This is a really cool post! Here is one from the town I grew up in. Used to see it all the time, unfortunately it was taken down about a week or so after I shot this pic. This one is not too far from where I live now...
Espanola, New Mexico. Wish I could of stuck around to see it lit up. From the mid-60's I was told. It's a liquor store.
Found them!...Here's Ol "Weirdo" hisself (me) on roof for cheap promo shot. Nice close -up of neon . Owners ran the place from 1948, But had only painted Signage until Cruise became a hit. Then they went for Vintage Neon Look in about "84.
in the 80's my ex-wife and i opened a small ice cream shop. i had the YENKO CHEVROLET ok used car sign given to me. i stripped off the paint and had my ice cream shop's name painted in. if i had only known....
Thats nuts!!! I'm a big collector of Yenko memorabilia, but the only sign from the dealership I've managed to acquire is the original PA state inspection "Keystone" shaped sign with Yenko's official inspection station # tag on the bottom. Got it from one of your neighbors in Canonsburg. Not sure if it relates to the "neon" theme this thread has, but here's a collection of original showroom art from 60's Chevy dealerships... Some pretty cool old "mod" style silk screened designs. figure a way to repop these and you could retire!!!! every chevy guy in the country would love these in their shop/house
I got this off of an old hot dog stand. the stand was actually long gone with just the arrow on a pole. I was wanting it for years, then one day they knocked it over to build on the site. Mine mine mine! I had to replace every socket and completely rewire it. I also just finished a microprossor based sequencer to flash the lights. Pretty cool. Keith
I'm sure they could be repopped, but if the same signs were in every garage in the country would they be as cool? I think not!
Here's a sign I got out of an old Ford dealership in Brandon, Wi. It has trap doors around the perimeter for putting light bulbs in the sockets. I think it was probably from the Model T era.
I rescued this from the front of an old tavern that had changed ownership and this was going to the junk yard. This was on a pole out in back of another tavern in the north woods of Wisconsin. Gotta get the neon put back in it yet. I got this from an old dude that had a bunch of shit scattered around his parents home on Hwy 32 in Northeastern Wisconsin, I want to get the neon restored but the projects come first. BB
Not difficult for me to knock that glass out. Give me an accurate tracing on 1 piece of paper of the letters and glass PK housings, with center to cent marks for the PKs written for good measure. If there isn't an art store around for paper, Kinko's has 36" spools for 75 cents/ft.
How about these? The original shop sign, from the Tucson shop of the famous Fisher & Greth Speed Sport Roadster, when they were making wire front wheels for drag racing. .....and a copy of the sign underneath, from when the Tucson Timing Association held drag races on the local Air Force base.