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Off Topic Hot Rodding

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, May 6, 2024.

  1. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    20 days and all is well, well actually great! :cool:
  2. Cali4niaCruiser
    Joined: Aug 30, 2005
    Posts: 654


    Been lurking around the OT forum and seeing 90% bad ass hot rod adjacent content.
    Late 60's super stock racers, 70's street freaks, GTO's, Chevelles, Lowriders, Street Brawlers etc.
    I dig it!
  3. El Caballo
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 6,314

    El Caballo
    from Houston TX

    I posted the Manx build because I felt it was useful from a few viewpoints, fabrication back in the day, just plain old interest, and the Manx was American and not just a VW. It’s great to look outside the silo or your wheelhouse for a bit.
    VANDENPLAS, porkshop and Sharpone like this.
  4. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 19,897

    from oregon

    verde742, porkshop and Sharpone like this.
  5. A Boner
    Joined: Dec 25, 2004
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    A Boner

    In my book, a gearhead is a gearhead. Traditionally styled cars are my sweet spot, but I like to pay attention to the whole spectrum of autos and motorcycles.
    It’s cool that Ryan is smart enough to fill a void!
  6. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 13,601

    Bandit Billy

    I am soooooo happy not to have ads on the main forum. It's like having the phone or doorbell ring when you are having grown up time with the missus. :confused:
    VANDENPLAS, lumpy 63, hotrodA and 4 others like this.
  7. RodStRace
    Joined: Dec 7, 2007
    Posts: 5,055


    I will never build a (insert random style here). It is a ton of effort I'd rather expend on something that tickles my own fancy. But can I appreciate the talent in the design, fabrication, finish and assembly? You betcha!
    Is there something there that can influence my own dream build, whether it's an old part used in a different way or a color combo that just makes you go Hmmm? Sure!
    porkshop, Sharpone and Bandit Billy like this.
  8. Magfiend
    Joined: Sep 11, 2019
    Posts: 463


    Pre-90 sounds good, also, pre-90-style hotrods sounds good to me far as Cob's one off-topic ride, I have seen it in person and it is of my favorite, rare cars...
  9. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    Almost 3 months and no mushroom cloud.
    The hooligans are running amok on the off topic forum and I love it. Actually it’s pretty civil. Lots of cool stuff IMO. I was wondering how the ad revenue was working for @Ryan project of maybe sponsoring a young lad or lasses traditional build or what ever?
    guthriesmith and JohnLewis like this.
  10. pirate
    Joined: Jun 29, 2006
    Posts: 1,120

    from Alabama

    We might all like different things but there is room for all of us.
  11. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,895


    Oh, bull crap!....:rolleyes:
    impala4speed, Sharpone, rod1 and 3 others like this.
  12. hotrodlane
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 398


    I guess I am just getting old and stuck in my ways. I try like hell to embrace change, But the fact is when it comes to Hot rods, I will never Cave! I will never call a 4 door ford or 4 door Tri five chevy a hot rod! I will never call a Station wagon of any kind a hot rod. Basicly if it rolled off the assembly line after 1948 it is not a Hot rod in my eye. I mean you never saw Wally Parks feature a 4 door or Station wagon in Hot rod Magazine. I like tri five chevys, Camaros, 60's Mopars and ford Galaxies all just fine. But never considered any of them a hot rod. Performance cars built through the 60's have always been known as muscle cars to me. And after 1972, everything is just your mothers car as far as I am concerned! Right or wrong that is just how I see it. I went to the Back to the 50's show last month and Have never in my life seen so many 4 door tri fives and early sixtes Station wagons and river barge cars in one place before. It is not my show to make the rules but it seems crazy to me to call your show "Back to the 50's and have 3000+ 1960-64 cars there. But as alot of builders have told me lately. When your in business, You have to follow the money! And right now the trend chasers are following everyone else into this whole chopped down C10 pickup and LS swapped twin turbo rubber band tire Craze! Because that's where the money is! I had a long time friend ask me last year how I felt about the prices of model A's and 32-34 fords being down, Do to people spending big money on resto mods and cut down 6 figure farm trucks? I told him I think it is awesome, Because none of my 32-34's are for sale anyway and if the prices are down then hell I will be able to buy more! I didn't buy or build my hot rods as an investment, I have them because that is what I like to build and drive. I plan to keep them forever, so their dollar value means nothing to me! I kind of went away from my original point of why I even posted on this thread. Part of getting older I guess. But In my opinion there is not room for everyone or everything on a Traditional Hot rod site. I think it should stay a 100 percent traditional Hot rod site! But again that is just what I think as I am not a trend follower, nor do I need to follow the money. Hot rods is not a hobby for me, It is a way of life! And I think if you are into 1976 ford pinto's that's fantastic and You just join the Pinto group. I just don't think they belong here! I see a few people do some pretty interesting stuff with some off topic stuff, However from what I have seen the Hamb is just about the only Traditional site left that has not already caved to letting members post whatever kind of contraption you want. Just my worthless 2 cents.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2024
    4274SPEED, 56don, Chucky and 4 others like this.
  13. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    While I understand your concern of having the HAMB watered down. I don’t see any negative effect on the HAMB , Trad rod or Trad custom boards happening, seems to me that there is more traffic on those boards now. Many contributors on the off topic board are owners of some top notch traditional stuff. The truth of the matter is that raw materials ( pre 65 ) cars is drying up making it harder and more expensive to build a traditional hot rod, BTW traditional Hot Rod is basically oxymoronic Hot Rods were and are anti traditional. That being said I especially like what would be considered a traditional hot Rod a 20s roadster or especially a 32 coupe with a built flat head. Guys and gals are building off topic cars using traditional techniques and I believe that is the true spirit of Hot Rodding. Hotrodlane the stuff on the off topic forum might not be your cup of tea I understand that, but take a look around on the site you might enjoy some of it.
    impala4speed and Deuces like this.
  14. hotrodlane
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 398


    I would have to disagree with you on this as I have bought more 1928-40 ford and flathead speed equipment stuff in the last 5 years than ever. Facts are guys who have been 50 year hoarders are dying off and alot of stuff is surfacing because of that. And with C10's and resto mods trending so hot right now alot of trend followers are selling their hot rods to try and be cooler than their buddy with the 1972 chevelle with a twin turbo LS engine and led lights under the frame and 22" boyd wheels with rubber band tires. The decision is not mine! I just think you have to draw the line somewhere otherwise what this site has represented all these years will be lost. an example is I remember when "The Roadster Shop" was "The Roadster Shop" Now they might as well change their name to the "67-87 GMC Blazer Shop" as if you go to their site you can't even find a roadster on there. I have been around Hot rods my whole life! I rode back in forth to kindergarten in a 1932 ford. My Dad drug me around swapmeets and rod events since I was 3 years old. when I was 11 years old Santa Claus Brought me a welding helmet for christmas. My point is Traditional hot rods means more to me than some others. As I said above it is not just a hobby for me. I do not remember a time when our garage did not have one of ours or a customers chassis in it. The thing is I do not see any positive in opening this site up to "post whatever kind of build you want" That's just my thoughts and my feelings on the matter. It's bad enough when I do go to a rod event having to deal with Guys parking their Rat Rod 48 international Cab over with a cummings swap and a bed made from 1959 plymonth fury quarter panels and a sun visor made from an old log chain next to my 32 chopped five window and him thinking we are the same. It may sound shitty to some people, But Me and that guy are far from the same! I take pride in what I build and I don't build stupid shit just to get attention! Plain and simple I just think opening up the door to letting guys post whatever the hell they want has no upside and a lot of potential downside.
  15. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    The HAMB is here to enjoy..... whatever section you choose.
    Nobody is forcing anyone to click on the Off Topic section or any other section.
    Click or don't click, all up to you.
    Balljoint, 1935ply, Malcolm and 11 others like this.
  16. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    Hotrodlane I respect your opinion, for you it’s a lifestyle for me it’s a hobby. I’ve tinkered with cars my whole life mostly muscle car type stuff but my favorites are old roadsters and coupes of the 20s and 30s, I either couldn’t afford what I wanted and liked or didn’t have the time or resources to devote to such a project. Now that I’m retired I do have time to devote to the hobby. Again there is stuff on the off topic forum that would be HAMB ok if not for the fact that it’s of foreign make. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the dilution of the Hokey Ass Message Board. I don’t see it happening and most of all I don’t want that either.
  17. hotrodlane
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 398


    That is a simple answer to a maybe not so simple issue! It's just my opinion but I personally don't think this issue is as simple as that. Because No one forced me to go to the rod event I went to either. However because the ones hosting the event lost any and all standards that they used to have and enforce. It was not that great of an event! It was a Hot Rod event that had been going on for 34 years, But basicly you could bring anything in there you wanted as long as you payed your $50 registration fee at the gate. I was parked between the international Rat Truck thing and a late 70's frontwheel drive tornado. In fairness there was some pretty cool hot rods there also but you had to wade through a bunch of wierd and rat rod crap to find them. Most of the guys I talked to agreed the show hadn't been the same since they started lifting restrictions. Bottomline is by keeping this site totally about Traditional Hot rods we are holding all members here to a certain Standard. Here is another simple answer. When you lower your standards, Then you get people with low standards. Just my opinion
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  18. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Posts: 4,061

    41 GMC K-18

    Hey @hotrodlane
    And you never know, when by virtue of a simple conversation, that a fellow HAMBER, will actually send you a free T-Shirt in the mail, just because it feels good, and its a total surprise!

    Positive wins over negative, every single time!
    Enjoy from Dennis.
    impala4speed, CSPIDY, Deuces and 2 others like this.
  19. mohr hp
    Joined: Nov 18, 2009
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    mohr hp
    from Georgia

    I gotta jump in here. I respect what you're saying, as I hate seeing certain stuff at events too, like a new Camaro with the window sticker visible, or a Carolina Squat truck, or a jagged rust death rod. However, one important thing gained by mixing it up, and rubbing elbows with those other guys is this; Just maybe, a guy with his non-traditional ride, is more than just a little curious about what we're up to, and wants to learn more. Reality is, the general public has little exposure to traditional rides. So, how will this legacy continue? Eventually, all of us are going to be gone, and eventually, someone will be your pride and joy's new caretaker. Wouldn't it be sweet if it was some young guy or gal that actually loved the thing, and knew the difference between a Hemi and a Flathead? They can only learn so much about it on Instagram or Tic toc. Seeing stuff in person, and interacting with me and you here, could be the key that unlocks a new passion. Food for thought.
    alanp561, hotrodlane, Deuces and 3 others like this.
  20. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,051


    Amen to that. True statement. Heart and soul of this endeavor.
    But I fear you are a bit confused here. Ryan's total commitment to keeping the HAMB 1965-cutoff traditional has never wavered, and it never will. All he has done here is to add a new sub-forum. No different from The Antiquated sub-forum where you can look at all kinds of O/T shit.
    This is what Cob means when he tells you
    which is quite different from you deciding to go to a car show and having no control over the entries. Here you have total control. Don't like the new O/T sub-forum? Then stay off it.
    brando1956, 1935ply, rockable and 7 others like this.
  21. noboD
    Joined: Jan 29, 2004
    Posts: 8,581


    Amen, Brerhair!!
    BrerHair and Sharpone like this.
  22. Exactly! It not that hard to figure out.
    BrerHair and Sharpone like this.
  23. Imagine feeling like a victim cause the car show has stuff you didn’t like.

    that’s gotta suck
    BrerHair, pirate, Sharpone and 2 others like this.
  24. snoc653
    Joined: Dec 25, 2023
    Posts: 471

    from Iowa

    While I can certainly respect the site's rules and even individual opinions. I find it ironic that the people that created the "Traditional Hot Rods" were anything but rule followers or even over;u concerned about what someone else liked. They used whatever was available to get the results they were after. The fact that LS engines, certain suspension parts, or any other the many post 65 innovations didn't exist wouldn't have made them think twice had they been discovered during their building times. The "Traditional Hot Rod" was something that became a thing because of exactly what some claim is causing people to leave that trend. Someone figured out it was a way to corner a market and make money. They created a whole market around a concept of what already existed is all that we need. Some people bought into it and some didn't. Muscle cars, Ricers, Euro cars, and a lot of other styles still happened as the spirit of a hot rodder is to get the desired result, go fast, make it look appealing to them, or whatever motivates them. The one thing that didn't enter their thought process was what would "_______" think about my build.

    That being said, I applaud this site for stretching the limits, within limits, to allow some non-"Traditional" thoughts and discussions. I personally like all of the above vehicles. I've had a lot of different vehicles and will gladly post within the rules. But just as I think the "Traditional Hot Rodders" would do, I'll build my toys using whatever gets the results I'm after. And since "Traditional Hot Rod" was never copy righted, how we choose to define the term is open to interpretation.
    brando1956 and Sharpone like this.
  25. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Staff Member

    A few things:

    1. I own the joint. I’m on this forum at a minimum of 8 hours a day. Since the “off topic” forum launched, I’ve been on it nine times - 5 of those were for reported posts. Otherwise, I ignore it and it doesn’t bother me at all… In fact, it’s a handy place to move off topic threads from the main forum.

    If it bothers you… and you can’t ignore it… I don’t know what to tell you. Good luck in life.

    2. For those of you that don’t understand traditional hot rods or why we focus on them, why are you here? Tradition will always be our primary focus…. this is not going to change… and you are going to continue to be frustrated.
    porkshop, BrerHair, zman and 5 others like this.
  26. Members don't make the rules. Did someone who does mention rules for the OT forum? If rules come about, they should be pinned on top of the OT forum.
  27. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    The only rule that I know of in the off topic forum is that there are no electric vehicles allowed
    porkshop, Sharpone and Bandit Billy like this.
  28. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 13,601

    Bandit Billy

    Shocking! :cool:
  29. I have no clue what that means and I must have said it :)
    Must be some of that comment missing
    Sharpone likes this.
  30. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    This Place is FREAKING GREAT !!!
    Simple rules on the main boards and simpler rules/almost no rules on the OT board:cool:
    An absolutely great place for hot rod/custom culture, art, knowledge base and even Wisdom
    Thanks to Ryan, staff and moderators
    porkshop likes this.

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