I picked up a 1118981 12v delco voltage regulator for my hot rod. Running a 283 with a 12v generator. This regulator has 3 tabs on the outside: L, Bat, and F. There is another tab underneath that I believe is for a capacitor, although I have seen it labeled G. So… the L is throwing me for a loop. I have read that it means either Light or Load. I’m wondering if I can use it the same as an A tab. My question is…. Can I use this regulator?..
The tab underneath is a A=armature tab and connects to A on the generator, F=field, B=battery and L=lights…as in a direct feed to the headlight switch for power. Yes, this is typically used on tractors and normally a low amperage output regulator…probably 15amps. A car generator regulator is usually 30amps. This will work but the low amperage will be an issue.