I dont know if any of you watch the PINKS or 1320x shows but on july 4th, 2008 our team, the car that my company sponsers, won the manufactures race at milan michigan. The team has not been able to beat this one young lady in the last 6 or 7 meetings, but heres a little highlight from the days event my dad came down to get his a/c worked on and while he was here he checked out the 52 i am working on. You could see the look in his eyes as he walked around and looked at it, I told him what condition i got it in and what i have done to it and what i want to do to it. he had some thoughts also no sooner than i get his car done and karen from the local garage i tow for called, i was thinking she broke down somewhere cause the shop was closed till tuesday, and she was excited on the phone so i asked whats up and she told me that dave had gottin picked for the manufactures race for the milan edition of the 1320x race (which is nathan pritchets show when not with pinks), COOL !!!!!! so i jump in the wrecker and haul ass to milan dragway, when we got their he was in the staging lanes as we were in the registration area getting our cradentials, then everyone scattered right after we got their, must have been the wrecker, but did get to do a lock out next to registration on the way in, cool it paid for entry, i get in for FREE !!! got in and made it to the pits and got the wrecker set up by dave and karen. as soon as i was done we got called up to staging. We ran into one of the other sponsors, ken and sue from the amsoil race team --- sue drives the shit out of her ford f-1 --- and i told sue that i bet ya the finals will be dave and jessica !!!! got up to the staging lanes and dave got the call first and i went to the 330 mark to get photos off the line but i noticed that the tower side had both bulbs lit and dave wasnt in the beams yet so i figured that he was going to let him grow roots -- you drag guys know what i mean -- then both his bulbs went hay wire and the guy on tower side left, thinking he had the win, dave backed his car off the line --- notice i didnt say the beams --- and backed it to the wall. Here comes this awsom looking car awsome paint job on that baby !!!! but he lost then here comes dave -- for a rerun -- and dave wins it all of a sudin around the corner here comes my wife was gonna kill me!!!!!! we made it to the finals and we were having a blast seen some old rides anda nice 55 chevy bel air -- cherry -- we finally got to the burn out box and their was dave and jessica -- as i had said and sue asked well???? i said dave by a 1/4 fender. they proceeded to do their burns and stage while they were staging the announcer said "pit side we have young jessica, and on tower side we have the old man dave gotts' we all laughed at that, jessica is damn good at what shes does, and has learned from the best, dave told me that they were 0-7 this year against her and hopefully today will change that.
they launch and its "OLD SCHOOL vs. NEW SCHOOL" ... .... ..... ....... ......... daves win light comes on, we all go nuts come to find out dave ran dead on his dial in in the last 2 rounds and was picture perfect heres tuck getting a congradulation petting for the win dave getting the shake from nate dave and karen with the check OLD SHCHOOL vs. NEW SCHOOL ---- jessica was a hell of a runner up, and yes she got a trophy and a check close ups of the inogeral race trophy at 1320x and of coarse our race team, left to right carol (my wife),dave and karen(own car and shop), karen(karens friend), sue and ken(f-1 truck racer and amsoil sponsor), but im not in this pic as i had to take this one but i am in the winners circle pics grinning from ear to ear this should air in the new season poss aug or sept
Congradulations, Dave and gang. From your pictures there, I'm gonna have to not go to the nostalgia races anymore. Nobody looks like that where I race Frank
i am surprised that my wife let me photograph that with her next to me i did find out that the photo guy thats does milan dragway every weekend also did billetproof in detroit this year, we were going through his laptop of photos and god his were awsome, but he says their for a magazine, so i will have to wait to see who publishes them, then hit him up for some pics
later after the race we seen them on a stang getting pics takin, found out that they will be with photo mike at the local bike night also so i get to drull at least 2 more nights yet