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old timer pranks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 57 shaker, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Pir8Darryl
    Joined: Jan 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,487


    A hot rod diesel truck that blows clouds of black smoke... Depending on how you "aim" the exhaust pipe... :D

    No personal expirence, but I've seen you-tube vids of people getting a good "coal bath" thru open windows on their cars... LMAO
  2. merc49
    Joined: Jun 14, 2009
    Posts: 106

    from illinois

    we used to take a four way hazard flasher and connect it between the hot wire and the coil and slide it down on top of the trans so it wouldnt be seen,the target would get in and start the engine and right away it would run then almost die and start back up over and over.some people would actually drive it home like day we got the owner of a car repair station and it took him three days to find the problem.smearing a big load of axle grease on the rear tires is also funny especially in the winter,got an old boss with that one.
  3. adamshumard
    Joined: Jan 18, 2007
    Posts: 1,379


  4. 39cent
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
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    from socal

    we used Piccolo Petes in the 40's. It would just whistle but it would explode at the end if you flattened the bottom. It made my uncle jump off our porch and hide under the stairs. He was in the Battle of the Bulge in WW2. He was wounded and captured by the Germans, and as a result he was a kinda jumpy guy.
  5. Sheep Dip
    Joined: Dec 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,572

    Sheep Dip
    from Central Ca

    A high school buddy's dad was a real gas mileage checker.. he would check his fuel mileage every time he fueled up and when it got below a certain point he would have his car tuned up at the local garage, so we decided to siphon a couple of gallons and store it elsewhere, then a week or so later put it back in, we then repeated this process a few times until he caught us in the act. He did see humor in it... but I know we had him almost ready for the rubber truck to come and get him.
  6. isky1843
    Joined: Feb 3, 2011
    Posts: 157


    When I was younger I would ride with my granpaw to go check and feed the cows that we had on several different pieces of property. When I was about 12, I went down to his house the night before and ran a peice of string from the throttle into the cab hidden on the passenger side where I sat. The next day, every once in a while the truck would just take off and start hauling ass! I was only able to get him three times before the sight of him stomping on the pedals and trying to keep it on the road was too much and I broke out laughing. Once he figured out what was going on, he spent the rest of the day telling me about all of the pranks he used to pull so i had plenty of ammunition for the rest of my life. This next one is my favorite, in high school, we would catch rattlesnakes live, cut their fangs off with wire cutters, and then sew their mouth shut with fishing line. Then the hunt was on for one of our buddies sitting at a stoplight with his window down and in the lap it went! I can honestly say there were a couple times that I peed just a little bit watching them levitate out the passenger window screaming and them go chase their car down.
  7. 39cent
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
    Posts: 1,569

    from socal

    Holy---- well i think we can stop now, this one tops them all!
  8. At the body shop we'd hand the apprentice a styrofoam coffee cup and ask him to go fetch a cup of laquer thinner.
  9. jersey greaser
    Joined: Feb 21, 2009
    Posts: 216

    jersey greaser

    when i started working as a mechanics helper,my trainer a old german tech told me to change the points and condenser on a 58 bettle,handed me a charged up condenser wire first, got back at him with a trick froms dads brother, stuffed potatoes in the tail pipes of his 55 chevy.when he started it up,it acted funny then bang out they blew.
  10. Sweepspear
    Joined: May 17, 2010
    Posts: 292


    We took the driveshaft out of the car that belonged to this asshole football jock in the high school parking lot.
    Then had a good laugh later as we watched and heckled him.

    A friend aimed the windshield washer nozzles to the side of his car.
    Pull up along someone at a stoplight and hit the button.

    When I was really young, 10-11 years old, putting rocks in hub caps was a cheap thrill.

    At work, (Print shop) walk up behind a press operator and rip or crumple a sheet of paper. It will get them everytime that the press is mis-feeding.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  11. themachine
    Joined: Nov 27, 2009
    Posts: 152


    i love this thread
  12. Chuck Most
    Joined: May 8, 2009
    Posts: 175

    Chuck Most
    from Saskatoon

    I think you 'old timers' will be happy to know many of these tricks are still in use by the 'under 30' crowd.:D Mostly good-natured fun, but I've seen a few bad ones, too. A guy I went to high school with wired a switch to his back up lights, so when somebody was tailgating him, he'd hit the switch and freak the shit out of the driver behind him. He used to brag about how so many of them nearly swerved off the road (mostly bullshit, I'm sure). Last I heard he was in jail.

    I guess there's a lesson in there, if you look for one...
  13. fleet-master
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,780


    those ones are real good!!!
  14. fleet-master
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,780


    One guy I worked with got me good with the liscence plate prank...I always parked my car front in...he snuck outand taped a plate on that said 'HOMO'...made about 4 stops on my way home before I saw the thing!! It was a good laugh tho....
    There was a guy worked at a large bodyshop here who was a mamber of a church that had a rule where they couldn't eat with this guy would go out and sit in his car to eat his lunch...the guys just loved to sit on or round his car eatin theirs..I bet he woofed his dinner down those nights!!!
  15. Prawns (shrimp) in hubcaps. Potatoes rammed in tailpipes. Python on the seat ( even a rubber mofo).
    My favorite prank- TV hosts 'Top Gear's' idiotic drive through Alabama!

    G.V.Gordon- love your spoon work!
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
  16. mikeey rat
    Joined: Aug 10, 2010
    Posts: 169

    mikeey rat
    from Australia

    prawn [shrimp] shells in the hubcaps or small fish down the cowl vent
  17. fleet-master
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,780


    this one was only done now and then when it was deemed safe..
    few of us would be cruising round you do... when the moment struck and a siutable oncoming car was spotted ...driver would wait till bout 30yards or so..then run hands round steering wheel as if turning across their path,passengers would 'lean into' the turn so to speak...some folk would spot us and swerve quite alarmed outa the way...noone got hurt and we had a few laughs but it took so long to pick the moment it got boring so hence we didn;t do it much
  18. Pir8Darryl
    Joined: Jan 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,487


    Damn... We have a winner!!!!!! :eek:
  19. Not car related.. There was a phone booth (remember those?) In front of my shop. The aluminum/glass ones with the accordion door. There is a spring loaded damper on the door track to keep thr door closed. If you bent said damper down 1/2 inch.. The door would close.. Wouldn;t open.. People looked like fish in a bowl..

    If you have a 7/11 clerk that gits under your skin.. 3 or 4 of those little packs of mustard with some scotch tape holding the packets to the inside top of the microwave.. Huge stinky mess when the microwave is used.. Sounds like firecrackers.. A raw egg will actually blow the door open and stink for days..
  20. my dads in charge of payroll at his work and has an air horn in his office which hes supposed to blow out in the workshop if theres an emergency. so one day one of the engineers reaches through the door without my dad seeing and blasts the air horn, scares the shit outta dad. he did this a few times so then when dad was doing his pay he added on an air horn tax of $100 times 5.

    best one ive heard of (again at dads work, they do more mucking around than work) one of the guys waited till everyone went to lunch, screwed a grease nipple (zerk fitting) into the back of the apprentice's tool chest and hooked up the air greaser, he made sure he came back from lunch early and cleaned off all the extra grease from the drawers, took the apprentice ages to clean the grease outta his tools
  21. best one ive pulled was at trade school, one of the guys was a real smart ass, if you did something, hed say hed done it better, thort he was not only gods gift to women but gods gift to everyone etc. etc. anyway he rode his bike to trade school and every day without fail hed pop a wheelie as he rode off so one day i got out there and loosened his front wheel. the look on his face was priceless as his wheel took off down the road an he tried to figure out if it was better to try and keep balancing or just bail. :D:D:D
  22. isky1843
    Joined: Feb 3, 2011
    Posts: 157


    On a serious note, the rattlesnake prank can really get someone hurt if their car takes off. After we threw the snake, the driver would quickly pull in front of their car and let it touch the back bumper to slow it down, then you also have the option to let them get back in their car or make em chase you for it. This only worked twice, the third time I got to buy and replace the bumper on a 72 chevelle. It was worth it. After that we only did it to guys in parked cars.
  23. Still have one as well, attached to two spark plugs, they look like this...

    Attached Files:

  24. Probably been posted but get a long,fat wire tie & zip it around your pals driveshaft....or your enemies.
    It'll slap the shit outta the bottom of the floor,or maybe hit something else that'll make a weird racket.
    Hopefully they wont have any tools to cut it off,and they'll have to drive it for awhile.
  25. Deuce_Eddie
    Joined: Mar 23, 2011
    Posts: 155

    from Portugal

    Best one I ever pulled was with a mate who was an exchange student in the UK and brought back a Sunbeam Tiger with him when he got back. It had the steering on the right, so he got the parts off some other Rootes car to convert it to LHD.

    At one point he'd already gotten the steering and pedals on the left but the old column was still sitting on the right as he didn't get round to doing the wiring so the column switches were still there. So we got a spare wheel fitted to that column (making the car look like an old instruction car) and went for a drive, he was itching to have a go, but needed someone to work the indicators.

    We came up to a roundabout where at the really busy hours there was still a traffic warden commanding traffic, he'd be up on a tall base in the middle of an otherwise clean roundabout simply painted on the floor. We were first in line waiting to get signalled to move, and he started revving the engine just a bit to make a menacing sound.

    When the guy waved us on, he nailed the throttle and just raised the clutch a bit with second engaged to give a nasty spinning start, while we each yanked our respective steering wheels in opposite directions.

    He didn't think for a split second... he just jumped off an ran clear of the street! :D

    Didn't go anywhere near that area for months...
  26. Boeing Bomber
    Joined: Aug 5, 2010
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    Boeing Bomber

    In the 70s, under age drinking and smoking in a dark parking lot down by the lake, I always would sit in the back seat of my buddies 4 door Galaxie. Quietly rolling down the window, I'd reach out and suddenly bang furiously on the outside of the front door window right by my buddies head. Laughed my ass off while he frantically tried to hide the beer, and eat the roach...
  27. Hot Rod Elvis
    Joined: Jan 24, 2011
    Posts: 606

    Hot Rod Elvis

    I've seen this stuff called "Liquid Ass" and apparently, all you need is one or two sprays to cover almost all of a room. I've also heard if you spray it in a car, some can't drive cuz the smell is unbearable!

    Another prank that was pulled on me....Last semester in Auto Class. I just finished putting my tools up and a group of guys had the hood open of a jeep with several guys inside it. A few were standing next to the hood waiting for me. After I threw away my towel, one of em called me over. He said "Hey Cody, you like old cars right" I said yeah and he replied back with "Well come over here and tell me what this is". It didn't even occur to me that the Jeep was an 06 model. So I went over, bent down under the hood to look at the part he pointed at. Right then he signaled the other guy in the driver's seat to blow the horn. And being how easily I can get scared, I jumped back, fell on a creeper and rolled up under another car....they got me good!
  28. Dino
    Joined: Oct 22, 2002
    Posts: 225


    Hot Rod Elvis, that Liquid Ass stuff is REVOLTING. I was in a shop and the owner opened a bottle of it and I took a sniff. You wouldn't BELIEVE how awful it is.
  29. Hdonlybob
    Joined: Feb 1, 2005
    Posts: 4,135


    Didn't read all the posts, but we used to make square blocks in shop class (1962) and sneak out to a teachers car and jack the axle just off the ground by about 1/4" and put the blocks under it....not noticeable and would not sag when they got in, as the blocks were under the axle....
    Teacher would start the car, put it in gear, and wrrrriiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........wheels spinning and going no where !!!!! Usually they would then try reverse, and back an forth......
    Great fun.....

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