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Old Does NOT mean Slow, Dammit!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by chuckspeed, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. chuckspeed
    Joined: Sep 13, 2005
    Posts: 1,643


    you saw my blinker, bitch.
    -will smith

    Was out droppin' off a kid the other day when this phone - totin' BMW SUV driver cuts me off - slides across two lades of Woodward to do it, too!

    I gave her a blast of Lucy's horns...

    '55 Chrysler horns sound as if they've been lifted from the deck of the Queen Mary - damned near as loud as truck air horns. The sound startled her;she went back a lane. Good. That's what they're for. THEN...she sizes up the car and DOES IT AGAIN - flipping me off in the process!

    WTF? One minute I'm minding my business - the next I'm the victim of a self absorbed Ashley who *thinks* Lucy is an impediment to her forward motion.

    While Lucy ain't bodaciously fast - once she's rollin' she can move. I gave Ashley a demonstration of this which resulted in Lucy bein' in front of the BMW. Ashley sized Lucy up a second time - then kept a respectful distance afterwards.

    I'm not used to folks cutting me off at will - and it seems to happen much more fequently when I'm behind the wheel of the Chrysler. While it can be entertaining at times, it gets old.

    Does this happen to y'all - or is it just me?
  2. MonsterMaker
    Joined: Aug 11, 2004
    Posts: 1,811


    personally, I think its just BMW drivers.....every time I am near a BMW, its like they take stupid pills or some shit
  3. muffman58
    Joined: Oct 24, 2003
    Posts: 999


    It happens to us ALL! Some people have no business driving at all! They never look behind them when changing lanes, or if they do they suddenly think there Richard Petty and think '' there`s 2 inches, I can make it '' I been cut off so mant times I can`t count, and then you get up to them at the stop light and look and they act like its YOUR fault! Don`t get me started as this is a sore subject to me! Makes me want to get an old bomb truck with a BIG push bumper and.....................! Rant over.
  4. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
    Posts: 3,798

    from colorado

    every fuckin day. i think i've come to the conclusion that all these SUV drivers are the victims of a continued economic downturn, and thus can't afford the payments and gas for their status symbols. gotta be, what else would explain why someone would have to WORK to weave their way through traffic in a hurry, only to slide in right in front of the old car, and then slow down. WTF? they must WANT us to hit them to get them out of their payments.

    and if it ain't them gettin in front of you, they'll roll up on you all hard, then slowd down and drive right in your blind spot, i guess so they can oogle the chrome and metalflake. oblivious to the fact that they are fuckin up the flow of traffic.

    i hate people.
  5. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
    Posts: 3,798

    from colorado

    that's what i'm workin on for my next daily/winter driver. a 50 chevy, "field fresh" covered in rust and dents and it's gonna stay that way. back on the farm, someone welded a second homemade bumper above the stocker, i'm gonna beef it up some more, and probably add some gnarley pointed objects. the idea being make them want to steer waaaay clear of the guy in the shitty old truck, cause he ain't gonna give a damn what he hits! the trump card is the truck is built on a 4x4 S-10 chassis, so it already has decent brakes, i built a mild 350 that will be getting a blower, so regardless of weather or road conditions, if some asshole DOES feel the need to cut me off, they can get schooled in not judging an ol heap by it's appearance.:D
  6. Aaron51chevy
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
    Posts: 1,986


    I can confirm this...My wife drives a 03 suburban, biggest goddamn suv you can get (which I do love btw). She used to be an agressive driver with it. Then the job moved to the ren-cen (downtown detroit) and we switched cars, she started driving the 30 mpg Ion 5-speed stick, she hasn't driven a stick much before. She gained much respect for keeping distance having to use a clutch. Now the job is back close to home and she is a born again suv driver. I think ALL drivers should have to start with a manual trans, manual steer car, just to get the respect of the car. New cars drive WAY to easy and people look at driving as secondary to eating, reading, talking, putting on make up what ever,,,that is scary and why I sold my bike:eek: ...
  7. Aaron51chevy
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
    Posts: 1,986


    Warped minds think alike, I have two chevys, one will be a custom the other will be a beemer hunter! I'm going to weld on some evil looking push bar and a class 3 hitch with a spike in the reciever, any body tailgates and I'll remove their plastic grill. I plan on hanging broken grills on the wall of my garage ala big game hunting!
  8. plymouth_man
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 50

    from WI.

    they don't make brush gards for nothing!!!!!!
  9. plymouth_man
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 50

    from WI.

    use to have a dog in the neiborhood,that would chase every car that went by,it would make you start and stop,trying to bite your tires. Well a friend of mine cured that,he was about to leave my house and poped off his hub cap and put a rag in it that hung out and put back on the hub cap. took off down the road and here comes the dog,it grabed the rag and went for a spin,end of the dog chasing cars again,it is afraid of them now.
  10. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    Heh Heh, how about painting BMW badges on the side, like the WWII fighter planes with the flags on the side for every plane they had shot down. Might make the Beemer idiots think for a second....naw... :D
  11. HOT DAMN!
    Joined: Feb 10, 2006
    Posts: 4


    That is funny as hell, my neighbor’s dog used to do the same exact thing until he got ran over. Didn't kill him, but he has definitely been cured of the insatiable desire to eat rolling rubber.

    I don’t want to get my blood pressure boiling on inattentive drivers, but I agree with ya Ray, humans suck.

    Having navigated the autobahn in Bavaria for many of years, driving in Europe is a skilled privilege that demands all sensory input and is treated as such. This level of respect for the road and its other users seems nonexistent, for the most part, here stateside.
  12. I have a SUV tahoe and I like to get behind these BMW and mercedez and push them out of my way if they go by me on the cell or cut me off. My chevy and time is just as important...Jimmy
  13. With me its either one of two things they either want to cut me off or race.

    Both get a little old. And some just don't make any sense at all. I mean give me a brake, I'm in an old beatup pickup, why in the world would anyone in a mercedes think they can crowd me on the off ramp or in traffic. Granted I don't wanna bend my chebby, but it doesn't look to be one of those that are mechanically sound or that I might by some freak of the imagination have insurance.:D

    The ones that wanna race are the ones that really kill me. Always some bobo in a neon or some sort of a jap mobile.

    I did actually have one the other night that just made me chuckle, I was at a light on raytown road out in the state park, this carload if kids rolls up next to me in an AeroStar. The kid driveing was trying to race when we were cruising, but I just ignored him.

    We get to the a red light, and he rolls down the pass window and hollers want to run 'em for titles? I just grinned and said "Son I don't want to own your Mom's van." he got real mad but his little friend thought it was pretty funny. Probably a good thing I don't like teeny boppers, I think she'd of traded rides.
  14. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,560


    That's why my big old boat is covered in primer...I don't care if it gets wrecked...and when a Beemer whips in front of me...they're gonna get it back...and when I'm in front of them, a rabbit or a dog or a cat "suddenly" darts across my lane, forcing me to slam on the brakes...and in turn, give the attention-deficit Beemer driver a heart attack.

  15. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 7,853

    fur biscuit

    rail road ties make great bumpers.
  16. Bugman
    Joined: Nov 17, 2001
    Posts: 3,483


    Four 6V horns are DAMN LOUD on a 12V car ;)
  17. SnoDawg
    Joined: Jul 23, 2004
    Posts: 1,013


    This is on my Daily.. Yes It is 6" channel that is 3/16" thick. I have noticed most clowns think twice about jumping the gun at intersections when they see it. Ignore the truck. It aint HAMB Worthy.


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  18. yorgatron
    Joined: Jan 25, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    i been thinking about that...
  19. vesparex
    Joined: Oct 19, 2003
    Posts: 147

    from Denver, CO

    Yeah. It Happens ALL the time. And, try riding a scooter! My Vespa will easily do 70+ mph. And gets there without cobwebs growing on the wheels! But I still get the jack off that takes the right turn lane to cross the intersection and TRY to cut me off! I love the look when they are stabbing the binders and ducking in behind me!


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  20. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    Chuck, stay outta Birmingham and you'll cut down your chance of running into BMW's dramaticly.;) :D

    The first nice Friday evening this spring Big Olds wants to meet Lucy, say at the Shell Station on Woodward at 13 1/2 mile, across from Duggans.:cool:
  21. chuckspeed
    Joined: Sep 13, 2005
    Posts: 1,643


    You betcha!

    Think that the BMW crowd needs a dose of Lucy now and then - keeps 'em on their toes.

    Having doen the UAV thing (urban assault vehchle) with a '64 Falcon, I can tell ya the way you keep the Ashley's from gettin all aggro is to drive a rod. Bright paint, loud pipes, and some horespressure to back it up. Downside is you get the boy racers that wanna play. I'm just surprised at how many folks make a point of getting in front of Lucy - and then slow down.

    Denise - I am lookin' forward to the Shell experience this year. When I get the garage back - the lakes pipes and wide whites are goin on - while not 100% - she'll be happy to come on out and play!
  22. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
    Posts: 3,798

    from colorado

    oh yeah, i wanna have the front bumper lettered, backwards so you can read in the rearview mirror after you cut me off, "UNINSURED DRIVER":D
  23. Arrrrrggggghhh Not to hijack your post but the Excursion be the biggest SUV on the roads. Even has little stops attatched to the front of the frame to stop it from running over little cars. I have a 79 Bronco that has killed many a car. Had a dude in a 70's wagon blow a stop sign and get to meet the tire holder up front personally. I did have to buff out some metallic pea green paint his car turned into a big U. I love taking out bad drivers!!!!

    If you guys are serious about wanting beaters to destroy traffic with go with a fullsize Bronco or a K5 blazer. I have ran down 7 cars in my Bronco only been stuck on one, I was in a K5 Blazer that had a Cavalier blow a stop sign in front of it we ran right over the front of the cavalier we did debead the front passenger side tire. Other than that the Blazer was fine.
  24. Aaron51chevy
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
    Posts: 1,986


    Yeah but they aren't in production any more....My buddy has a 72 K5 4x4 those are the shit when it comes to being tough, but they sure do like fuel! Putting a big reciever in a hitch is a nice way to protect the rear, if you have a hitch that is...
  25. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 3,534


    I don't usually have much trouble with people cutting me off, but I do have a 6 volt horn in the 12 volt system. The missing paint in places helps the image, don't you think?

    Had some kid blow through a stop sign without even looking once, about the time his driver door was passing my front bumper ( I had already stopped cause I saw it coming) I hit the horn. Scared the hell out of him! When he turned to look all he saw was the "job rated" pannel, just above my front bumper, about 2 feet from his head. Bet he had to change his shorts afterwards. :D

    for what its worth, my truck is monted on an 80 Dodge 4x4 chassis and it does not fit in my shop's 7' garage door. Its got a 360 4 bbl and can smoke the posi rear tires when in 2wd.

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  26. chuckspeed
    Joined: Sep 13, 2005
    Posts: 1,643


    If youse guys are serious about UAV's - Got two words for you:

    Power Wagon.

    Alternate: M37.

    These are mil-spec Korean War 4wd's that make a K5 or a Bronco look like a piece of cheap tin. Hell - the fender steel gauge is heavier than modern subrame metal! They ain't fast - flattie 6 cyl - but Got DANG are they tuff! Nothing short of a Bradley can take on a Power Wagon.

    We don't need no steenking brush gards, mang - we got a Power Wagon!
  27. atch
    Joined: Sep 3, 2002
    Posts: 5,969


    i've noticed for many years that people cut me off and pull out in front of me WAAAAYYYYY more often when i'm driving clarence than if i'm in a late model. i thought it was just me.

    even out on an interstate highway with not much traffic people drive 90 miles per hour to get in front of me then slow down. why???
  28. You guys should try driving a 1200lb brit car. I love getting back in one of my old cars cause people at least see them. My little cars are invisible on the highways in socal. Not to metion one idiot switched lanes into my Triumph MC and that was a nice visit to Little Company of Mary Emergency room with 11 broken bones.
  29. caddylakman
    Joined: Nov 22, 2004
    Posts: 333

    from USA

    So true so true. I read this thread and all I could think of was a jerk in an audi who had already cut me off once, pullin up next to me at a red light, and thinkin he was gonna cut me off... again... to make a right turn in front of me. WRONG!!!! I nailed it, he stayed next to me, but about 1/2 car length behind was the best he could do. Lil punk had to hit the brakes and cut off the guy behind me, and they were both belchin smoke for a few days I'd bet. :) I love my crappy ole caddy sometimes :)

  30. You guys are missing the real problem.From the point of view of the BMW/Lexus/Audi/Benz/Infinity/Escalade driver-Their vehicle cost more so they have more rights to the road than you do :D Watch what happens at the next 4 way stop,the idiot with the Lexus always thinks she should go first.Of course! they have a more important job/meeting/hair apointment/dog grooming/etc. to be at and they're running late.Much more important than you peasants in your old POS :rolleyes:


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