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History Old Time Junk Yard Photos PIX 1920 to 1970

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by jimi'shemi291, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Wrench, apparently, since nobody piped up, I must be the ONLY one! LOL (I suddenly feel really OLD!)
  2. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Change of pace comment here, but quite relevant to scrap
    yards and WWII metal drives. I asked the other day how
    many battle tanks Oregon's Union County's 1,000 tons of
    scrap (BTW, my number was off; this is the CORRECT tonage)
    in mid-1942 would have built. To my surprise, HAMBer
    SouthPaw posted this pic just a day or two later over on the
    vintage photos thread, giving a broad HINT! This is obviously
    a public display of spanking new war equipment, in Detroit,
    to promote patriotism and, probably, sales of war bonds!
    That's a Chrysler-built M-3 General Grant tank in the foreground.


    So, the obvious answer to all that civic effort and pride
    by Union County in six brief months: 35 BATTLE TANKS!
    Not shabby for ONE county's energies in only six months,
    eh? Tanks were just a hypothetical illustration, but you
    get the point. Multiply that county's scrap output roughly
    by the number of counties in the country, and you can
    begin to appreciate the amazing SCALE of the civilian war
    effort! Yowza! And, if a lot of the scrap steel was VT we'd
    love to have TODAY, well, at least we know it went for a
    crucial cause!
    <INPUT title="Hoist on truck used for loading scrap" type=image alt="Hoist on truck used for loading scrap" src="" border=0>
  3. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    Wow, there's something eerie about this Edsel pic, posted
    on another thread nearly 2 years ago by HAMBer Dakota.
    And, it appears the 'verts have fared better than the shelter
    they were in! Just a cool pic, and that's why I borrowed
    Dakota's pic for this all-junkyard theme. Thanks, Dakota!
  4. City of Norleans is a great American song.
    once said in an interview [he never knew how famous his Dad was until
    they sang] This Land is Your Land by Woodie Guthrie at his school.​
  5. WQ59B
    Joined: Dec 14, 2005
    Posts: 2,619


    Pics of the '55 LaSalle roadster, '55 hardtop sedan & the '55 Biscayne as they were found in Warhoops yard in MI.
    -- -- -- -- --
    The '56 Eldorado Brougham was in there also, pics here (halfway down):
    -- -- -- -- --
    Biscayne is about finished being restored, both LaSalles are supposedly next under the knife, and the '56 EB sold at auction a few years ago for $ 780K.
  6. Kool66
    Joined: Aug 3, 2010
    Posts: 230

    from Dearborn

    The Warhoops GM show cars were written up in Special Interest Autos magazine with photos in the 70s.This was a well known SECRET.The real secret was getting Harry Warholak to sell them!Bortz had the touch and money to unlock them.

  7. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Okay, now THIS one's unusual for a couple of reasons. For one,
    it's the first junk-car pic from England I can remember on this
    thread. Second, it's of an abandoned car in Cuba! And I'd always
    heard they kept EVERYthing running in Cuba, due to the long-
    standing trade embargo. The make throws me, too. Is it maybe
    a Morris? I ran across it on eBay. If anybody is interested in
    buying it, the price seemed reasonable as it is done as a studio
    art print. If interested, you can just search "2382 Abandoned
    Cuban Car Modern Canvas Art" and you won't have any trouble
    finding it. Seller is in Northhamptonshire, UK. I don't know
    him/her; just passing info along to other junkies like me!
  8. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Here's a vintage photo of a vintage vehicle abandoned in
    the undergrowth. I ran across it on eBay. If anybody is
    interested in buying it, it is cheap at least. You can just
    search "abandoned car" and you won't have any trouble
    finding it. Seller is in Florida. Unfortunately there were no
    details about just where or when this pic was snapped.
  9. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Oops, I'd better clarify: It's just the old pic that's for sale.
    The car probably disappeared in one of the war scrap-metal
  10. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499





    <TABLE id=ph_style1 summary="Show Car 6" sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TBODY sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TR><TD id=wrap6></TD><TD id=wrap2></TD></TR><TR sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TD id=wrap7></TD><TD id=wrap9 sizset="71" sizcache="0">

    </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Roadster LaS II, whereas the one junked is the coupe

    <TABLE id=view_photo width="100%" summary="View Photo" sizset="70" sizcache="0"><TBODY sizset="70" sizcache="0"><TR sizset="70" sizcache="0"><TD sizset="70" sizcache="0"></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR id=photo_view_row vAlign=top sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TD id=view_photo_td sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TABLE id=ph_style1 summary="Biscayne 1" sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TBODY sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TR><TH>[​IMG]</TH><TD id=wrap6></TD><TD id=wrap2></TD></TR><TR sizset="71" sizcache="0"><TD id=wrap7></TD><TD id=wrap9 sizset="71" sizcache="0">

    I don't guess that many folks need help figuring out that something(s) quite unusual was in Warhoop's yard there, eh? LOL Top is LaSalle II, and Biscayne I is at the bottom. SINCERE THANKS, WQ59B & Kool66, for giving us more detail about this "el Dorado of junkyards" !!! Many of us have only HEARD of it, but details seem (naturally) hard to find. We should all salute Bortz for staying after these one-of-a-kinds! WOW!

    (BTW, Studebaker had something like this, BUT it was WAAAAAY back of their proving grounds, as I recall.)
  11. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499




    Posted w/o notes 9/17 by Harms Way (post 4253) on
    the thread, "Photos taken before WW2 - history in black
    and white." So, there's no way to know where this was,
    but it looks to be an immediate pre-WWII junkyard, from
    the makes, models. Surely, these picked over cars would
    have disappeared in the WWII scrap drives! Just look,
    though, at the great metal with much paint intact! Yowee!
  12. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Cool shot posted elsewhere by NovaDude55.
  13. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    I guess this is how most of us imagine Hawaii, and there truly
    are many beautiful spots. But HAMBer AndysBodys, from Utah,
    visited Kauai, Hawaii's supposed "Island of Love" a couple of years
    ago. His thread set me straight on my assumption that strict law
    enforcement has always kept every square inch of the islands
    pristine (maybe I watched too much "Magnum, P.I."!!! LOL).

    There seem to be few junkyards such as we'd see on the main-
    land, but he did find the remains of an old-time junkyard at a
    fascinating place known as "Glass Beach," as it is at the foot
    of an old lava flow. As opposed to an actual salvage yard, it
    seems apparent that people had simply abandoned junkers
    down on the beach, long ago. He reported that the salty
    waves have been turning even auto hard parts into arty
    imitations of their former selves -- crankshafts, e.g., that
    look like driftwood! I found his photos fascinating, because
    HERE was evidence of a disappearing old-time junkyard in
    an Hawaiian paradise! Here are a couple of typical shots he
    showed on his thread. Wanna see more? Just search "Kauai,
    Hawaii Junkyard!"




  14. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Very artful detail shot of a '49/'50 Packard, THANKS to
    Joined: Oct 22, 2005
    Posts: 2,144


    When's the last time you saw a Pinto????

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  16. markberube
    Joined: Sep 30, 2010
    Posts: 2


    I'm going to guess a old international, I think their was a 345 and a 392.
  17. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    If this Merc could talk, it would say, "OUCH!"


    This is my kind of early junkyard, with hundreds of '30s to '60s
    cars. The same ol' sad news, though, is that this yard is no more.
    HAMBer Sailing Adventure (Jeff) provides a link to pix he took in
    early 2004, he said just for the visual enjoyment of other car
    people. Here are a few, so I can help him spread these images
    around for everyone's enjoyment. Apparently, the yard was
    generally known as McCain's and had been about 20 miles south
    of Greensville, NC.



    Here are some links from Jeff to more junk-car pix:
    and (find the "Junk Yard Photos" link) (to contribute a junk-car pic)
  18. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    More from Sailing Adventure. Looks like lots of great stuff
    was on this second-gen Kaiser. I hope it got saved by some-
    body! And there's a Stude Hawk next door, too.


    COLOR-ful W-O wagon! Colorful! Is it possible
    we've found Willy Wonka's WILLYS !?! LOL

  19. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Some more from SailingAdventure/Jeff. Somebody peg the year on the Willys?


    Something you don't see every day!


    And a first-generation Kaiser, with step-down Hudson on the flank!
  20. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Don't ask me why, but I'm a sap for rusty old tractors
    that have been decommissioned, particularly the early
    ones with all-steel wheels.


    My idea of a pleasant, leisurely stroll in the North Carolina
    piney woods! A BIG THANKS to Jeff for the tour of a great
    yard . . . now, sadly, long gone.
  21. Hot Rod Willys
    Joined: Nov 10, 2006
    Posts: 1,700

    Hot Rod Willys
    from Ohio

    The Willys was a 1938, so they are gone now?
  22. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    All I know for certain is the info that I relayed in Post # 799:

    This is my kind of early junkyard, with hundreds of '30s to '60s
    cars. The same ol' sad news, though, is that this yard
    is no more. HAMBer Sailing Adventure (Jeff) provided a link
    to pix he took in early 2004, he said just for the visual enjoyment
    of other car people. Here are a few, so I can help him spread
    these images around for everyone's enjoyment. Apparently, the
    yard was generally known as McCain's and had been about 20
    miles south of Greensville, NC.

    Jeff's link:
  23. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Sorry I've been busy with pre-winter outdoor chores
    'round here & haven't followed up sooner RE the old
    North Carolina junkyard brought to light by Jeff (aka
    "SailingAdventure"). Two things I wanted to mention
    right off the bat are: The green Willys was one of the
    cars SAVED by someone. Second, McCain is Sailing
    Adventure's actual last name. The "junkyard" wasn't
    a commercial yard, as we think of them -- more a
    private collection owned by a man named Farlow.
    So, please ignore me erroneously calling his place
    McCain's previously!

    My OTHER key reason for revisiting a CLOSED yard
    at all is that it was special (not officially open to
    the public for commerical purposes). And, up to the
    point of Mr. Farlow's advancing age & retirement, the
    hundreds of cars were NOT cherry-picked nor sold.
    (Of course, I mean EXCEPT for parts removed BEFORE
    Mr. Farlow bought them AND stuff taken by people
    who went on his property without permission! These
    things said, here's a synopsis of some great commen-
    tary by Jeff (to me via email). His words paint a picture
    of THE kind of yard any red-blooded HAMBer, restorer,
    even casual car-lover would die to have visited! It
    started as an open field and reverted to a wooded plot
    by the time it had to be cleared out.

    "All of those cars were sold and removed from the property by the end of 2005. One day in March 2004, a bunch of us 'Car Guys' were invited to go to the farm to look around and buy any cars we wanted. The cars were priced from $100 to $500 and you could buy as many as you wanted. As you can guess, most were sold that [day] and removed by the next month. I wish I could have bought more, but I just didn`t have any place to put them." -- Jeff McCain, 10/5

    And the following day, 10/6: "Jim, I put all of the pictures I took that day on my website. And yes , the Willys was saved.

    "The cars were [originally] collected by a guy who was a mailman. He found many of these cars over the years when he was delivering mail. He also owned quite a few rental properties, and some of the cars were just left when the tenants moved. Many of the better cars were kept at his home until the county made him move them about 20 years ago.

    "He had inherited the farm and had always brought cars that weren`t running, or that he had duplicates of down there. It was located near Archdale NC [roughly between Raleigh/Durham and Charlotte] which is near High Point. His name [was] Jim Farlow, the cars were being sold by his daughter to pay back taxes, as he was in the early stages of alzheimer`s disease.

    "At one time, the collection was said to contain 500 to 600 cars. When he began putting the cars on the property, they were placed in rows, by make, in a large open field. But ... the trees [grew] up around and through the cars. It was really a sight to see when we arrived there. Our group was the first to be allowed on the property in over 40 years."


    Jeff's tale made me super-envious and fired MY
    imagination. I thought you all might enjoy reading
    it in HIS words. A great HAMBer, with several friendly
    cars of his own!
    <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->


  24. knotttty
    Joined: Sep 2, 2010
    Posts: 422


    here are some from where I live... all model a's.. and all for sale......

    Attached Files:

  25. Thanks from Pete in Amityville, NY. The BE phone number stands for Bensonhurst, the same exchange that Ralph Kramden had in the Honeymooners. Brooklyn was full of good junkyards.
  26. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Hey, Pete, idd you happen to take any photos of those old junkyards. Would be fun to see, bro.
  27. yvan lacroix
    Joined: Jul 16, 2009
    Posts: 121

    yvan lacroix

  28. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    A first! '38 Renault, sitting in a garden in Estonia. We've never
    had vintage tin from Estonia before on this thread. Wow!
  29. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
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    This car was shown on the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society site by J.S. Lott who
    wonders if his car is a '35/6 Chrysler. I'm thinking he's darn close. I wanna
    say Dodge, but the horizontal grille bars throw me. Anybody nail this one?
  30. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Here's a fantastic photo from the library of the University of Southern
    California. I'd guess early '30s. Anybody else want to narrow that
    down a bit??? Anyway, it's the type of early photo this thread is
    ALWAYS seeking! What a shot! Also, anybody recognize any of
    the makes?
    Nailhead A-V8 likes this.

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