ran across this great website that has picture of rare prototype and one off modified world war two era aircraft, hope it has not been posted before..... http://rareaircraf1.greyfalcon.us/UNITED STATES.htm click on the icon at the bottom of the page to view other countries
Good stuff! That B-17 with the turbo prop mounted in the nose has been totally restored, was a cover feature in a Warbirds issue within the past year.
Shame they fell for the "single engined B17" pic. Its photoshopped, I´ve seen the original with all five engines.
I had to wonder when I saw the single engine B-17. Not enough surface area on the propeller. Some of those wings and landing gear combinations are just far out.
It's great looking at the old piston engine aircraft. The P47 N was supposed to be the fasted piston prop plane of WW2 with a claimed 507 mph in level flight.
Awesome, I just love the WWII X planes. The early 50s and some 60s were nice too. Not many planes as good looking or as awesome as the XB-79 Valkyrie! For a fast prop plane do yourself a favor and look up the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation CA-15, to this day the fastest prop aircraft that was destined for production. Did anyone pick up where the cockpit on the Abrams Explorer can also be seen? Kinda like the XP-75, built from existing aircraft parts (honest, all of it was! Stop gap build from hell) Junior, thanks for that. Doc.
Ohh, forgot to mention how cool is the XP-50 Skyrocket? The short nose moder (Ala Blackhawk) is about the sexiest twin ever built! Doc.
saw this on ebay, from the same set as that one posted. that first plane looks like its 2 planes put together.
This site brings shameful thoughts. Isn't it a shame that most of these great aircraft companies are gone? Isn't it a shame that Boeing, one of the last, is constantly under assault by some government committee? It is shameful that the award for the next generation tanker was awarded to French built Airbus? (Although, because of such an uprising, it is being reviewed although it was touted as a Northrup deal). What about Marine One being awarded to Augusta/Westland (Italian-Anglo)? Sikorsky wasn't good enough although they've been doing is since there was a Marine One.The next thing you know Air Force One will be an Airbus. What has this country come to when our most treasured aircraft has been awarded (farmed out) to foreign counties? Bull Shit, Bull Shit, Bull Shit !!!!!!