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old timer pranks

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 57 shaker, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. my stepmother grew up in NZ in the 50's, her town had a bunch of maori boys that would tear around day and night, causing much ruckus and offending her father, the local sawmiller. he grew tired of them driving around all day so he switched all the plug wires on the dizzy so none would fire- took them an engine rebuild and 2 years to figure out what was up

    falcon utes from the 70's and on had an access panel behind the drivers seat, this makes for a good meat locker.

    drive up to someone walking along and ask them for the directions to a local street, just as they start to explain, drive off.

    oil in the washer bottle

    run away with the coil wire

    switch the start solenoid feed to the headlight relay

    condom full of tartare sauce on the back seat of a borrowed car
  2. Old guy I know screw nailed a big hunk of steel on the inside of a buddys wooden wheeled car.Couldn't go very fast befor it would shake your teeth lose!Took him a while to find it to!
  3. zorch
    Joined: Dec 7, 2005
    Posts: 217


    Working in an auto parts store in cold vermont, every other day or so somebody would head out after a hard day and find their gloves full of Go-Jo. Or grease.

    Once we wired a model T coil we found on the shelf--it was an old parts store--to te gumball machine with a button under the counter. We'd hand customers a couple pennies and ask them to get a gum ball for us and one for themselves and shock hell out of them.

    Did I say it was a metal counter, about 20 feet of it? We did the gumball machine trick on one real crusty old country mechanic. We did not know he was almost impervious to electric shock. So one guy is pressing the coil button and this old guy has his hand on the gum ball machine. He gets a real odd look on his face and then calmly reaches over and grabs the countertop. We were all leaning our elbows on it when he did and we jumped across the room. Later, to prove he was electric proof he changed a plug wire on a running truck, and stuck his thumb into a light socket and calmly lit a cigarette while the juice was on. He said that if he grabbed 220 while standing barefoot in the mud he'd feel it. I could tell stories about that guy for hours.
  4. yule16met
    Joined: Dec 30, 2007
    Posts: 625

    from Hudson, WI

    In the Army we have a few of these "jokes" for the new privates.

    1. Send the kid to supply for more "Grid squares" for our map.
    2. or send him for batteries for the chem. light(thats what we call those glow stick things).
    3. hand him a small hammer and point him at a tank, then tell him to find the soft spots. Its halarious when he comes back and says he has found one!
    4. Put him on top of the tank or HET, HEMIT(BIG ASS TRUCKS) and tell him to jump up and down to test the shocks.
    5. Send them to supply for more "squelch" for the radio

    And you have your all time favorites,
    Muffler bearings
    blinker fluid
    tranny belt
    muffler belt
    Send anyone to the parts clerk for any one of these!
  5. the shadow
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,105

    the shadow

    story my pop told me from back in the late 60's. a fellow worker bought a small european car (I think french) to save on gas and bragged to everyone about getting it. once he got it he proudly showed it off in the parking lot, dad said it was really small and kinda ugly (I don't remember what brand he said it was?). my dad and some of the other guys devized a prank to play on him...later that day they went out and topped off his gas tank, the continued to do that everyday for over a week or so. the guy was so happy he'd come into work and brag about how much fuel economy he's getting and the gas gage isn't even moving! after a few weeks they started siphoning out gas...the guy was devastated, he couldn't figure out what was going ona nd why his milage dropped off.
    he was pretty steamed when they told him what they did, but he got over it.

  6. 49coupe
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
    Posts: 569


    "A bunch of friends put dogshit on the underside of one guy's car door handles'"

    I couple of guys I knew in College would shit in an envelope, put the open end under the door of the person that pissed them off and step on it. You get the picture. Shit on the telephone earpiece in a hotel works well too. Then call the room the person is in. They usually look for Qtips pretty quickly.:D
  7. krullbeast
    Joined: Jan 3, 2009
    Posts: 1

    from pittsburgh

    that's the funniest thing i've heard all day
  8. 61TBird
    Joined: Mar 16, 2008
    Posts: 2,641


    I had a guy piss me off at work once.
    So I went out and bought some Catfish Bait.
    Stuck some in the vents,the cigarette lighter,under the seat and under the door handles.
    It was just like in the cartoons! You could see the "stink fumes" coming off the van!
  9. bigbubba
    Joined: Mar 19, 2006
    Posts: 78


    Well heres mine.We used to mess with the local cop all the time,he would park the car and go into the quickstop to flirt with the girls.We would take the fuses out of his lightbar and siren then do a big smoky burnout just to watch the look on his face,When he got wise and started checking his fuses we took the bulbs out of the light bar and cut the power wire to the siren.One halloween we hid on top of the parts store roof(flat with the ridge about 2' tall all around) and had another friend flag down barney when he would turn to walk away we would nail him with water balloons did it like 4 times in a row before we let him get in the car and leave.One night i left town about half drunk and i guess did a doughnut around a light pole he flips on the lights and siren punches the throttle and the tranny goes up in smoke.To this day when i see him he still blames me for the tranny,I was innocent though.Jacked up the local drug dealers Z-28 one night while he out smoking crack with his buddys when he got in it and it would not go he floored it,About the same time a state trooper same by and busted him for drugs,booze and firearms and he was already on probation.Got him off the streets for almost 15 yrs
  10. When Supply Sgt in the Air Force Motor Pool we had some really icky Mil-Spec lube in a OD can, part of the spec was GRG so called it GURG (like gurgle). Stuck to EVERYTHING! One morning in my office to open up my desk and GURG was on all handles, phone, everywhere. Took awhile to get it all off. I had a good idea who did it, didn't take long to get revenge. The Motor Pool rat population decreased by one, it found its way into a ziplock baggie, with a few pinholes poked in the bag & taped to the far underside of a certain mechanics lower tool box. 2, 3, 4 days went by, the stench was getting so bad the other mechs were starting to complain. I was in my office, door closed, watching thru the window. They finally found the source, I was never GURG'd again.
  11. ptabakaru
    Joined: Jan 2, 2009
    Posts: 42


    This reminds me when I was in the Army aas a mechanic in the motor pool.
    We would sent the FNG down to see the Mess sergeant and ask for 50ft of chow line.
    then send them to the Commo office for a box of grid squares, a can of squelch, and some Ifra-Red spray paint.
    Or the tool crib for a metric crescent wrench, left hand screw-drivers.
    Of course I never fell for any of these.......I still can't figure out what the can of squelch is used for:D
  12. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    wasn't that gag in Oh brother? " broke a transmission belt"
  13. silversink
    Joined: May 3, 2008
    Posts: 916


    You guys are ruthless, the only thing I have done is put a full set of ELK balls under my bosses seat on his work truck, It took him 5 weeks to figure out what was going on. Not too happy
  14. I guess this makes me an Old Timer. I have done most of these pranks at one time or another. Here is one we did to a buddy at his wedding. He drove a 80's mustang with a sunroof. Well while he is inside at the reception we opened the sunroof and filled the entire car with those Styrofoam packing peanuts all the way to the top, not before we released a couple dozen crickets in to the car. The look on their faces was priceless. They didn't know exactly what to do. They did leave a trail for miles and the crickets scared the heck out of his bride. They would be riding along and one would hop on her. The ones that didn't get out died and smelled pretty bad. He is still trying to get me back after 20 years. No luck yet.
  15. JustBryan
    Joined: Feb 22, 2008
    Posts: 172

    from NE Ohio

    High school body shop...filled ego boys new work boot{just one} full of bondo and hardener and painted it blue for effect. He got the point. We also liked to bend washer tube on passenger side to the right then pull up next to buddies who would receive a free washer fluid bath thru their drivers window
  16. I apprenticed at a local Pontiac Buick dealership and the mechanics worked flat rate so time was money. Gapping plugs took time so many would install them out of the box. I would sneak into the parts department and close the gaps on a few sets then stick them back in the box. In they would go and never start. We would take a plastic fuel additive bottle, fill it with oxy. acet. and screw a spark in the top, stick on a plug wire and boom. The oxy. acet. got carried away when we filled a plastic 5gal pale. We put a hole in the top, filled it and put a firecracker in the hole with a long wick. The fire department put out the fire in the dumster and I got suspendid for 3 days but did it make a bang. I did get back at the service manager, he had a bad case of roids. After his operation he carried an inflatable donut to sit on to ease the pain. I went out, slid under his car and pounded as much weight as I could on the inside of each wheel and raised the air pressure to 50 lbs each. He didn't make it back from lunch.
  17. KsFlatlander
    Joined: Dec 7, 2008
    Posts: 79


    A friend at work and I word prank each other daily, From signs that would drop down under the bumper that say I blow goats. and panduit strap(like a 36" long zip tie) to the drive shaft makes a hell of a noise and hard to remove. The funniest was one he pulled on me, he rolled up 20 feet of caution tape and a little duct tape. he taped one end to the inside of my bumper and lightly taped the roll next to it, the roll came loose as I was getting on the highway didn't notice it for a few miles, he honked and laughed his a** off as he passed me as I removed it.
  18. Humidi-T
    Joined: Dec 29, 2008
    Posts: 20

    from Louisiana

    We used to take empty antifreeze jugs, and drill a hole in the lid, then pull a valve stem through the hole. We'd vice grip an air hose, and put a clip on air chuck on the air hose and valve stem. Then slide it under a car that a tech was tuning up. When he would start the freshly tuned car, we'd pop off the vice grips. It would a take a second or three before the jug would explode, scaring the crap out of the tech.

    Then came air bags... One wire to the starter solenoid and one to the chassis with aligator clips. Slide the airbag under the car on the driver's side. As soon as the starter was powered, big big boom! One guy shit his pants.

    One bathroom in the mechanic shop, one tech was really regular. Set your watch by his BM. We rolled up a pair of blue jeans around an old pair of boots and put them in the stall. He almost cried before he went into the service office and used the womens restroom.

    Trans oil in the exhaust pipe during a motor change.

    Took a military smoke grenade, strapped to the frame rail of the service manager's truck. then Wired the pin to the drive shaft. When he left work, the driveshaft made about 2 rotations before pulling the pin. The fire department came out. No charges were pressed, but we were severly warned.

    A couple of quarts of tranny fluid in a the gas tank of one guys truck.
  19. conceptfab
    Joined: Dec 20, 2008
    Posts: 63


    Man, my sides are hurting!!

    There was an older guy that I worked with at a metal shop. He would "initiate" the new helpers. One trick was when he was helping measure a piece of metal that was over 5 feet long, he'd hold the first part of the tape measure and get the helper to read the measurement. After he got the measurement, he'd say "Let's measure it the other way just to double check ourselves." Then he would hold it on 1 inch then get him to say the measurement and watch the look of confusion on their face!

    Another time the secretary came out the office and layed a package on the work table. She accidentally knocked the tape measure off the table. He threw a big ole fit and told her he just got that one back in the mail from being calibrated and how expensive it will be to have it sent back. He had her going for 10 mins.

    Hand a styro foam cup to the new guy and tell him to go get some laquer thinner in the back of the shop and watch and laugh as it came apart.

    Fill any tubing built into any equipment with saw dust, and as someone walks by, insert the blow gun and shoot the sawdust out at 150 psi. It works when making twisty handrails and they aren't expecting anything to come out of the end!
    Switch out the tungsten in the TIG torch with stainless filler wire...

    Throw a laquer thinner rag in the weld when someone is TIG welding.

    Hide behind cover while someone is using an electric grinder and keep unplugging the extension cord or run their equipment on a speed control and keep making it slower and faster...

    The same with a TIG welder, while they are welding mess with the settings.

    Weld the hole in the air blow gun.

    Too many! LOL!!!
  20. safari-wagon
    Joined: Jan 12, 2008
    Posts: 1,457


    We did the extra parts in the carb kit prank a few times when we were kids, but my buddy's dad taught us the value in getting real creative. He worked with a guy that used to RUN out the door when the whistle blew! He would always grab his lunch pail off the edge of his bench as he ran by. He really got slowed down one day when the guys added several layers of 3/4" plate to the bottom of his lunchpail, he almost went ass over tea-kettle!

    One of my favorites from when I was an apprentice, was to super glue EVERYTHING on the foreman's desk down. The phone, the pen he used, the notepad, his coffee cup, etc.

    But a great one was done by my ex-father -in-law...
    One day his foreman was talking to a toolie & the foreman stood there his coffee cup in his hand. Th foreman held the mug just in front of him & wasn't paying mutch attention when Jim joined the conversation. The toolie's face got real weird & it was then the foreman noticed that Jim was using his coffee cup to dunk his dentures! YUUUCK!
  21. KsFlatlander
    Joined: Dec 7, 2008
    Posts: 79


    Not really a prank but funny. My dad rolled his first car in high school, a '50 ford if I remember the story right. My grandfather comes home from work and asked my dad 'where the car is?' My dad replies ' It had a flat.' grampa asked 'why didn't you change it?' of coarse my dad says 'wouldn't do any good all 4 are in the air.' 3 decades later I break the news to my dad the same way. Rolled my first car taking my brother to drivers ed, how funny is that?
  22. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    you can zip tie one of those heavy duty garbage bags over the end of someones exaust pipe, takes a little while for it to totally inflate. we did the air grinder squeeze the hose trick before, pain in the ass woman at work too,and not too bright, every time she would use the air grinder, it would strangly slow down, we told her she was holding her tounge wrong,so she finished the job with her tounge sticking out the side of her mouth. oh god and the welders glue, had an idiot working in the machine shop, not retarded,just an idiot. he helped in the stock room for a while,stockroom manager told him the welders used welding glue, they glued the parts together,then melted the glue with the welder. try as he might,he just couldn't find that glue on the shelves anywhere.we kept him going for six months with that. the entire machine shop,the stockroom and the weld department was all in on it. everyone would get on his ass about needing that glue. lets see, had a short fat redneck about 4'5" with a napolean complex and no brains. carried knives and all kinds of crap on his belt,you get the picture. anyway, he had to clean off the grinding bench one time, we switched the hose on the shop vac, he turned it on,and shit went everywhere. stomped off mumbling and cussing up a storm, we switched the hoses back the right way, he came back still cussing, yanked the hose out of the vaccume,an put it BACK in the blower side, once again covered in dust, here he goes off cussing again, this went on for several times, every time he would put it in the wrong side, finally he comes back with a roll of duct tape, put the hose in the wrong side, and procedes to put a half a roll of duct tape on it. of course it happened again. he never did figure it out.
  23. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    i forgot about the 2 cycle oil in the gas tank, and the time myself and my buddy put a can of spray foam in one of those fart can mufflers. stuipd idiot woke me up every morning redlining that thing to start it.
  24. I sewed up the cuffs of my foremans coveralls. He fell on his face putting them on.

    I worked with a real ass at a bodyshop one time. I bought a new rollaway box that happened to have the same key number as his box, so I changed my lock, but kept the old one. About once a month, I would open his box before he came to work and switch two drawers around and then lock it back up. Poor guy started to think he was going crazy. Never told him different. We also used to have barbeques every Friday and we would always pour an obscene amount of salt on his burgers. He always complained they were salty, but never caught on.
  25. conceptfab
    Joined: Dec 20, 2008
    Posts: 63


    And you have your all time favorites,
    Muffler bearings
    blinker fluid
    tranny belt
    muffler belt
    Send anyone to the parts clerk for any one of these![/quote]

    I know where you can get these parts! Try
  26. 41 mopar
    Joined: Nov 7, 2005
    Posts: 202

    41 mopar

  27. Sent many a FNG to the motor pool to ask them to change the air in the tires on an M-151 Jeep.
  28. movie theater customers always parking in the donut shop parking lot. Jack up the rear wheels and block the rear axles....on ALL of the cars.

    Did this every night for a couple of weeks. Made a ton of money for the local towing companies and the movie theater finally put one of their employees in the parking lot to have folks move their cars when she saw them walking towards the theater.

    One kid always screwing people out of one thing or another. crawled under his '68 GTX one night when he was at the movies and loosened the oil filter. Popped the hood and pulled the idiot light wire off the sender. Car died out in the boonies where he was trying to make it with one of the crew's lady friends one cold winter night.

    Local businessman always late paying bills at the service station where I worked during college. After a transmission overhaul, he refused to pay the bill saying we never even put the car on the lift. Anyone remember the old dry cell batteries where you got the empty battery and had to fill it with acid upon installation? Well, both doors got a liberal dose down between the cat's whiskers and the glass.

    Neighbor lady always cutting the corner too close and running across the lawn at the girlfriend's house. Her sister's boyfriend dumped 2 gallons of plain water into her gas tank one winter night.

    Jerk at work always taking up two spaces with his Corvette. Super Glue in all his locks. That stuff's real easy to "squirt" when there's a couple of people discussing the next service call beside some one's car.

    Same jerk, a few months later. A quart of bondo stuffed into his tailpipes.

    Same jerk a couple of weeks later. A cinder block through his windshield ("slipped" off a Lull when they were repairing the retaining wall)

    Different work related jerk issue. Super-glued the wheels of his electric hand truck to the concrete floor. Silicon grease all over the contacts of his electric hand truck. (Third shift did it)
  29. ptabakaru
    Joined: Jan 2, 2009
    Posts: 42


    A friend of mine’s neighbor inherited his grandfathers 67 Cadillac coupe Deville, The Kid was only 14 and this being 1979 the car was only 12 years old with very little miles (real show room condition). Well the dumb ass poked holes in the exhaust and bombed around the fields with the car jamming it into trees and rocks. My friend had 68 Nova SS and wanted the engine to maybe drop it in the Nova. We devised a plan to make the neighbor kid think the engine was no good and my friend would buy it from him. We did the wet paper ball in the distributor cap trick and pencil lines and pencil erasers in the vacuum hoses swapped plug wires at the distributor cap etc. :D
    We finally had him convinced the Engine was fooked-up. So he decides to pull the engine and tranny. He gets this tripod setup of cedar poles and come-a-longs.
    The poles were sturdy enough, had been used many times before. What he failed to do was string a chain around the base of the tripod to prevent them from spreading out, (there was a set of shackles on the poles for this reason). He also did it in a sandy driveway. Once he got the Engine and transmission out and high enough into the air to push the car back, he bumped one of the poles and the whole thing came crashing down onto the nose of the car. Broke the transmission off the rear of the Engine (he originally was going to remove just the engine so he took some of the Bell housing bolts out, you guessed it.. the top ones), Needless to say the car, engine, and transmission were fooked.:eek:
    We never told him what we did.
    We did a lot of stuff to this kid as he was growing up but that’s for another story……
  30. ptabakaru
    Joined: Jan 2, 2009
    Posts: 42


    Another time (same kid with the Caddy) a few years later, the neighbor kid would come over and suck back all of our beers, My friend worked at a Paper Mill and had an endless supply of masking tape, We called him over to ask him a technical question about an some engine that he thought he knew all about. Well we tackled him and wrapped him head to toe with masking tape, drew some anatomically correct items on the tape, threw him on the trunk of my car and drove up town and propped him against the railing on the porch of the local bar. After about 20 minutes we started feeling sorry for him, so we had to help him remove the tape. I don’t know what was more fun the actual taping or the un-taping. He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, he fell for this gag 2 more times.

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