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On Topic - Gasoline Prices Falling

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by C9, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. FUCK YOU GUYS. i just paid 3.48 for premium this morning, at one of the cheapest stations in town. guess it wasnt a good time to put the 10.1 compression 302 in!
  2. Levis Classic
    Joined: Oct 7, 2003
    Posts: 4,066

    Levis Classic

    What no rants about how Pres. Buch maniplulates the price of oil for his own good, guess that only happens when the prices go up not down. Yes it is coming down by the power of the one is powerful enough to raise or lower the prices on ther own. The market is down so down come the prices. People are using less gas in there everyday lives so there is a spike in supply. Simple market based economics.

    Oh yes its $2.69 here - about the same as last year at this time.
    Muttley likes this.
  3. Brown Devil
    Joined: Feb 6, 2006
    Posts: 173

    Brown Devil
    from Mission Tx

    From 2.64-2.75 in deep deep South Texas (not San Antonio) this is as far south as you can get without falling into the river.
  4. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
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    phat rat

    Wow! You had a pamplet! Heck the pamplet hadn't been written yet when I was young. We didn't even have a hammer and chisel to mark the rocks with.
  5. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    My prediction: gas prices will continue to spiral upwards every spring...we'll actually see $5.00 a gallon in less than 8 years...oil companies display record profits every quarter...that ain't ever going to stop now that they've got a taste of it.

    Bush, et al, can do nothing about the prices except hold senate hearings and listen to the average American bitch...

    It's you and I that are getting screwed...and the oil companies tempt us by "lowering" the pump prices a nickel or so a gallon, AFTER they've raised it 30-50 cents a gallon...and that makes the average consumer "happy"...sooner or later, you get used to paying $2.50-3.00 a gallon...quit complaining and live with it. That's what they are counting on.

    The so called "gas shortage" of the 1970's was simply a test to see how easy it would be to raise the worked...and now they are on a roll...the price gouging will never stop...and there is no politician powerful enuff in this country to stop it.

  6. buschandbusch
    Joined: Jan 11, 2006
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    from Reno, NV

    yup- through Katrina, oil pipelines bursting, etc., gas just will NOT change from $3.02 here. That's the price point in this area, the absolute max people will pay so it stays. Been at $2.99-3.05 for a year now. Simple economics, what the market will bear. Everything could shut down tomorrow, gas could jump to $10 a gallon, and within a month it will be right back down to $3.02! :p
  7. You guys all have it good. Gas in Alberta just dropped to $1.00 a litre which works out to $3.79 a U.S. gallon. Long weekends coming though so it will go back up. I've paid as much as $1.18 a litre this summer which is about $4.47 a gallon.
  8. MyOldBuick
    Joined: Jan 25, 2005
    Posts: 606


    That's it . . . I'm going to put a battery bank and a big ass electric motor in my next project.

    Ok, that was funny . . . guess how much I'll pay for gas? Whatever they charge. Expect to see more telecommuting I suppose . . . I'm working from home right now. :)
  9. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,121


    that's nothing, I saw a running, driving Chevette yesterday! and it was even painted "rat rod" flat black ;)
  10. wkends
    Joined: Jul 26, 2005
    Posts: 570

    from Kentucky

    Hey when the nats. were in louisville a few weeks ago gas went up to 319 a gallon, ever since then been dropping down to 254 yesterday.
  11. Yeah...."let's just gut 'em at $3.50 a gal. for a while, then drop it back to $2.50 and they'll be happy....we'll still be getting 2 1/2 times what it should be".

    It's an age old psychological ploy, human conditioning.

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2011
  12. the "eliterate"redneck
    Joined: Jun 26, 2006
    Posts: 341

    the "eliterate"redneck

    The thing that gets me is that no one has come out with an alternative fuel yet . im no scientist but all carbon base products have useable energy why is it so hard to find one . we can make a bomb that has enough energy to destroy half the earth with just one . but gas is the only way. feed that shit to someone else. i had a toy car when i was little that ran off water. do any of you remember those?
  13. telecaster_6
    Joined: Dec 8, 2001
    Posts: 633


    Weird !!! Gas prices rising and falling drastically as tourism season starts and ends.....

    Or maybe Bush and Cheney finally got some morals......oh shit who am i kidding.....
    Muttley likes this.
  14. novatattoo
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 2,030

    from Canton,OH

    $2.33 in Canton,Oh! Fill'er up boys! :) Bill
  15. Catdaddyo
    Joined: Mar 9, 2005
    Posts: 136


    $2.97 in SO CAL this morning.....
  16. Steve Ray
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    Steve Ray

    If you believe that any market is immune to manipulation and no individual or group of individuals or companies have ever manipulated a market you are terribly naive.

    That's all I'm saying.
  17. TxRat
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
    Posts: 1,412


    I drive a diesel. Fuel prices have steadily kept climbing and haven't dropped with gas prices. I told my wife I was thinking of selling it for something else. Her reply was " it was what got us out of here when Hurricane Rita ripped us up. If we were driving a gas truck we probably would have been walking." So I guess It will sit more and we'll drive the Honda...
  18. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    Muttley likes this.
  19. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    Diesel fuel was about 35¢ a gallon till GM came out with their Diesel Engines in '78, the price per gallon doubled the very next week!
  20. butch27
    Joined: Dec 10, 2004
    Posts: 2,846


    Scares the hell out of me.Something big is up in the near future.
  21. JohnnyAngel
    Joined: Jun 18, 2006
    Posts: 270

    from Missouri

    Not bad in south central Missouri, 2.64 at Caseys this morning, for regular or 10% ethonal....but here is a catch for Missouri gas..the gov. wants to mandate that all gas sold in Missouri must have 10% ethonal in it, no choice
    it may be good for the corn farmers, but according to what I have read
    ethonal is higher priced than gas to produce....may stretch the gas
    supply but cant see where it will save the consumer a buck

    Johnny Angel
  22. Mojo
    Joined: Jul 23, 2002
    Posts: 1,872


    I think it's conditioning too, trying to see how much shit we'll take from them. Also, I think they're trying to help bail out ford and gm. I imagine people aren't buying those giant SUV's like they were, so by making a big deal out of $2 a gallon gas, it makes it a little less painfull to get something that only gets 12mpg. All these companies have a hand in each other's pants... if one makes money, so does the other.
  23. The Brudwich
    Joined: Oct 3, 2005
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    The Brudwich

    Basically, what I read is that storage capacity has been exhausted. Oil speculators, which, YES, have been driving up the price of oil by an estimated 15%-33% (don't ask me where I got those numbers) have run out of places to store it so they can keep buying it and inflating demand. That, along with the fizzling out of Ernesto and the federal reserve's new worries of an impending recession (brought on by a slowing housing market and increasing consumer debt), have led to the recent drop in prices.

    But not so fast. Oil markets are still operating at close to capacity, this means fluctuations in either the demand or supply chain significantly affect price. Hurricane season is far from over. And Iran is another accident waiting to happen. A drop in demand, which in the short term can only be brought on by an economic slow down is the only way prices will drop back to the way they were a couple of years ago.

    Now that oil producing countries have figured out that oil over $40 a barrel (and yes, I know it's at about $70 right now) will not kill the global economy, there is no incentive for them to drop prices. Before the hurricane season of '04, the start of the high oil prices, there was a consensus among economist that oil prices above $45-$60 a barrel would trigger a global recession. So far, this has proven not to be the case.

    I forgot what gas prices are in Vegas, I pretty much live in my shop because I cannot afford to commute.
  24. roadsterbob
    Joined: Apr 16, 2006
    Posts: 94


    Yorgatron's got it right! It should remain low until after elections. Then bend over and wait for the heating fuel lubricant! Don't forget that the cold winter excuse is just waiting for that first record low somewhere.
  25. BAD ROD
    Joined: Dec 16, 2004
    Posts: 1,532


    It was $2.77 here in Sacramento today and yesterday. Lets hope it continues downward!

    Not sure what happened to all of the hype of $4.00 gas by the end of the summer. ???

  26. STIFF
    Joined: Aug 17, 2005
    Posts: 397

    from Rat Town

    Originally Posted by yorgatron

    gas price is dropping?

    must be an election coming up..

    Can either one of you tell us exactly HOW the politicians bring the prices down before an election?

    Just curious what your theories are. And how come Jimmy Carter didn't make gas prices go down just before he got his ass booted out of the White House?

    And how come they don't do the same thing with the price of groceries? Or cell phone minutes? Or disposable diapers?

    Because they can't.

    Look, I'm no fan of politicians from either side of the aisle. But I think the only people on this earth who have ANY control over the price of gas are sitting in the desert right now with towels on their heads. And until we start brewin' our own, their greasy dicks are going to be in our collective ass.

    Know what's cheap here in Southeastern Wisconsin? City water. Because everyone around here knows exactly where it comes from and that there's MILLIONS and MILLIONS of gallons of it. We're only going to pay so much. Same holds true for oil, I think. Maybe not the best analogy in the world, but do you get what I'm saying?

    What do you guys think?
    Muttley likes this.
  27. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,121


    it's a conspiracy....duh!

    (actually, I agree with you, no one is in control....except the guys running the oil rigs and refineries, and they can only control their own output, not the global output)
  28. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    $ 2.35 In DesMoines

    Oil Futures raised above $ 70.00 barrell today again over Iran telling the U.N. to go Fuck themselves on the nuclear bullshit and The Nigerian pipeline crews are gonna strike so enjoy it why you can boys.

    increase comming in 40 days

    I am a part invester (ipo ground floor) in a Ethanol refinery and about 20 more slated in the next two years here in Iowa.
    I figure - why not invest in these suckers. I just don't see how a loss can take place-plus I have my ups/ stops adjusted to cover the initial.

    Corn baby - Corn.

  29. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Just FYI guys.
    The USA gets most of its oil from:
    1. Canada
    2. Mexico
    3. Mid East
    3. Venezuela
    4 . Brazil
    5. Russia

    and the rest from the smaller middle east contries.

    The largest know reserves are in

    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Iran
    3. Gulf of Mexico
    4. Russia
    5 Venezuela
    6 Mid East
    7 Africa
    8 Brazil
    9 Alaska.

    We know from Hyper Thermal Global Scanning where 99% of the earths oil deposits are.

    In the US States / oil reserves
    1. Texas
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Pennsylvania
    4. Colorado/ Wyoming Shale oil
  30. The Brudwich
    Joined: Oct 3, 2005
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    The Brudwich

    There are ways for governments to influence gas prices, but they're not so secret. Remember when gas prices were high during the 2000 presidential election and GWB said something to the extent of, "If I were in office, I'd tell them to turn up the spigot." This, in fact, has worked in the past, and it worked for Bush senior during the Gulf War. Of course prices were still high during that time, but had it not been for Saudi Arabia agreeing to up its production by quite a bit prices would have been a lot higher. This was part of Saudi Arabia's special relationship with the United States, which has only recently ended due to a number of reasons. Likewise, a state or a cartel of oil producers can decide to decrease production to drive up prices.

    None of this is conspiracy. The situation we're seeing right now is that Saudi Arabia which has traditionally been a swing producer and thus could produce more oil during shortages is working at max capacity, and no longer has the ability to flood the market. It should be noted that as opposed to other oil producing countries, Saudi Arabia actually wants lower oil prices, say around $40 a barrel. Why? Because they have more oil than everyone else. They're not looking to get rich quick, they're looking for oil to support them for the next 50 years. The higher the price, the more likely an alternative too oil will be developed.

    So how can Bush affect prices before an election? By laying back on Iran, The more instability/uncertainty in the middle east, the higher the price of oil. If Bush were to pursue Iran before November 7, prices would skyrocket and the republican party would take a bath.

    Has Bush's foreign policy driven up the price of oil in the past several years? Again yes. 1. Iraq is no longer an oil producing country. 2. The region as a result of invasion and occupation has become destabilized. More instability equals higher prices.

    No conspiracies here, though there are a number of ways individuals/corporations could conspire to drop oil/gas prices.

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