I know i'm a new member but I need to vent, I just got home earlier checked my e-mail and found out that someone had hijacked my e-bay/paypal and ordered over 600$ worth of stuff in my name, do you have any idea how hard it is to talk to a real person when this happens? If I hear one more automated menu I'm going to snap! I have no Idea how I'm going to cover this until I get it resolved! In short I'm screwed!
eBay 2145 Hamilton Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 (408) 376-7400 I've called this number a few times and never had trouble reaching a live human being who quickly dealt with whatever I called about. Dave http://www.roadsters.com/
Man, Sorry to hear about this. I went throught some identity theft stuff a couple of years ago and it took a long time to clear up. I had to talk to the attorney general of Oklahoma as the perp lived there. I live in La. Is your paypal account linked to your bank? I refused to give them my bank account info, only credit card info. If it's linked to your credit card just dispute it. You are not responsible for fraudulent charges on credit cards. If it's linked to your bank account call your bank and ask what to do. Good luck. Doc.
Thank you I really appreciate the help I tried that number though, and i was told to try the live help link online, which is currently down. I then tried to call and speak to the operator and was given a message regarding their normal business hours. Hence still screwed But thanks for trying to help.
I've said it before & I'll say it again: you're an *idiot* if you have a checking that egay/paypunks has access to, & you keep more money in it than you can afford to loose! (same with a paypunks account) You REALLY think egay cares if they have the security to keep your account from being hacked? Not to mention that paypunks screws people on a regular basis. Do a couple searches about getting fucked/screwed by paypal & see what you come up with... ~ Paul aka "Tha Driver" Giggle Cream - it makes dessert *funny*!
whatever it is they bought find out where it was shipped to. threaten to start sueing the shit out of the people who sold the stuff if they won't cooperate. if stuff was ordered by computer the ip address can be tracked easily. threaten to get the feds involved if paypal i linked to credit card dispute it. if paypal is linked to a bank account put a stop on their access to it. close any bank account hooked to paypal & start another one. cancel you paypal account. period.( neither of these 2 will help now but will save you from any more trouble later).
If you ever want to close your PayPal account, this is the only place that I know of that explains how to do it: http://www.paypalsucks.com/ Dave http://www.roadsters.com/
Hold on! I nearly fell for a similar scam recently. I got an email that appeared to be a Paypal receipt for $800 for some watch I never bought. There was a link toward the bottom to click on to dispute the charges. I got suspiscious and opened a separate window and logged into my Paypal to look at my transaction history. My history was clear. I looked at the email again and there was no mention of an ebay auction number. I had just assumed it was for ebay. Anyway, I found out this was a common scam to get you to use the link in the email at which point you are asked to log in to Paypal. That's when they get your Paypal login because you think you really are logging into Paypal. if its not in your account history, it didn't happen. Don't fall for it. This may or may not be what you are dealing with, just wanted to share.
I use a free checking account just for ebay stuff only, as soon as I get a payment at paypal I take the money out. Use only a credit card to buy with, the card company will back you up,don't depend on ebay or paypal to fight for you.
hi ; heres the pay-pal service center toll free number 1-888-221-1161 7am-11pm est M-F 9am-11pm est SAT,SUN i had use it a few times and talked to a real helpful person.and got problems taken care of later kb
I haven't had the same email as Frank, but I get emails all the time telling me that another buyer's name has been added to my paypal account. If I approve do nothing, if I dispute it I'm supposed to click here. I have never disputed it because I don't have a Paypal account but I'm sure it's the same, just looking for my password.Watch your own back, no one else will.
I got that same email while we were exacuated out of here due to Hurricane Rita. I thought someone hacked my computer since we left it here. Looked at my paypal account and found no activity.....
If anyone ever gets a email from what looks like Paypal, don't enter any info. It's a scam. Foward it to spoof@paypal.com . They will check it out and get back to you. It's happened to me several times, they thanked me for sending it to them.
I had the same thing happen to me a few weeks ago. I clicked on the link and the bogus web site looked just like the real one. I forwarded it to spoof@paypal.com and they verified that it was a scam. The email said that they had tried to call me and that I needed to log in and verify my information.....that was total BS. Never use an email link to get to anyone you do business with.
Franks right! I've got a few of those, In short i ignore them. Whatever you do dont ever click the link thats on those Emails, If you do your screwed. When you get stuff like that check Paypal and Ebay accounts first before you react.
I have received, literally, hundreds of bogus emails stating that my Paypal account has been suspended. Funny--I've ignored every one of them, and my Paypal account still works.
i got an email from some dick claimimg to be paypal stating that i had added a new email address to my account, wanting me to confirm by logging in. so i went to ebay and they told me to forward the email to them at spoof@ebay.com so i did and got a fast shout back telling me not to log in with my info on that page, that it was indeed a scam to get my paypal info. i thought all this was kinda funny cause i dont have a paypal account, never have. but for someone who does it could have bad. good luck.
Dude, sounds like you got phished (fake email) and I hope you didn't follow a link on the email, if you did YOU gave them the info to your accounts. Go to ebay.com and log into your account and see what's up, look under the all categories (bought, sold, selling) and then go to paypal.com and check your account. If you have clicked a link in the email and can still log into your accounts then change your passwords NOW!
A year or more ago PreyPal changed their terms and conditions which I declined to agree to because I failed the Bar Exam and couldn't read it. PreyPal has thirty bucks of my money. Any legiimate credit card merchant would merely credit my card account but not the weasels at PreyPal. In order to get a refund of my money, I'd have to pay$1.50 for them to issue a check and then, because I have a PO Box (this is rural Colorado) I would have to send the weasels a copy of my driver's license and a copy of a recent utility bill. That's unacceptable. That would expose me to an extremely high risk of identity theft by some jerk clerk inside PreyPal. About twice a month I get an email with some crap about them closing my ebay account or someone hacked it, etc., Those are scam emails but who's to say they aren't coming from within Praypal. I buy and sell stuff on ebay with USPS Money Orders which are very fungible. PayPal's attitude is the same as a Las Vegas hooker's attitude, they don't give a fuck for nothin.
I got a few of those crap e-mails. I send the paypal ones to spoofmail@paypal.com and the ebay crap to spoofmail@ebay.com. I don't use paypal anymore because of all this crap. Just gets old.
I've recieved a few of those scam emails. It's annoying. I only deal with seller thru money orders now...
got one in my email just a couple of hours ago. said I paid $237 for somethinhg or another. Checked PayPal and all's clean. I really think this is a replacement for the old stand by: "You must change/verfy account scam..."
Me too, got the same one, did the same thing. Checked my Paypal account in a separate window to make sure it was bullshit, then forwarded the message to Spoof@paypal.com and got a message letting me know it's s scam. This is an O/T thread, but it's a good one, keeping everyone informed so no one gets taken. Good to see this guy got some helpful information before this thread went to page 50. I hope he didn't click on that link. Who are these people?
It's possible that Paypal hasn't deducted from your credit card/bank account yet. Call the credit card company, tell them you want a new card, they'll cancel the old. Go to the bank and tell them to put a freeze on any electronic transfers until the problem is straightened out/or run the checking accound down below what the paypal deficit will be. Next, go into ebay and initiate cancelling your entire account, that will get a real person on the line.
Thank you everyone for the help, mine was not connected to a spam e-mail, strangly enough the charges were tied to my paypal account, which I am assuming means somerone hacked me. But when I went to e-gay only one of the purchases showed up????? I got paypal to freeze the account and fortunately the money hadnt gone through yet. I then contacted the sellers and informed them and 2 of the 3 have returned my e-mail and are being very nice about the whole situation. I really hate this because they are getting screwed too, over sellers fee's and such. I am hoping I can get this resolved fairly quick but I dont have my hopes up.