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OT: Question on what you would do in my place..

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by KnuckleDragger, Oct 22, 2005.

  1. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    Sorry to take up space on the board, but I would like a little feed back on what I should do? This morning I was repairing the door on my screened in porch/ dog kennel. As I was building a new frame for the door I noticed a bee bee (sp) pellet on the ground when I picked it up I noticed it had blood on it. I took a minute from the job and looked around and found a couple more bee bee’s. Now I live out in the middle of no where I only have 2 neighbors and only one of them has voice dislike for my dogs. I'm not accusing the old man that lives behind me but what do you think I should do. Should I call the cops? Is this even important enough to involve them with? Should I confront the old fart and make him crap in his depends? Or should I board up my porch so that taking a shot at them is almost impossible? I live on over a half acre of land so he is legally trespassing on my land, but I have no proof of it. What should I do? Sorry that this is so off beat from the regular discussion, but my dogs are really special to me since my fiancé and I are not able to have children. Again sorry for the rant but I just don’t know what to do?

  2. bobx
    Joined: Apr 17, 2004
    Posts: 1,060

    from Indiana

    i pray that im never in your shoes on this one.

    my dogs are also my kids.

    thats a tough one brother...think it through, what ever you do.

    good luck.
  3. Missouri_Mike
    Joined: Jul 3, 2003
    Posts: 166


    I think I'd hedge towards calling the cops....I understand the urge to handle it yourself, but by going over and confronting him (particularly if you're intimidating, frightening, etc) you run the risk of ending yourself up on the wrong side of Johnny Law. They may not be able to press charges, but if your local cops are cool at all, maybe they'd just pay him a friendly visit to remind him of the consequences of such things...

    Best of luck to ya, man. My fiancee and I are the same way with our pets. I can't imagine how pissed I'd be if I found out someone was fucking with them.
  4. Tha Driver
    Joined: May 11, 2005
    Posts: 903

    Tha Driver
    from S.E. USA

    Call the police & have them come out & file a report. You're going to need all the documentation you can get when this thing blows up & you have to go to court (& it will - he's not going to stop if you don't do anything).
    Then if you can afford it buy a camera system that records. When you catch him on tape have him arrested for criminal trespassing & cruelty to animals.
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"

    America - made in China! :mad:
  5. FuelFC
    Joined: Feb 12, 2003
    Posts: 764


    Call cops. Tell them to get person before you do.

    Same as previous posters my dogs are always seeming to be higher in ranking than my kid. Mainly because they do not ask for money and protect everything around here without question. Oh and they never talk back and always give unconditional love and respect.

    Good thing for me this is not happening at my place as I am sure I would be going to jail at some point.
  6. Call the cops...

    Cruelty to animals is just as bad as people. Wprse. actually, because pets can't speak out against their attacker.

    Then, shoot him in the throat with a BB gun, from the bushes. The hole will be big enough, in his jugular vein, to bleed to death... Then, he'll understand your distaste for his actions.

  7. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I was thinking of repaying him the favor for shooting my dogs by rattling the shit out of his trailor with my pellet gun. Its a fully auto 6mm pellet gun that shoots 400 fps and has a cycle rate of 650 rounds a minute, and it has a silencer on it I just don't think the police in my town is going to care. My neighbor has lived here forever and is probally related in some way to the town sheriff( which my town only has 2 active police officers in it). I just dont want to come home one night and find my dogs hurt really bad from the act of some ones dislike?

  8. Put up an electric fence. If he has to enter your property, that will slow him down.
  9. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    And kill me with my electric bill. I was thinking that I just cannot afford some thing along those line. I want to put up a fence but I dont have the coin for that either. My property is completely open. I dont even have enough money to finish remodeling the inside of my house I have bare dry wall for walls and no flooring.

  10. Go over and show him your new .45.

    And then tell him how important your dogs are to you.

    Then walk away.
  11. FiddyFour
    Joined: Dec 31, 2004
    Posts: 9,024


    i like mikes thinking,,, but add one line in there about how hard it is to silence the "voices" ever since your stay in the state hospital;)
  12. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I should post the pic of my MP5 N I have. Full auto and silenced. I wonder if that would have the same affect as showing a .45??

    Joined: Apr 13, 2005
    Posts: 1,485

    from TUCSON

    call the cops for sure! the biggest reason is because at least they have it on record that your having problems with the neighbor IN CASE YOU DO FUCK HIM UP! or end up threatening him.

    if you call the cops it protects you. then i would put some type of partition so he cant get to them.

    thirdly,.... you should send me his address so the next time im in your town, I CANT KICK THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!!!!!!

    animal cruelty is unacceptable!
  14. jersey fink
    Joined: Feb 11, 2005
    Posts: 385

    jersey fink
    from jersey

    YA gotta take em out
  15. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    One of the reasons I am hesitent on calling the police is because my dogs do get out every now and then. The can eat through anything. Dry wall, plywood, 2x4, chicken wire, metal screen, and pull out 16 penmny nails. When I get home from work they are always in my yard. But I dont know if they go into his yard. I dont want to accuse him of shooting my dogs and then get in trouble for letting my dogs run free. But he has openly expressed his loathing for my dogs. Thats why i dont know what to do. I have even tried chaining them to the porch and they have eaten their harnesses off. I am going to rebuild my porch again on my weekend with spare sheets of plywood I have and go buy some dog fence wire mesh to try and keep them in. I know its partly my fault because they do get out every now and then. But he shot them while they were in my porch. I know I wouldnt want to be trapped some where so some one go plug off rounds at me, but the police would still look at it as they got out. I'm screwed....

  16. squigy
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 3,915

    from SO.FLO.

    you may wanna get the dogs checked.make sure they dont have any pellets in them..then call the fuzzz make a report.
    get your self a security cam, or even motion sensors with lites.
    keep your gun close and when them lites come on start to shoot!
  17. Morrisman
    Joined: Dec 9, 2003
    Posts: 1,602

    from England

    Get some chain round their necks. We had the same problem with our: they'd gnaw each others collars off, until we bolted chain on.

  18. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I tried to chain them up but there is now where to run the chain. I may just have to get a concrete drill and chain them to the floor. But then they are even more of sitting ducks..

  19. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,260


    Sounds like your neighbor is part of the "good ole boy" network and you are not. But you still gotta get all this on record with the police report or you are gonna be screwed if this gets worse.He obviously doesn't like you now, so what the hey! You gotta do what's best for you and your dogs. You just might end up on the Judge Judy show if you do something rash.
  20. Do this after you call the cops... If you put something up to keep the dogs in, there are cheap ways to keep them from gnawing on it to get out.. spray some really hot sauce or the bitter apple spray they sell at the pet store on whatever they chew through... they won't do it long once they figure out thats were the heat is coming from.
  21. riverrat
    Joined: Feb 9, 2005
    Posts: 309


    what the hell kind of dogs eat their harnesses and chains off? maybe the man was trying to protect himself. i l live in a small town with a lot of summer residents, and we have a leash law that no one pays any attention to. most of the problems are related to the owners , not the dogs. most owners think their dogs can do no wrong. we have dogs that bark all nite long,and leave dogshit everywhere.riverrat
  22. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,260


    Sort of reminds me of when I cut down my neighbor's 10 foot high hedge down to 5 feet while he was away in church. He comes home and asks me if I was the one who cut down his hedge. I say, "Yes." He was not a happy camper and just turned around and went back inside his house and I went back to mine. Next thing I know, a policeman is knocking at my door. My life got complicated pretty darn quick. So don't do anything stupid that will make you feel better at the moment but will cause you grief later!
  23. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I hear where your coming from. But on the other hand if he had shot my dogs on his property and had not walked onto mine and shot them while they were in a enclosed area. I would still be mad but understanding. This guy just doesnt like me, his wife picks fruit off of my trees in the back of my lot and then throws the core back on to my property... I have been talking to them both and seen both of them do it, when I asked what they were doing they replied with " theres nothing back here except trees and weeds". I do my best to keep them on the porch. as for your cooment on what type of dogs chew threw their harnesses, well they are still puppies and dogs will chew anything they can get a hold of. I am not making it out that I am doing no wrong I know when my dogs get out that I am responsible for any damage they do. I know dogs can do wrong, and my dogs only bark when someone is on our property or walking in front of it. I am not trying to make excusses for my dogs and playing them only as a victim. I have no clue what they are into when I am not home. But I am doing my best to try and keep them on their property but when someone comes onto my property to take shots at them is wrong in any way you look at it.

  24. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    The cops will do nothing, there is really nothing they can do. They will tell you that unless you or they have actually seen this happen there is nothing they can do. We had kids across the street shooting the neighborhood up with BB guns, broke my picture window, and the cops said unless they are caught in the act there is nothing they can do. These cops didn't even go talk to their parents. I would still call the cops, so that is is officailly know that you've had a problem, then when you catch the guy on your property with a gun you can beat his ass and call it self defense.
  25. FiddyFour
    Joined: Dec 31, 2004
    Posts: 9,024


    why the 9mm... i know i know,,, the ammount of ammo makes up for lack of punch:eek::p
  26. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I used to have a H&K .45 carbine. But the rounds are really expensive so I sold so I could rebuild my 440.

  27. I'm going to take the other guys side here. You are obligated to keep your dogs under control. Maybe your dogs have been terrorizing the neighborhood and even killing livestock. The neighbor has no right to shoot onto your property, but it sounds like you've had confrontations with him over the dogs in the past. Probably not over activities on YOUR propertry either. The dogs are just being dogs. I don't have all the facts, but it sounds like YOU have been the irresponsible asshat in this issue. If you can't control your animals, you shouldn't have them. It's cruel to the dogs to keep them chained, but that still doesn't excuse letting them run wild. Maybe you should fine a GOOD home for these dogs and apologize to the guy next door. My wise old pop used to say that the first you need to know in order to train a dog is more than the dog. He, as usual, was correct.

  28. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I agree with you Chili. I never said it was right for my dogs to get out. I agree that it is irresponsible of me that my dogs have gotten out in the past. Yes I have confronted my neighbor on the fact that my dogs get out. I have asked him if they go onto his property and destroy anything. He has always told me no ,that my dogs play in their yard and bark when someone walks by when I am not home. I agree that it is cruel to chain a dog up but if it prevents them from getting out then that is a choice that will have to be made. I agree with you pops as to a dog is more than just a dog. Thats why I am extremley upset that he came onto my property to shoot at them. But for the part as to you have to "know" in order to train. How do you know to be a father unless you do first, no matter how much you read or study some thing you never truely learn until you DO.

  29. randydupree
    Joined: May 19, 2005
    Posts: 667

    from archer fl

    i'd booby trap my yard with lots of nails driven into boards,then burried in the yard,make sure you post signs saying the area is booby trapped,i did this on my property and got in trouble with the cops,only because it was not posted as being booby trapped..the cops stepped on the nails!!
  30. KnuckleDragger
    Joined: Aug 21, 2004
    Posts: 536


    I know lots of ways to booby trap I still have a lot of trip wire and sorts from when I was in the Marine Corps. But I dont think I want to go that way just yet. PLus that would be a bitch to cut the grass. Have to constantly patch tires.


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