits, Cordless Power Tools, the dust buster, golf ball technology, virtual reality, micro lasers, and the self-inflating life raft, etc!


    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  19. This thread needs turtles, wheres Fiddy?
  20. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 57,751


    Like that bitchin late 50s automotive styling we love so much!

    and it sort of gave us the Internet, and the computers that make it work. Excelsior!
  21. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    And a fascination with Sci-Fi, a-la, "Forbidden Planet". Leslie Neilson's only serous performance. ;)


  22. 29nash
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
    Posts: 4,542

    from colorado

    ....along with some stuff that we could do without, like CDs. I still like my vinyl LPs!
  23. For what it's worth guys, I saw on the news that the F.B.I. has 3000 openings. I believe only 750 of them were for investigators. Most were support-
    May be worth a try. Somebody's got to keep the cars running.
  24. 29nash
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
    Posts: 4,542

    from colorado

    Yes, and "income redistribution" and "crush the 'junk cars'" and I dont know what-all, to Commniski-fi all of us. Bend over and grab your ankles!
  25. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Im not seeing a problem with this? Looks like a good idea to me. You should try to get a license to own a single shot rifle here in Australia, next to impossible if you dont live on the land and a hand gun? Forget it! You even need to produce a license to buy air rifle pellets!
    I got knocked back for a license because I was ex-military, according to the powers that be we are more inclined to shoot a person as we were trained to do so, all that weapons safety apparently doesn't matter?
    No automatic or semi automatics allowed over here, but this is WAY O/T!
  26. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    So the government created a US bailout plan by creating the space program (which nobody really needs except the people working on or for the program))to save the economy and create good jobs. I can understand that and would still rather see these great minds and companies that contribute to the program ...using their abilities to improve what we have here. besides teflon and tang that is.
    Anyway...didn't mean to start a pissing match as I was just stating my simple idea wrong or right.
    Good luck to all you guys that are where a lot of us may be soon.
  27. As much as I do not agree with his politics, Henry summed it up..."Cars do not buy cars."
    If everything is outsourced to other countries, how is anybody that still lives here going to afford to buy it? That goes for wherever "Here" and "There" may be. Keeping this on topic, that's why I believe in and support a local swap meet. We need to establish sustainable local economies. Hire local people, utilize local materials, make a product the local people need / want.
    E.F. Schumacher summed it up pretty well in Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered

    Thanks to the mods for leaving this one open. If we don't come up with a solution, there won't be anyone left that can afford a car, let alone a hobby.
  28. BillBallingerSr
    Joined: Dec 20, 2007
    Posts: 651

    from In Hell

    I was a fleet manager, hiring and production/logistics manager before the slippery slope got me. I have done alot of interviews, hired alot of people and reviewed a lot of resumes. I can't see well enough to be as kind as Brent in his offer, but I will be glad to help anyway I can, maybe give what advice I can that will make you stand out above the other applicants.

    Doc, I'm in to assist in any way I can, even if its monetarily small and mostly moral. Please don't lose hope, and ignore the assholes who have probably never been where we have been. Consider moving to somewhere that will help you more, it sounds about like the VA over here.
    Joined: Dec 16, 2007
    Posts: 438


    These are all great hints IF places were hiring for more than $10.00 an hour. Seems every place that is hiring nowadays is paying around $10.00 an hour.
    Try to live off of that when you pay about $300.00 a week in childcare. You're lucky to have some money left over after paying for childcare and getting to/from work.
    I work (worked) in the automotive field as a service manager for a dealer. I've been on a few interviews over the last few months for service advisor jobs. What they want from you and what they will pay you doesn't even make sense. They want you to work 50-60 hours a week for $500.00 with no commission/bonus for productivity. When you look at it their paying you the same as some teenager working at a fast food joint.
    It seems most places just want to have a warm body stand there who knows nothing and doesn't care to learn then to have someone who will provide great customer service, knows the product/field and will produce sales.
    I found this out recently as I went to get parts for an O/T vehicle. I learned from the person at the counter that the tie rod I needed is an engine part and NOT a steering part:rolleyes:
    A few minutes later I showed the "parts professional" where the part was located.

    Good luck guys!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  30. Red Ryder
    Joined: Jan 23, 2008
    Posts: 174

    Red Ryder

    Sorry to hear about your lay-off. The situation isn't much better on this side of the creek either. I got the word that I was being laid-off, due to cutbacks in my department, at the end of the year. Guess I will have to postpone my dream car for a bit longer... It's bound to get better guys, just hang in there. Hell, it's so bad in Illinois that Blago may be out of work soon!
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