wife and I are planning a move out the salt snow belt (MN) in a year or two to the Boise/Eagle ID area , and need some info like climate , real estate prices ,prevailing wage for conveince store manegers and foremost to me -CAR climate as to body rust-salt on roads?,rods accepted/hasseled,drag strips,ride hight (air bags legal?) ,titling projects-out of state(mine)titled or not,clubs etc.,you know the usual car guy concerns.thanks
http://www.firebirdonline.com/ http://www.srv.net/%7Ejxc/clubs.html http://www.usri.org/calendar.htm http://www.usri.org/welcome.htm USRI membership is 5 bucks a year and keeps the legislature from screwing with the car laws. Also puts out a great schedule. Look at the links on the bottom of the USRI pages for laws in Idaho. Idaho requires windshield wipers, they don't however require a windshield! Cruise nights at Big Rocky's drive in. It snows there but it's better than my side of the state as it's only like 2700 ft and it's 5000 ft high here on the east side. Lots of rod runs and shows. Not a lot of trad cars tho, mostly street rods. If you can get along with a little billit, there's plenty of rods there.
Dgass, when I lived there (Southeast Idaho) they used cinders on the roads instead of salt. For weather (year round) go to Yahoo weather and get the town you are looking for and click "Records and averages". It gives a nice concise rundown. Hope this helps. Wayno
Thanks guys I am mainly concerned w the weather and car stuff , but as long as I was asking I threw in the job + real estate things ($40-60.000), how are they about titling old cars say a no titled project or barn car? My Granddaughter(6)+ Dad + his parents live in Eagle,so I would'nt be going out there dry(knowing no one),with my on going health problems and my wifes arthritis, MN taxes(2nd or third highest in the country,top 5 for sure) + poor D.O.T. car acceptance, we gotta get outta here.
http://www3.state.id.us/idstat/TOC/49FTOC.html That's the vehicle codes. Here's the USRI advice on titles. Includes the title investigator's contact info. http://www.usri.org/title.htm As for Convience Store managing, you don't have to speak Farsi or Thai here. Most employees speak American.
another issue I really DON'T Want to deal is with my having at least 2 projects going at all times I don't want any hassles witrh those dumb assed no car work city/neighborhood rules,visible uncovered, ok, I see it, but in my driveway covered or in my fenced backyard, much less inside MY garage, NO!
<font color="red">The pacific northwest is GOD'd country man.......I have lived in the Seattle area most my life.......been all over the USA and most of Europe and find it hard to beat for diversity of climate/terrain and the quality of people(me excluding).....I will never live any where else.....oh and yes Idaho is essentially "eastern Washington"! R E D M E A T </font>