Yes, it's off-topic but right in line with what the vast majority of us love. I had this incredible link emailed to me and I think a lot of you guys will enjoy it too. It's a little over 25 minutes long (nearly 30 with the credits) and worth the time to watch!
That was truely awsome. I just kept hopeing that the planes numbers came up to be the origanal Feburary, that would have been the iceing on the cake.
Thank you!...That is a awesome story, so many times I think we do not give The Greatest Generation the thanks they deserve.
Cool story thanks man . If you want to see warbirds preform like they were ment to atend the reno air race in September coolest thing I've ever seen.The fastest motor sport in the world.
Thank you for posting this. For sure these gentlemen and their war birds are a special breed. I saw a P-51 Mustang at the Experimental Aviation Museum in Oshkosh Wisconsin last week. It is part of their WWII aircraft section. What an amazing aircraft. Right behind it is a Rolls Royce engine on a stand, valve covers removed. My first thought was, "How would this engine do in a car?" Dumbass me! lol The place is well worth a visit.
There was an article in one of the warbird mags about this a few months back. I haven't seen the video, but "February" was at Thunder over Michigan this summer. Dumb me, I didn't think to get a picture of it.! Thanks for the link! JK
Thank you for posting this film nice to see there are still some people in this world that give these men such love and respect. To see Mr. Brooks grandkids with such pride of their grandfather is truly a beautiful thing. Keeps my Dad's memory alive inside me just watching as he was a RCAF mechanic during WWII . Thanks , Rob.
Thanks, made me a little verklempt. Great story. We have P51-C coming to the Montgomery NY Airfield with a B-17 & 24 on 10-1 -10-4-10...its always a treat to see the old girls. the planes.
That was an great. Not gonna lie I cried a little, both my grandfathers were in WWII and one was the top turret gunner on a B-17. Wish they were still here, so I could talk with them again.
Glad so many of you liked this as much as I did. Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII too, one Army, one Navy. Both saw plenty of action and had great stories. Stories to make any American proud. I shed a few myself. That was the second best 1/2 hour of my night!
For 9/11 a few weeks ago a couple of P-51s did the flyover before the start of the Nebraska-Idaho football game. When I heard a pair of Merlins screaming in from the north, I knew immediately what was coming. "Why couldn't they have had a cool plane like a Stealth bomber fly over" my wife said to me. "Honey, those were P-51 Mustangs - there's NOTHING cooler than that, and those Merlins are magic to my ears!" She got her wish this past weekend with a 4-plane formation of F-16s, but was nothing compared to those '51s! On the other hand, one of the few WWII stories my father told me was in the fall of 1944, outside of Kornwesthiem (north of Stuttgart), he decided not to go to the Luftschutzkeller (that's air raid shelter for you non-German speakers) from the fourth floor of his barracks when the air-raid siren went off, and got a first-hand look at a pair of P-51s at work strafing anti-aircraft batteries just outside his window. After their first pass, he made a bee-line down the stairs.