A friend of mine recently bought a vehicle that had been in storage for a long time, the previous owner had puth moth balls in it to keep Mice/rodents/snakes/ out of the car, everything cleaned up good except the ODOR of the mothballs. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED
I recomend a nude photo sesion with some of the ladies from the Claremont lounge. That will surely get rid of the moth ball smell. Other than that, maybe take the seats out and wash them and let them air out. My car still has the same smell in it from the day I bought it and it gets a lot of air and has had the seats redone - not sure if you can lose the smell.
My old truck had a rancid odor after I hosed the interior out. I sprayed it heavily with Febreeze. Didn't notice it was any better right off but the next AM it was a little better. By lunch that day it was a lot better. After work it was all but gone. They say Febreeze "eats odors". I guess it had to chew on mine for a while. JH
take your coffee filters with the used coffee grounds in them, and wrap a rubber band or zip tie around the top so the coffee doesn't spill out, then throw one under each side of the front seat, and two more in the back floor. coffee absorbs odor. leave them in there for a week, swap 'em out after a week if need be. do this with or instead of the febreez sprayed on the seats. febreez alone won't take away moth ball smell. this coffee thing may sound hokey, but i did it in my '51 to get rid of the smell (i gave some of the ladies of Claremont lounge a ride home one night) and it worked for me.
Baking soda works for me. I spread it on the floors and seats, let it sit for a day or so and vacuum it al out. It's a bit messy but once you're done the car smells better and it's clean.
Throw a snake in it. I've heard you can use charcoal from a bar-b-que in a coffee can also. You can also go to a funeral home and ask for the stuff they use to get rid of smell when a body has rotted. TP
Google for Ozone generator plans. Ain't nothing but a transformer, some foil and two glass jars. Arc welding also produces ozone.
Load that sucker up with clean old newspaper, let it absorb your smells for a few days then change out, repeat as nec. Then borrow/rent and ozoneator, after a weeks use it will fresh as a daisy. .... We had a wholesaler that had a new car that smoked those big old stinky stoogies, to say the least the car reeked of smoke. So after 18 months we get this smelly thing back on a trade in and we try every commercial product and system in the world to get the smell out. Nothing worked and you couldn't get a customer within 25 ft of the car let alone get them in it, you would even pick up the smell just moving it into the shop and out again, ( Just like Jerry's BO car). Short story it gets sent out for ozone treatments and came back like a new car. To this day 3 yrs later the smell has never come back at all... Good Luck...H
I use this stuff called Pure Ayre.. My wife sells it in her pet shop to get rid of critter smells. It's made from food-grade ingredients and it's non-toxic so if you guys have little carpet crawlers its safe for them. It also has no smell so your car won't have to smell like lavender just to cover up mothballs. This stuff kills work-boot smell.. If anyone else on here spends 12+ hours a day in work boots you know what I'm getting at. It works great, I don't work for these guys but I was amazed how well the stuff works. Here's their website: http://www.pureayre.com/ Shawn
If you have the time, let a bag of oranges ferment in there. Gets rid of all smells, and leaves a pleasant aroma. My interior guy used that trick when I bought a impound car years ago that they had found a body in..three days in the hot Vegas sun. First time he ever charged me for a pick-up, but under the circumstances, I guess he was entitled.
I don't know if it'll work in your particular situation, but a trick I heard befroe was to buy a bottle of the cheapest vodka you can find, the cheaper the better. Mix it 50/50 with water, and put it into a spray bottle. Use it like you would use Frebreeze and it should help. Used this on the seat padding of a friend's Nova that sat in a barn to get rid of the mouse nest funk and iot worked pretty darn well.
This summer, I ended up with two dead skunks that had rotten for a week in the July sun. They smelled so bad that the trashmen had refused to take them. For some reason I had the VERY bad idea of carrying them in my car... Guess I was lucky to get rid of the smell with lots of cheap air freshner spray and a "new car smell" little blue spruce that you hang on your mirror...
Find a body shop or car dealer near you that deals with KENT INDUSTRIES & have them order some "odor neutlizer pads" from them . They will take it right out!! 7
a dead carp smothered in deer urine!!poof!!!no more moth ball smell..... coffee ground thing works...
Bounce dryer sheets work well to get rid of odors. Put a couple in the ashtray, under the seat, anywhere you can hide them.
I used powdered Borax in a car that had a mold problem that obviously created a smell as well and it worked pretty good. Just poour the Borax all over the interior and let it sit for a while (I let it sit for two hours) then vacuum it up. As said before it is messy and a bit time consuming but it seems to work pretty well.
I Febreezed the HELL out of an amplifier that had been gigged in smoky bars a lot. I disassembled it all, Febreezed everything, and stuck those cedar hamster bedding chips down in the case and let it set for a day or two. All better now
go to ur local hardware store & look for some Concentrated Germicidal Cleaner. i had over a foot of Rat Shitt in my bus when i got it. i even left the bus outside for 2yrs b4 bringing it into my garage, i tried several products & nothing would get rid of the FUNK untill i used that stuff. with one good soaking of this stuff the smell was gone forever, best part is this stuff will kill all those bad bugs & viruses that can harm u .....joe
never tried febreeze but the dryer sheets work great! my really late 64 chevy pu (2000) would about gag ya with smoke when i bought it a year ago, can't smell a thing anymore.
To smell them moth balls - how do you get your head between them tiny little legs? Sorry couldn't resist that corny one. This thread did remind me that's one of my "car show" peeves. 'Nuthin like checking out somethin' like a really nice built rod or early vette only to find the pungent naptha smell wafting out the windows in the sun - giving me a bad attitude and a quick exit. I can't imagine that sh*& can be good for ya either. PB