Here's my buddy Bill's, 41 OLDS (Joker 41 here on the HAMB) His son bought it for him and sent it out from Chicago. Very cool car, flathead 6 and a hydromatic. I should try to adopt that boy
Heres my 64 I bought from a fellow HAMBER. Its a work in progress, but can be driven anywhere....unless its raining
Young Man, I really like you '56, nice and subtle and well done, not 100% sold on the engine colour though, but hey, mine was ford blue when I got the car. Would love to know what your MC and booster set up is off and how you set up your swinging pedals ? cheers. flatoz.
Hey, I sold this car to a guy in Long Island. Anyone ever see it up that way? I just wonder how it's doing.
I raced this car for years at Mt. clemmens and Flat rock speedways in mIchigan,,,350 OLDS V8 beat a LOT of chevys. Still build and race 350 olds V8's for 1/4 mile OVAL racing. Note on the picture,,,the tech guys would measure from the firewall to the distributor to see if the engine was in stock location. but, I wanted to move the engine back to get more rear weight, sooo,, I just slid the whole body back on the frame about 4 inches, and moved the engine back, then cut out the wheel wells...never got caught.
Just picked this baby up last month, a 1965 Cutlass It's really hard to find an Olds in Thailand. We do things a little different over here since import tax is so high we put Jap engines in as they are cheaper (1/3 the cost because they come out of wrecked cars already in country)) so if you do not recognize the motor it is a Lexus V-8, 32 valves, 4 overhead cams, fuel injection, dual distributors (one for each bank) and variable valve timing (when I got it it had a 6 cylinder Toyota in it). With a set of Flowmasters she sounds and runs great.
Flatoz, Take a look at my webbsite and look at "tvärnit", that`s hard braking in Swedish. There are some pics that maby helps you a litle. MC and booster is from an Olds -85 but anny GM G-body will fit really nice. About the color, I mixed it myself... it`s low budget and cheers to you or "skål" in Swedish
figure ill add to the olds thread.... my ugly bastard!! 65 delta 88 holiday 4 door hardtop 425 super rocket, long, loud, low, and slow
Thought I would update my photos as i just got back the bumpers from the chrome shop. I like the chrome look better than the painted bumper look.
Heres my 64 F-85 driver. Put in a mild built 468 olds, and 700 trans. Drive it every day. I love this car. Also my old 64 Super 88 (sold to my buddy) its a driver too.
Just an FYI, I have this posted in the classified, but the rear end is now sold. 1960 Olds 373 w/auto trans, out of a 2200 mile car. Everything is factory original, motor has been sitting in this garage since 1960. $600 takes the whole thing, to be picked up here in Columbus. Send me a pm if interested. BTW, the first car I ever wrecked was my mom's 1969 Cutlass. I still think about that car.
this is my baby. Had it ten years now. 455 with a th400. She's ready for some color.Any suggestions or photo shop ? I was thinking of a grayish green with off white cream colored wheels. eather that or compitition orange.
my 47 olds gots the original motor in it but its good for now! i wanna swap out the motor so i can take it on longer trips hopefully in the future i will be doing that!!!
my 53 olds 98 . running original motor trans rear. found her shaved already added cokers and poppers..