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O/T ...Farmer sends message to neighbors with CAR FENCE !!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by NITROFC, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Brad54
    Joined: Apr 15, 2004
    Posts: 6,021

    from Atl Ga

    The track I rent for my swap meet is across the street from Road Atlanta. 20 years ago, RA was in the middle of nowhere. Today there are houses built up all around the area. Last year, a developer wanted to build a subdivision near the back stretch, and wanted a zoning variance. Representatives from RA, Panoz, IMSA (which is based out of the same area), McMichael Motorsports, Lanier National Speedway and YearOne (down the street) met with the zoning board and explained why this was a bad idea, even though the developer promised there wouldn't be future problems. (Keep in mind RA has a no-open-headers policy on Sunday mornings already because of churches miles away).
    Fortunately the zoning commission shot down the developer. But it's only a matter of time before someone realizes the tax money a subdivision brings in will outweigh the race tracks and commerce.
    The writing is on the wall for that when the Supreme Court ruled that a city could confiscate one piece of property and turn it over to a developer to increase the tax base "for the greater good." Eminent Domain.

    The track manager at Lanier told me he had someone drive in one day and ask him when the track opened up. The manager said "about 20 years ago. Why?" Oh. What's that across the street? "Road Atlanta. It's been here longer than that." Oh. I bought a house a mile down the road a few months ago, and didn't know where the noise was coming from all the time. I never turned right out of the subdivision, so I didn't know you guys were here."

    It's not the meek that shall inherit the earth--it's the stupid that will band together, hire lawyers and take it from the rest of us.

  2. im with the farmer 100% but i would have put seven cars in the dirt and spelled out the phase F-U-C-K Y-O-U , its good that he worked things out temperary of course because they will be back at him soon enough , its the invasion of the land snatchers.. and to quote brad "
    It's not the meek that shall inherit the earth--it's the stupid that will band together, hire lawyers and take it from the rest of us."
  3. I only have an issue with one of my neighbors. This Viet Nam burnout who likes to cut his lawn and hose it in front of my house. My wife yells at me when I get ready to throw it back on his driveway. It's okay though. He's got one foot in the box,ha ha!
  4. At least he a) has a lawn, and b) he mows it!
  5. TexasHardcore
    Joined: May 30, 2003
    Posts: 5,396

    from Austin-ish

    This has happened to drag strips, farms, and ranches all over the country. New subdivisions pop up, neighbors bitch about what was there before they were, and they usually win.

    Those shitbox neighborhoods are ruining farm land everywhere. It pisses me off to see a gorgeous country home with lots of land & trees with a cheaply built cookie cutter subdivision across the street. Developers are swindling poor farmers out of their land and causing the farm/ranch industry to sell out. I understand that growth will consume some rural bordering parts of a community, but when the new neighbors bitch about what keeps food in their fridge, that crosses the line. If I were him, I'd bury more cars on the property and start a shooting range out there for friends.
  6. I,m behind that farmer 100%....on that note a friend of mine "who is anal" wanted to buy a small house in my "quiet" neighbourhood. I told him he was out of his fucking mind! Not only do I rip up and down the street on occasion but the guys at the end of the street party every night until the cops come! The kids also tear ass up and down the street on mini bikes and dirt bikes. All of this across from an elementary school.I talked him into buying a house elsewhere.....I don,t need an anal retentive neighbour that I have to be nice to..... No we don,t drive like morons when the kids are playing or during school hours.
  7. 61TBird
    Joined: Mar 16, 2008
    Posts: 2,641


    sort of with Fremont...when the land around was earmarked for commercial development( Baylands Business District),that was the Deathblow for the Dragstrip.
    Funny thing,it's a ghost town at night and Cushing Pkwy is nice and straight....

    My brother took the following pic (date on back says June '90)

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  8. justmetony
    Joined: Jul 13, 2006
    Posts: 86


    I am watching houses go up all around us and new roads are being put in and others planned for. I even have 35 acres across the street that is up for sale, there was plans to put a subdivision on it, until they spoke to the gentlemen that lives next doo to it. He has 5 rental trailers on it, they were new 30 years ago, now they are not. When the developers asked him at a zoning meeting if his renters were going to be happy with the new homes being built. he responded by saying "what are your expencive home owners goig to say about his old trailers?" He does a very good job of keeping the place mowed and neat. The developers tabled the rezoning for a while. My problem will be where they plan to put the entrance to the place, the drive that is there now comes out across from my drive, guess we will cross that bridge when the time comes. Thak goodness that most of the properties around me are still small farms and ranches, with plenty of livestock on them. Some day I might sell, but it will cost a lot of money to get my land. We have had this place since 1972 and lived on it since 1983, we are grandfathered in and the city hates it. Got to love ag exemptions on land over 10 acres here in Texas.
  9. loudpedal
    Joined: Mar 23, 2004
    Posts: 2,209

    from SLC Utah

    Atta boy Rhett. Don't mess with those old boys from Hooper.
  10. lewislynn
    Joined: Apr 29, 2006
    Posts: 3,288


    That's what bothers them.
  11. noboD
    Joined: Jan 29, 2004
    Posts: 8,744


    Several years ago at a public meeting a woman kept saying "when we lived in Connecticut it was Blah blah blah. After about the third one of these I got up and said "if it was so great in Connecticut please go back because we like it here the way it is." We have what is called Agriculture Security Zones in our township. If a farmer enters his land into the Zone he is protected from frivalous things like smell and noise as long as he's in state guidelines.
  12. lewislynn
    Joined: Apr 29, 2006
    Posts: 3,288


    I was building a house in a coastal California town. One morning we started putting up rafters, the lady from across the street came running over waving her arms yelling STOP! - STOP! your house is too high, it's blocking my view. My friend who was standing there turned towards the house, with his arms folded and said, "wow, you're right, it is going to be high when they get the next floor on".

    She said her husband was an attorney and I needed to stop until it was resolved. I asked if he was planning on supporting me in the meantime.

    I told her to talk to the architect who lived 2 doors down and oh by the way there he is in his driveway now.

    The plans gave floor elevations from bench marks which I fortunateley followed to a tee because 2 building inspectors made 2 separate trips with instruments to check the elevations and I never did stop.
  13. Danimal
    Joined: Apr 23, 2006
    Posts: 4,149

    1. A-D Truckers

    I guess they wouldn't like it by me then. I baled 6 acres of hay this weekend. Ran a brush hog around my 2 acre pasture today. And my kids did an autopsy on a goat that died. Turned out the 15 year old was right, urinary calculi plugged his pee pee and his bladder burst. The boys had worked to save him but it was no good and we weren't taking a $75 goat to Michigan State Vet School to let him die 100 miles from home.

    It was not a pretty site inside the poor little fella. When they were all done, I buried him out back at the corner of the fence and then dug up the manure pile to put around him in order to plant flowers. The boss said she'd rather see them getting into that than into drugs. What could I say...

    My old sig line was "I live in the country. My wife is the only neighbor who complains." Isn't that the truth.
  14. 55olds88
    Joined: Jul 23, 2001
    Posts: 2,386


    Its the same all over folks buying in areas and complaining about existing features, we have had a speedway hee in auckland for 80+ years, the area around it is very close to central auckland and there are constant complaints from home owners, none of whom where there before the racing started...... there is a word for folks like that, I like to call em wankers !!!
  15. Clark
    Joined: Jan 14, 2001
    Posts: 5,132


    Danimal...I love that story. I can just see them cutting the goat open :)

  16. That's one of the dumber arguments out there, that my having whatever will lower someone else's property values. The same asshole will then go bitch to the town when they raise his assessment and want more in property taxes in the fall. I'd rather look at a mountain of shit 50 feet high and pay lower taxes.

    I had that problem when I sold a lot once. There was a non-operational junkyard about 100 yards up on the other side of the road. From where the lot was, you couldn't see much of it, the main building was in the way, and what could be seen from the road looked more like a car lot - most of the cars were behind a row of pine trees another 50 yards or better away from the road. Mentioned it right in the listing for the property, this one asshole comes up from Long Island somewhere, and says he doesn't want it because I "didn't mention the junkyard up the road" .... wtf did he expect, the Hamptons just outside of wonderful Utica New York?? Dumbass.

    Nothing I hate more than neighbors who can't mind their own business, move into a place and then complain about things that were there before they moved in. It should be legal to shoot them for being stupid, or something. I have an eye now on a place I'd like to move to that's on a dead end road, backs up on an interstate on one side and a railroad track on the other, and there are only two houses on the road - so no one should have any business to come in and complain. But it still happens, we have 2 or 3 cars from a lot that was on the end of a dead-end road, that the town made them get rid of.
  17. 23 bucket-t
    Joined: Aug 27, 2005
    Posts: 1,366

    23 bucket-t

    The farm up the road was up for sale and some developer was looking to buy it . Thank God our First Selectman who happeneds to be a farmer himself got the town to buy the land for open space. Part of it is still used as farm land...
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  18. DE SOTO
    Joined: Jan 20, 2006
    Posts: 3,857


    Heres one for ya, If anyone has been to Ventura California and looked up on the hill from the Beach you would have seen a large Lighted White Wooden cross above the San BuanaVentura Mission.

    This cross was erected 100's of years ago so the passing Ships could tell where they were along the Californa Coast.

    A Land Mark to show the Ships they were in the Ventura Harbor.

    A few Years ago, Some Ass Hat Lawyer type from San Fransico moved to the area and didnt like the cross because of its stand for "RELIGION" he didnt agree with.

    So he lobbied with his Rich Fuck buddy's to have the Cross REMOVED because it Violated his OWN religion.

    Fortunate for the cross, Some Local Rich people were able to BUY the land surronding the Cross from the state and declare it a HISTORICAL MONUMENT and it was saved.

    I cant even imagine what goes thru peoples heads when they start in on stuff when they move into new area's.

    This cross has been used as a land mark for Passing Ships for ages, including WWII & cargo ships for 100's of years.
  19. man i love livin off the beatin path in the middle of nowhere ..:D
    Joined: Apr 9, 2002
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  21. lostn51
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 2,459

    from Tennessee

    years ago i rented a house in the middle of a corn field. over 300 acres worth of corn and the house was in the middle of the field. i loved it the only time there was any kinda noise was when the guy planted or harvest time. both lasted about a week at a time and they did it 24/7 at harvest. it was nothing to hear a combine roll by your window at 330am and talk about the dust...... but the really nice thing was we could have all of the corn we could eat for free!!
  22. Lotek_Racing
    Joined: Sep 6, 2006
    Posts: 689


    My neighbours are pretty good. There's one jackhole down the street who's pissed off pretty much everyone in the area though (complains about the rest of us). We're all waiting until he steps just a bit out of line, then the phone at the by-law office will start ringing.

    You guys can all move to my neighbourhood, if we all make noise and have dead cars in the driveway, who's gonna complain?

  23. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,760


    Wait a minute there, Bobby. One page ago, we're all for honoring the men who didn't make it back in B-17's and now you're laying into a vet who got screwed up in 'Nam? Knowing what those guys went through-and I didn't-I think you owe him a bit more respect-and a bit more slack.One, it's just grass. Two,did you ever talk to him about not doing that way?
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008

  24. I love it. The little things that amuse us in the quest to throw hypocrisy back at em.:D

    "The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy.-Milton Friedman, vote wisely!"
  25. I guess I am lucky. Live on three acres 15 minutes from down town. Have horses and cows for neighbors on the South. Railroad to the West and then another strip of pasture. Engineers toot at my wife when she is at the pool. On the other two sides I have neighbors that I wave to every day and talk to every six months. Kids drive their four wheelers on the gravel road in front and the older folks pet the dogs when they come by on their walks. I'm a third generation native Californian. And I live here because there is no way I could have this lifestyle in my native SoCal.
  26. lewislynn
    Joined: Apr 29, 2006
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    You guys down there have so much water you can hose your grass to the gutter?

    We have restrictions on watering our lawns, hoseing down the driveway is out of the question.
  27. tomslik
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 2,161


    if you've got an extra one, i'll take it.
    don't have any neighbors to speak of (yet) but i love the sound...

    i figger if the people who move out here bitch about the junk i've got sitting outside, i'll just plant a row of evergreens
  28. tomslik
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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  29. noboD
    Joined: Jan 29, 2004
    Posts: 8,744


    Dan, did you bury your son or the goat?? Several years ago a local farmer had trouble with gardens that kept creeping farther into his field from a developement. Each year the garden would take a few more feet as the garden grew farther into his field. He never complained until the yuppies got a petition against him spreading manure. He took the chisleplow and trimmed the gardens right back to the fence line while several watched in horror.
  30. Danimal
    Joined: Apr 23, 2006
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    1. A-D Truckers

    noboD, it is a good thing he did. One of my co workers has had a guy take the land from her fields by saying he's planted on their so long he owns it. She fought it, got the surveyor and everything out there, and ended up losing about 2 acres to the guy. Then he came and cut down her trees because the limbs were on his side of the fence! 100 year old trees just cut because he didn't like a few limbs! She has had to hire a lawyer and lose even more money just to keep tabs on this 80 some year old ass hat!

    Sometimes you get them 'out here,' too.

    And no, I only buried the goat. We're not done cutting the other one up yet! :eek:

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