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Old Timer Quiz...Do you remember?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by flatheadhero, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. jalopy43
    Joined: Jan 12, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    Curb feelers, taking sandwiches to school ,in wax paper. Metal lunch boxes. Watching the balls,or spinners on the gas pump. dialing a telephone,going only as far as the cord would let you. Clothespinning playing cards to flap in your spokes. Listening to Dodger games on the radio,by Vin Scully. Going to Woolworths,and smelling popcorn, and hotdogs. Bottlecaps with cork in them. Paper soda straws. Walking to school. Cooking hot dogs over a gas stove burner. Air raid siren tests 10am friday mornings
  2. flatheadmalc
    Joined: Mar 4, 2006
    Posts: 245


    Drug stores with soda fountains in them'
    Toy planes, boats, cars made from real metal
    When I was a kid it was a big deal to see a jet plane go over and I actually left Boise for basic training by walking across the tarmac and climbing stairs that were wheeled out to the plane (a prop job of some sort maybe a little bigger than a DC3) No metal detectors, airport security and damnsure no drug dogs
  3. Harms Way
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 6,916

    Harms Way

    Vacume tubes in your Radio & Television, and the tube checker in drug stores.,........Drug stores with a "soda fountain" in them,.........The smell of the magazine racks,... the crappy gum you got with baseball cards,..... Good Humor Trucks with Bells and the driver with the belt changer,....V.J. Day,... Penny Candy ( I liked the Root Beer Barrels),..... Marx Fanner 50's
    "Death Valley Days, brought to you by 20 mule team Borax",78 rpm records,
    RECORDS !,...... hot summer nights sitting on the porch listening to Tiger baseball on our detrola radio,... Grandpa's storys of the old days.......

    This is getting really depressing but I miss that stuff
  4. 302GMC
    Joined: Dec 15, 2005
    Posts: 8,204

    from Idaho

    How about auto parts sold to you by a gent who knew what you needed ... they were always the right part the first time, and always fit and worked when installed ...
  5. 6-71
    Joined: Sep 15, 2005
    Posts: 542


    I worked at a gas station in the early 60's,$2.00 would buy you 7.2 gallons of gas and get your oil checked and windshield cleaned.The girls in short skirts always got the cleanest windshield.
  6. bigjoe1015
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 106


    I work auto parts. What you're talking about pre-dates the Japanese invasion of American Highways. Of course, there were only 6 part #'s to remember then too. :D Plus, those gents you speak of have something most people today don't have, and that is PRIDE IN THEIR WORK. Sadly, that too, is almost a thing of the past. BTW. I'm older than dirt in that quiz, but I'm only 35
  7. Harms Way
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 6,916

    Harms Way

    How about,..... Kids being respectfut to Adults, refering to someone as Mr. or Mrs., Kids riding bikes, playing baseball,Cowboys and Indians, playing outside till the street light came on, Families all sitting down together for breakfast and dinner, Family discuessions and story telling sessions, "Spare Time !" pride in your work, A sence of community, ( and the ever important " whadd'a you wann'a do ?, I dunn'o whadd'a you wann'a do? discuessions durring summer vacation).
    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how over involved and over busy everyone has seem to become in the last 5 to 7 years? (just a thought)
  8. Old6rodder
    Joined: Jun 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,546

    from SoCal
    1. HA/GR owners group

    Ice chest sodas, no racks, with a cup for the dime you left on your honor. Nickel back for the empty bottles.

    Anybody remember the translucent plastic "color" sheet to hang over the front of your B&W screen for "color" tv.

    Helms bakery trucks.

    Back yard trash incineraters in SoCal, and smudge pots in the orchards.

    When he died in '85 my old man (not a slur, we were service) still had two untouched packs of Lucky Strike green he'd kept.

  9. scootersnpie
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
    Posts: 201


    You left off the Helms Bakery Truck delivering donuts and bread goods out of the 46 Ford Panel truck. I even remember a few 1940 sedan deliveries sitting in there yard when I was a I'm getting old!
  10. OLDSKEWL61
    Joined: Feb 8, 2006
    Posts: 565


    hey im 27 and older than dirt. man do i feel like it!!! what about isalies or is that just a 'burg thing
  11. propwash
    Joined: Jul 25, 2005
    Posts: 3,857

    from Las Vegas

    how about "port-a-walls" - and recaps, and Atlas Bucrons, rattail combs, under-the-dash 45rpm record players, making 3spd floorshifts in metal shop, KolorKrome, mudflaps with red jewels, switching the column shift over to the left side of the column, bongo drums in the back window, dandelion wine, Olympia "four-dotters" (a west coast thing)

    "those who forget the past are doomed to be called 'senile'...and those that remember it fondly and talk about it incessantly, are doomed to be called 'senile'..."

    "the older I get...the faster I was"


  12. Wolfie
    Joined: Sep 17, 2005
    Posts: 150


    Yah, I'm 65, SO WHAT???!!!!...................and..............and........what was the question?????
  13. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    Getting kicked out of the $1.50 a car load Lincoln Drive In because the girl's butt accidently hits the horn ring... :rolleyes:
    Then running into her four years later and she reminds you of the night,
    in front of your wife :eek:
  14. bigjoe1015
    Joined: Apr 21, 2006
    Posts: 106


    This Is Tech Week, Please Remain On Topic!
  15. You know what I remember? Some dude named Joey that got banned from the HAMB for being an asshat. Start your own board if you don't like this one!!

    Just Gary likes this.
  16. stovbolt
    Joined: Jun 14, 2006
    Posts: 61


    oh oh! guess i'm older than dirt for sure.
    remember when i was a kid in a service station doing all the things we did and pumping 20 cent a Canadian gallon of gas and charging 10 cents extra a dollar for the american dollar oh and we had cigarettes hanging out of our mouth while we were doing it heh .compare that to now we pay 20 cents extra for the american dollar and our gas is no longer a gallon it's these litre things and we pay $1.159 for one of those which in gallons meens $5.22 a gallon now i know why i'm broke all the time LOL!!

  17. VonDad
    Joined: Apr 17, 2001
    Posts: 228


    I am definately older than dirt.

    1st job, was as a soda jerk in the drug store at 9th and Brighton in KC, Mo. for 50 cents an hour. Could jerk them 5 cent Cokes with shaved ice in a real glass faster than you could say what you wanted.

    Used to have a guy come in and get a Bromo every day after lunch. Capful in a glass with soda water and back and forth in two glasses till it settled down. Costa dime.

    Moved up to pumping gas at the Vickers on Independence Ave by the KATZ drug store on the Northeast side. Fillups usually were less than $5 for a full tank. Name brand oil was 55 cents a quart and you had to have a oil spout to put it in. Reclaimed filtered oil was a dime a quart.

    Buck sixty an hour. 1st paycheck was $107. Thought I was the richest kid in the world. What was I gonna do with all that money? Bought a 4-8 track tape player, and two speakers outa a Cadillac. Cost me $40 for all of it. Played Cream's Disraeli Gears tape till I wore it out.

    Cigarettes were 35 cents a package. Drop the money in the machine and walk away with the smokes. No age check.

    Walked to school and high school till I could bum a ride and finally go my own.

    Good days for sure. But Best days are when I'm workin with my kids now and they use some of the stuff I taught them when they were little.

    Gettin too nostalgic. Must stop now
    And I just turned 53 this July 12th.

    So ..... See ya at the Drags
  18. TommyBoy
    Joined: Aug 4, 2006
    Posts: 5

    from iowa

    I'll have to remember to use the name "asshat" the next time I get banned. I'm just following your own rules.
  19. nickel cokes, candy bars. payphones that the operator told you when to deposit your dime. KTLA was the only T.V. station in Los Angeles and was only on the air 4 hours a night.
    gas pumps were glass tubes that gravity fed. regular at .12 cents a gallon had 92 octane. draft beer 15 cents. when cigarette machines charged 25 cents and the packs had three pennies change.
    way back when I was member 90 on the HAMB WE DIDN'T WASTE TIME WITH POSTS LIKE THIS!!
    Joined: Nov 22, 2005
    Posts: 8,859

    from SIDNEY, NY

    The joke around here was that you should smoke Old Golds and save up the coupons for an iron lung!
    Joined: Nov 22, 2005
    Posts: 8,859

    from SIDNEY, NY

    I remember the candy cigarettes, but I preferred the bubble gum cigarettes wrapped in real paper that you could blow on and send out some white powder "smoke". Also, remember that the packs had names that were ALMOST like the real thing (like LUCKY STRIPE)?
  22. 19thBreakdown
    Joined: Aug 5, 2006
    Posts: 15


    I feel really old now. I remember lots of that stuff.
  23. ol fueler
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 935

    ol fueler

    Me too, only I don't feel old , I just remember.

    How about a few more ----

    When Liberache had a daily TV show

    Radio soap operas -- "The Romance of Helen Trent" My mother listened to that Every day , the next line was " The story that asks can a woman over 35 still find love & romance "

    Ration stamps --food --gas -- tires --- (WW II)

    5 cent coffee

    Lil Abner

    Pogo Possum

    A B36 bomber flying overhead

    Orange Nehi

    Test patterns on TV about 15 hours a day

    Sunday Mystery Theater on radios the size of a refrigerator.

    Refrigerators with the compressor on top
  24. Dave Downs
    Joined: Oct 25, 2005
    Posts: 939

    Dave Downs
    from S.E. Penna

    I remember everything thing mentioned - but the B-36 really caught my eye.
    I saw 9 of them in formation while at the NJ shore; headed East out over the ocean. A very distinctive sound
  25. chopnchaneled
    Joined: Oct 21, 2004
    Posts: 1,428

    from Buford Ga.

    how bout when krystals were a dime.
  26. Old6rodder
    Joined: Jun 20, 2006
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    from SoCal
    1. HA/GR owners group

    and Smokey Stover.......... :D

    As we were service I used to watch the 36's out of Bliss on the way home from school. Loved to watch the wings lift so long before the fuselage did.
  27. Bonehead II
    Joined: Apr 18, 2005
    Posts: 437

    Bonehead II

    Boy, I was having a good day up until now.
    I did't know that I was older that dirt.
  28. EPs, the 45 rpm records with 4 (count 'em, 4) songs.
    Beany & Cecil, the seasick sea serpent
    Bosco, the drink and the cartoon charactor
    Getting a warning instead of a ticket…for street racing
    Duck & Cover
    Motorcycle cops with cloth hats
    Baseball as America's past time
    Semaphore traffic signals (Ding!)
    Waiting, impatiently, for the new cars to debut
    Showrooms with window drapes in anticipation of the new cars.
    Sodium searchlights at openings.
    Getting up and offering ladies your seat
    You have been assisted by…Your car club's name, cards
    Lover's Lane
    Submarine races
    Double dates
    Burma Shave signs
    Chewing tobaco ads on barns
    Spin & Marty
    Engineer Bill (Red light, Green Light)
    Mom ironing clothes and how it smelled so good
    Wringer washing machines
    Girls having to wear skirts or dresses to school
    Buildings that resembled what they sold
    Flash Gordon
    Parts in drawers and bins instead of bubble pacs
    Swiping your little sisters skates to make a scooter out of a 2x4 and wooden crate, with a tuna can for a headlight.
    A Stella for your first guitar
    Hudson & Landry
    Incandescent light streetlights that made a red car still look red
    No beggars on street corners
    Fair fist fights
    TV wrestling with Gorgeous George, Freddy Blassy (You pencilneck!), Mr Moto, Baron Michelle Maroni, Haystack Calhoun…announced by the late, great Dick Lane
    Live TV
    Pull my finger
    WWII surplus stuff
    Race records
    Big noisy mechanical cash registers
    Learning about the radical ideas of the founding fathers, like Tom Payne and Jefferson (Common Sense, Federalist Papers) in grade school
    Standing behind the driver when you were little
    Sleeping in the package tray when you were little
    When Truck Drivers always knew the best places to eat.
    Pulling your arm up & down to get trucks to honk their horn…and they always would.
    Push button light switches

    Yeah, the old days were better. What about nowadays will we be nostalgic about? Not much, I'd say.

    Chili Phil, feeling like a geezer now, more than ever…
  29. dabirdguy
    Joined: Jun 23, 2005
    Posts: 2,404

    Member Emeritus

    Shining your spotligh on the screen at the drivein when the film broke...
    Sock hops
    Mom squeezing the Duz soap box to find the ones with the plates inside.
    Watching Dad do the tire dance in the kitchen to fix a flat.
    US 66 to California
    TeePee hotel rooms
    Spun aluminum drinking glasses
    Frozen mugs of ice cold root beer delivered to your car at the A&W Drive in
    Schwin bikes with baseball cards in the spokes
    Screen doors with springs
    The Five and dime store.
    Playing baseball 10 hours a day ALL summer long
    Or playing TAG or kick the can well into the night.
    Neighbors you depended upon and could trust.
    Snappy Tom
    Pin ball machines with no flippers you played for money.
    The Wonderful world of Disney
    Ashtrays in the shape of all the states you visited
    Free maps at the gas station. And free air, and free water. And a mechanic on duty.
    Good and plenty
    Howdy doody. Zorro. Davy Crocket. Roy Rogers. The Swamp fox. The Rebel. Bat Masterson. Annie Oakly. Rin tin tin.

    My Dad.
  30. jerry
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,469


    Those last 2 really brought back alot of memories! Thsnk you guys.


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