ive never sceen a pair of heads like these and not sure if they are even for a ford, they have a very small water capacity and a guess was that they could have been marine use. one does have a name but part of it you can read. looks like it might start with the letter B and the last four letters are "LITE" and i dont think its autolite. one does have a US patten number 21010.782 . the water necks are large bolt on style like a 49-53 but bigger but they are in the center of the head like a 59AB .very shallow combustion cambers .any information on these anyone??
Cord... I bought a pair for $40.00 at Back to the Fifties for a 59A... they don't fit! Resold 'em for $125.00 at another swap two months later.... still didn't know what they fit until the guy I sold 'em two came back an hour later with a shit eattin' grin on his face... He just resold 'em for $250.00 to a Cord collector! We ALL made $$$....
Seems like someone else posted a pair last year asking for the same info... maybe they'll chime in with what they've found??? Was it you Krooser?
I think "Lite" will be Bohn, Bohnalite pistons, made aluminum bits for Ford and pistons... could you recheck the patent number??? Can't get it to work, with or without the period.
Found it...not bohn at all. http://www.google.com/patents?id=HI...&as_miny_ap=1931&as_maxm_ap=0&as_maxy_ap=1938 And looking at the picture...I'm pretty sure the inventor was hoping to sell his design to Ford!