Yup still racing...it usually a nice break form the 24/7 car building thing. I say usually cause my arm still hurts when the weather changes... and we were at the Christmas Classic race in Columbus after Christmas a couple weeks ago and the wife broke her colar bone! We did start a Strange Motion race team, with a major sponsor of Kicker car audio, nothing fancy, just some jerseys and some parts discounts to help some kids out.
anyone here ever race at freedom hill county park here in michigan? i raced for metro bike and sport for a couple years. nbl member for 2 years, while 13 and 14 years old. ill never forget when i went to waterford oaks track , soooo bad ass. but man did i suck.
As a kid I used to race with my Skyway T/A just because I didn't know any better. Can't remember if I raced with the pegs on or not. Pretty bad ankle injury put a stop to it, but I wasn't much good anyway. I could do some pretty cool tricks on it, though. Now I just hit the skate parks with my mountain bike. At 175lbs I'm a little afraid to ride the Skyway anymore. It's 100% 1983 original with the exception of the rear tire and I'd hate to fold the frame or crush the rims.
Still riding bmx Saturnday it was the FAT-Jam in the Netherlands organized bij de Jong brothers. Special guast MCgoo. ckeck this link. http://www.fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3221 and some photo's of me taken bij fly'ndutch man Maurice Michael,
Both my brother (HAMBER,- Ampline) and my self both raced in the early 80's. J.M.C. Black Shadow still have it was my first and finished up riding a C.W. XL PRO model. We race at Boone Woods, A.B.A KY 1 in Boone County KY.a crazy down hill track, then we raced at Eastern Hill's (later to be called Riverstar NBL)in California Ohio, aaahhhhh The good ole' days. We made National races in Elkhart In. and South Bend a couple years and traveled across Ohio and Ind. for all the points races for a couple years as well. Anybody else on here ever race at any of these track's??????Would love to hear from any if so...
i had some friends that raced at boone woods...think tommy from the paint story raced there too...always wanted to go out there ...but we lived out pendleton county ...too far for the parents to drive...or so they said.... brandon
We started in 1971. I raced my 49 pound, 1949 Schwinn 26" balloon tire bike. Raced it at the first track in KC and beat up on all the baby bikes as it was long downhill track. We then built our own that we (Gary's Bike Mart) operated for a couple of years. I "grew up" to a Webco in 1975 and got my current DG in 1976. Check out these shots of then and now; it was a Webco on that cold day in Janaury 1975 but I still have the DG. Notice my cool number plate? We made them on a magnetic sign machines amd they were light weight. Also, I still have every copy of the BMX News papers and if anyone is interested, we scanned all of them and they are available on a DVD from www.VintageBMX.com. A heck of a lot of the history is contained on this DVD and we did it very professionally and in great format with very good scanner. Tom
I had a Huffy Pro Thunder and all my buddies had Red Lines, PK Rippers and Hutch bikes. Similar to how I feel now when I take the ole Nova Wagon to a show.
Wow! I can't believe this thread is here and I didn't see it before now. BMX is the reason I'm thrashing on the cars again. I've raced BMX on and off between injurys for the past 10 years. I had the season of my dreams last year racing for Factory Linder / Staats with 4 national wins in 46 - 50 CRU. That came to an abrupt end last August when I desimated my shoulder requiring one surgery, with two more on the way. It was worth it though as I ended up ABA NAG #8 without even going to the Grands. I started out again this year with Factory UFO, but the shoulder went south again. But all is well cause it landed me back here. It's cool to see so many BMX'ers into the Rod scene. Here's a pic from my last national race. Me on the left with fello racer John Letho....
I have a Powerlite that I just put back together that i need to start riding again. I'm a dirt jump and street kinda guy. I loved getting chased around Boston by all the bike cops. Good times!
some crazy hamber rode a bmx bike over my house a week ago. didnt know anyone still played with those things!
I used to race in like 83 at Starlite BMX in Fairfax, Va. Started on Murray and worked into a Hutch Pro that I bought from Rockville BMX(I actually ordered a Diamond Back but they were out of stock and sent me a new Black Chrome Hutch Pro Frame). Jay from Rockville BMX used to show up at the track in a Long van packed full with everything. Used to go see the Mike Buff and RL Osborne do the trick shows. man I miss all that ....After I got my first car, a vw is when bmx took a backseat.. started riding again in 92 in Knoxville with the fisher tire boys, and the Morbid Enterprises crew, was on a PK Ripper and S&M Holmes then. Still truck around on a mountain bike but it just aint the same..............this thread rocks.
Riding flatland was my life! I stood on the deck of a ramp in INDY when Mat Hoffman did the first flip (in the states in a contest)Met Matt Hoffman when he was fifteen. I told him he was gonna be the King of the SKateParks. He grinned like a jack ass and said no. Still ride a bit of Flat with the guys in my avatar once in awhile. Any guys on here from the old AFA days??
I met vic way back in89=90. He was a crazy bastard then and I bet he still is. Remember the Dirt Bros- Recycled skway ta's?
I raced at Azusa when I was a kid, then got into freestyle and flatland. Rode with Jesse Puente for a while. I actually still see him from time to time. He lives in Venice, CA now.
I started riding BMX when I was 12 in 1981. We raced at a track called Action Raceway here in El paso. We also circle track raced BMX bikes on a 1/16 mile track at the local speedway during intermission on race nights. I stopped when I was about 16 when I got a drivers license. I rode a Rampar, and later moved on to a Redline Proline model. I can still remember the big time names : Stu Thompson, Harry Leary, Bob Haro and others. I remember the bikes: Mongoose, Diamondback, Redline, Rampar, Hutch, PK Ripper, Torker, Kuwahara, Panda, Powerlite etc.
Ya,I did.#1 cruiser points champ in '82(NBL-Nor Cal) Still have the first proto-type MCS 240 magnum that came from florida.The best times-Partying with Frank Post(Wildman)At my house,getting to run a trophy dash with the pro's at 14(they laughed when I ate it) and wathching Larry Wilcox leave in a meat wagon at Azusa....GOOD TIMES!
I never rode competitively, but I've had many freestyle bikes... a Schwinn Predator (rear dropouts too long, it was a better dirt bike), a couple of Dyno Detours, a Haro Master (with built in bashgard), a Haro Sport (still have the frame in the rafters, along with some Fusion 3 piece 175's) and now I've got my little brothers GT Perfomer. I always wanted to ride Pro, but my parents discouraged it... it wasn't a "real job"... whatever that meant. Someday, I'd like to rebuild the Predator to my High School days, Dyno forks, drainpipe and H bars, the Fusion cranks, Peregrine 48's... Good times. Good times. Jay
I still ride a GT Dyno VFR that I built out of spare parts and stuff a few years ago. It's my daily blaster when it isn't raining (which is to say NOT OFTEN! Ha Ha!!). I've built and ridden several Redlines, Mongoose's and GTs over the years, but my current ride is the best I've ever had in my opinion! It's a keeper...FOR LIFE!!! Ha Ha Ha...Jack...you're just jealous, Bro!!!
i had a huffy with a cheater slick. cheater slick was spelled out on the chainguard with the c drawn as a wheel/slick doing a burnout underlining the rest of the letters. bmx was still years away, at least in the midwest.
My first race was at Azusa in 83. GT performer. Used to ride up there from West Covina in jeans, and helmet, race, then ride home, completely shot out tired. Got into Mountain bikes about 8 yrs ago, been racing at the National level in Downhill Mountain biking as of the last few years.
I stickered those frames. i think I even have a few o.g sticker packs laying around. Vics a lurker on here by the way. He called me today to tell me of the 31 ford coupe with a redram he is buildin. I will see him in 2 weeks. Hes comin up to help me get the willys ready to paint. DIRTBROS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just remembered that I used to ride at the Pipeline in Upland too. I was there on the last day that they were open -- probably made me cry more than when Optimus Prime died. haha I just wish I still had my membership card.
forgot about this thread til i saw it here again today, kinda cool alot of my of my old riding mates are now in the bigtime hitting all the major events in the states and worldwide for that matter gettin mag coverage.i rode heaps, got into hardcore music a little more and riding peetered off a bit but still continued spent a week in greenville nc with colin mackay and his wife in 2005 blew my knee out a month before getting there though and just had to hang out at all the ramps and parks,in the the past few year or so my liking for hardcore music and bmx has givng way completely to kustom cars and hotrods, it was in my blood from the begining was just a matter of time before it became my obsession i love my bmx but my body doesnt anymore ill never sell it though means to much too me.
I rode here on the East Coast, from about 1977 to 1982, Takara, Hutch, Pk Ripper and then a factory Puch....good times. Due to our weather, we had a few indooor tracks also, huge metal pole buildings, nothing better than pushing someone high around the last turn and watching thier bars clip a pole. That always looked like it hurt a little
I did in the 80s for a local shop called Max Cycles. Though I sucked at it in comparison to the competition, (I also rode motocross, sucked at that too) I was persuaded to try out the black art of road cycling and after my first few rides I was hooked. The up hills were hard but coming down faster than traffic was exhilarating! The Dandynong Ranges are good for the hills. Rode for the now defunct Bayswater City Cycles team until I joined the Army then on the Army Tri team. A major accident parachuting has ended any sport these days.
I still have my Thruster Tri-Power, I hot rod around with the guy that welded my frame in the early eighties while he worked at Speed Unlimited, raced at Middletown NY, Island Dragstrip had a track for several years that was pretty good, there were a couple of other tracks but I can't remember there names, one in Flemington, that sure was fun beginner trophy came on a Puch in 1978 ish