Used to race when I was a kid...still got my 1986 GT Mach One with DK neck!! Still ride it from time to time.
rode flatland and street from 85-02. Remember the AFA Days?? one of my best friends in the world still rides. chics and cars rule my life now. My 99 Quamen with Gt fork is currently available for purchase---$175
Last contest was King of the Skateparks in Del Mar. Lived next door to Donovan Ritter and got to ride his ramps. Good memories!!! -Jason
When I was 14 I used to race a Bike that I put together out of 12 different junk bikes. I took them all apart and weighed each piece. I built one bike out of all of the lightest pieces I had. When I was in collage the bike got stolen from me..... 6 months later I found it and stole it back. If my wife wants to go for a bike ride around town. I refuse to ride anything other than my good old 20".
Bicycles/go-karts/mini-bikes/Honda 90s/Triumph 650/55 Chevies..thats the natural progression right?..the BMX days were all 26 inch bikes for us, several dirt tracks around San Antonio/Austin..started off with stripped down Schwinn K5s then settled on the KOS Cruiser as it is pretty indestructable..used to ride all over Enchanted Rock and Lost Maples still they kicked us out and put a stop to that..still ride a custom 5spd KOS cruiser..I love the reference to battle scarred shins from bear trap petals, mine are kinda hard to look at...
I was the same way,had a Huffy Pro Lightning but once it was said and done,had a 2 piece sprocket,Takagi crank,Suzue hubs,Arraya Rims (self laced) Proneck II,Diamond back Pro Bars,and a Kashimax seat.......I think it was the most modded Huffy around and it had tear drop tubing,so it was very recognizeable. I had always wanted a PK Ripper myself or a Redline. Cool Thread
Yes the Kos, a great bike. Would you believe I got for 25 bucks? Sans rims and brakes though. I ride almost everyday, I own a bike shop. Bicycles are my true passion. I love my old 60's vans too, don't get me wrong. I love the cars but your bicycle was your first set of wheels, your first taste of freedom and the open air, your first love. I think we should not forget that as we get on in years. Besides, keeping on the bike means less years on the walker or wheelchair (your last set of wheels) and more enjoying life. Ride on. Below: my junk pile.
Got A Basement Full Of Stuff, I Was The Mechanic For My Kids, G.T., Redline, Schwinn, Mongoose. I Can't Give It Up, I'm Always Looking For Cool Bikes/parts. Just Found A 16" G.t. For My Grandaughter, One Time While At The Drags I Met Gary Turner And We Talked Bikes For Over A Hour. Great Memory, My Buddies Cound Not Understand, But I Was Very Happy, He Must Have Gave Me 50 Stickers
Damn, I havent thought of any of these old BMX companies in a long time. Takes me back to my youth. I raced from age 10 to 14. had blast. My first race bike was also the best x-mas gift I have ever recieved, a Diamond Back with red Skyway mags and red anodized accs. Also raced G.T., Mongoose, JMC, Powerlight, S.E., and the bike I wish I still had, my Torker with the small bottom bracket. Surfing and skating eventually took over but man I loved those BMX bikes!
Thats just whats fit in the camera view. Plus that is the junk stuff; all the good stuf is at the shop, in the house, or in the garage. or under the patio cover.
I'm hosting a bmx ride every Tuesday at my shop at 6pm. atomic cycles 17322 Saticoy Van Nuys, CA 91406
Raced in the early 80's in southern oregon, was pro for awhile, factory support patterson. I wish i still had all my old parts, especially the hutch parts as they and others are bringing top dollar! $775.00 for a pair of nos hutch cranks, and $540.00 for nos pedals, also saw a tim judge frame in decent shape sell for almost $600.00 i had it all.
Still have My Original Torker and a few others Torkers and Mongoose Motomag bikes plus bits and pieces. Most of the guys we used to all ride with had our bikes in the trunk after we got our first cars , made it real awkward when we got pulled over by cops .
I raced back in the late 70's & early 80's at Corona Raceway and Kevin Mcneils Track in Riverside.I had a Mongoose,Powerlite.I also skateboarded.
I Hired a guy as a salesman in 1970, became good freinds, used to go to dinner at his house. his 2 sons were around 10 years old. His name was Vance Patterson, and his sons both became BMX champs. About a year or so ago they were in San Diego (I Think) for the opening of the BMX hall of Fame.
Surprised this has lasted this long lol. But that being said, I always wanted to race but there are no tracks around here. Bought an '97 Schwinn SuperStock point 3 new with money I saved up. Rode it till I was old enough to drive then it when up in the garage.
I was into it when I was a kid 3 concussions .I use to jump anything cricks ,Cars ,Sidewalks ,Im to old now to ride,I bought a cheap bike 2 years ago to go riding with the kids,I have mild nerve damage in my right leg .so the doctors say ,,Anyway my leg gives out ,So thats my story and I have a bike to sell.......I had a Kuwahara and the bike weighed 20 to 22 pounds
I haven't in a few years. I still have my old PK Ripper hanging around in my basement. I rode mostly dirt and a bit of street. There were a few guys from my area that I used to ride with that went on to ride for Standard. I haven't seen them in quite a while but I think they still ride... as far as I know, at least.
I raced for a while as a teen. Then mainly rode flat land freestyle. This is my 1987 Redline RL-20II. I just had it restored,it was origonaly black but went with red. It has the origonal chrome,new powder coating,sticker, fork lifter bars, redline stem and seat clamp,aluminum fluted seat post, 90's era redline 48 spokes, repop cranks. I love it.Dan
I am not amazed that this thread has lasted as long as it has.. I still occasionally get out my bike (a newer FELT) I would love to find a nice set of JMC forks if anybody has any to finish up my 1980 JMC BLACK SHADOW, hell I would settle for a set of TANGE or OG landing gear.. I am still a BMX'er at heart and miss everyday the fun I had doing it... I get a kick out of meeting guys at car shows the tell me about how they used to race or ride park.. I kinda snicker a bit when I hit th parks, or hear people talking about the parks.. I'm showing my age, but I remember in 81 and in 82 riding from our house 10 plus miles just to hit a jump.. Or taking the ferry to the west side of Cincinnati just to ride a school that had banks in the parking lot.. I only wish we had parks around when I was riding seriously, but not having perfect banked ramps and bowls made us way better riders on different terrain.. I hit parks occasionally and have a best time just carving the bowls.. with screws and rods in my spine and 2 fubared shoulder surgeries, I try to take it easy but sometimes my balls are bigger than my brains.. and well we all know where that gets Keep this thread up guys....
Man, when I was a kid I tried every trick in the book. Went through alot of bikes and lots of injuries. I still ride.....Im 44 and ride a beach cruiser, but I enjoy the hell out of it. This thread sure has brought back some great memories.