heres the front of my shop the coke sign is dated Nashville 1939 its double sided porcilin,my grand mother bought it as a birthday gift for me in 81/82 at the santa-fe sundries auction in Indy,Ks......very special to me
My grandfather owned a shop when he returned from WWII, sold it some time in the 50s. The shop was in the main street of our town, now fast forward to the mid 90s they were doing the street up. Pulled all the faces off from the older shops and guess what was still up there? Yup, the 1950 shop front complete with my grandfathers shop sign! The builders were nice enough to let us have it. Its stored away but one day it will grace the wall of my parents garage. Doc.
Some recent pics of an old place. I used to work there in High School. Family owned since the 20's and they still serve milk in glass bottles. Still the best milk I've ever had.
Wow, what a great thread! There's lots of kool old signs around here. I've just gotta figure out how to post pics on this site & I'll start contributing.
Been there done that , But one of the all time great spots in LA. Oh, did I mention they have pretty good food also.
Got a bunch of great old pics off my late Fathers Sister this week (also see my history post on "snowplane" ) Below is a parade in "downtown" Pilot Mound Manitoba in '54 The 2nd pic is the first blowed up big to show the Ford V8 sign, Esso, Goodyear , and partly hidden is a White Rose gas sign (anybody know Fred Eaglesmith's song "White Rose"??)
Main Street, Keota Iowa. Dec 31 2008. This building survived a recent fire and townspeople are trying to save it. You can see the steel girders holding up the east wall.
There is one of the Blue Bird truck stop signs still leaning up beside the building in Atlanta. I always thought about trying to find out if they would sell it . This station was featured in the movie Kalifornia. Great pictures thanks