Hell, ya already got the back taken care of. Score the matching 5 spokes for the front and be done. But you knew that. A light colored vehicle with those 5 spokes is a very good look.
4 junkyard steelies and hubcaps would be my choice. if you want something fancy then a new set of matching mag wheels. But not those douchy dub rims. Some classic mags or chromies with baby moons.
I'm a down to earth, blue collar hard working lad, and nothing says humble and honest work truck as steelies and hub caps! And nothing says DD of a racer or trad push truck as steelies all around and wider or reverse for the rear. And it looks very sleeper with them in body color. But this migth be this migth just be the thing to make it all that much harder to choise; But dark red, poverty rings and baby moon is to me that most classy look a truck can handle. But it also looks damn good to me.
Yep.... Are you a rodder or a farmer? If it's just a 'tool', then who gives a sh!t what wheels are on it? Steelies will look utilitarian pretty much no matter what unless the truck is lowered a bunch, at which point it's not much of a truck anymore. And yeah, the pre-68 Ford trucks had abysmal brakes. Ford enlarged the drums in '68, they were much better....
steel wheels no caps or......... a set of early sixties cad or lincoln hubcaps as if the old rancher took them off his car before he traded it in . shabby shiek?
I'm with 3WLarry, I like the steel wheels and caps but I feel like they should all be 7" wide max. 8" wide steelies make me think of those 80's throwback smoothie wheels that every fat fendered car had to have, usually with giant wide whitewall radials on it. Great question for the historians, when did 8" wide wheels become commonplace? I don't think they were used factory on anything until the 3rd gen Corvette, and tires would have been scarce, I would think.
Head scratcher ... but I want to say Mopar, 15 - 8 rallye ... and will guess that I'm probably wrong.
I'm with flatheadsmith on the spun aluminum moons on the steelies. Bigs 'n' littles for wheels and tires.
Option 4 - Chrome Reverse. followed closely by option 3 - simple, classy. A real man doesn't need to trumpet his presence.
Big tires on black steel wheels w/new bright cad plated stock type lug nuts all around makes it look muscular and business like. If they aren't too wide, put the 5 spokes on the front with wide black steelies on the rear for the street/race truck look. Never cared for the "body color" wheels and dog dish hub caps, too plain vanilla for a hot rod guy. Keep looking for some matching 5 spokes - hard to beat that look on that truck.